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Salem-News.com (Mar-14-2014 14:16)

SRI LANKA: Mother & Daughter of a Family of the Disappeared Abducted by Security Forces

Trans National Government of Tamil Eelam urges UN to act.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Tamil family of disappeared A Tamil Mother and a daughter of a family of the disappered have been abducted by the Sri Lankan Security Forces.

The Daughter Ms Vibushika who is 13 years old and her mother Mrs Jeyakumari who were abducted, were very active in peacefully holding rallies to find the whereabouts of her two disappeared brothers during UN High Commissioner Pillai's and British Prime Minister Camaroon's visit to Sri Lanka.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-14-2014 13:11)

UNHRC Drama in Geneva - Waves Of Tamil Protest Moves On

The heat is on for Sri Lanka, answering to charges of massive ethnic cleansing and Genocide in 2009.

(MELBOURNE) - Tamil solidarity Tamils from all over the world, about 10,000 in number, converged in Geneva to register their protests against the ongoing Human Rights violations in Sri Lanka.

They also wanted the US submitted resolution to strengthened to include Credible International, Independent Investigation into the Genocide that took place in Mullivaaikkal in May 2009.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-14-2014 11:03)

Tamil Activist Detained in Sri Lanka

The police said they were taken to the town of Vavuniya for a medical examination and from there to Kilinochchi, near their home, where Mrs Balendran would appear before a magistrate.

(COLOMBU BBC) - Tamil women have been demanding information about their missing relatives The police in Sri Lanka have arrested a prominent Tamil activist who has been campaigning against political disappearances.

They say the woman, Jeyakumari Balendran, was arrested with her young daughter on suspicion of harbouring a criminal.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-12-2014 21:47)

Sri Lanka. Rape of Tamil Women, Men and Children by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces

This is a 7 page synopsis of a 73 page article published by me on International Women’s Day – 8 March 2014.

(BRISBANE) - Tamil rape Rape is defined in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC):

“Rape is a form of sexual violence during which the body of a person is invaded, resulting in penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim, with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or other part of the body”.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-12-2014 01:11)

Sri Lanka: Rape, Murder, Fear and Death Under the UNHRC Microscope

Victims of Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhist madness.

(SALEM) - Tamil nation There is nothing moral about the Sri Lankan government, in fact President Majinda Rajapakse exhibits a most immoral style, sharing traits with world leaders like Binjamin Netahyahu, Slobodan Milošević, Pol Pot and Adolf Hitler.

He's a bona fide Génocidaire, intent on eliminating a minority culture that prevents his country from being an ideal Sinhala Buddhist nation.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-11-2014 22:21)

Statement from Hon. M.K. Shivajilingam, Member of Northern Provincial Council, Sri Lanka

Presented to the UN Diplomats in Geneva, Switzerland on March 10, 2014

(GENEVA) - Hon. M.K.Shivajilingam, Member of Northern Provincial Council, Sri Lanka Your Excellencies, Honorable Members of the UN Human Rights Council, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am an elected Member of Northern Provincial Council in Sri Lanka, and I stand here today in front of you as a voice of the victimized Tamil people in Sri Lanka.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank and appreciate all of you and the International Community for tirelessly working to bring justice to the Tamil people.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-11-2014 00:58)

Good, Bad and Ugly of the Draft Resolution in UN HRC

The Tamils in the North and East in the island of Sri Lanka have some similarities to the Biafran people.

(PARIS) - Former President of Nigeria General Yakubu Gowon with Kirubaharan Looking at history, we see there have been political and ethnic conflicts attempting secession from aggressors. Some were successful, a few are pending and a very few had sad endings.

It is too early to consider whether the political and ethnic conflict of the Tamils in the Island of Sri Lanka has to come to an end.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-11-2014 00:14)

Statement by TNA Leader Mr. R. Sampanthan and Northern Province Chief Minister Justice C.V. Wigneswaran

"... there is no reconciliation taking place in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has done nothing meaningful towards reconciliation, instead involved in land grabs, settlements, demographic changes, military occupation, coercive contraceptive methods and ongoing human rights violations."

(GENEVA) - TNA Leader Mr. R. Sampanthan I would like to take this opportunity to thank and appreciate all of you and the International Community for tirelessly working to bring justice to the Tamil people.

I would like to thank specifically the U.S., other sponsors and supporting countries for bringing the resolutions on Sri Lanka at the UNHRC in 2012 and 2013 and their continued leadership in ensuring justice to the victims.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-09-2014 18:44)

Sri Lanka: New Video Evidence of Grotesque Violations

The video was independently authenticated by a respected digital image analyst who often works for the British courts.

(LONDON) - Frame from newly released video of sexual abuse of dead women. There has been no shortage of distressing images emerging from the final two or three years of Sri Lanka's awful civil war. But this footage is amongst the worst I have seen, writes Callum Macrae.

Warning: viewers may find footage in the below report extremely disturbing. Not because of the scale of the deaths it depicts – five deaths is a small incident in a war which saw upwards of 40,000 civilians massacred in the last few months alone, mostly by government shelling.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-09-2014 17:43)

Sri Lanka: Remedial Justice for Tamils - Justice Delayed; Justice Denied International Investigation Now: TGTE`s Booklet

UN Human Rights Council 2014: Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam's (TGTE) Publication

(LONDON) - Sri Lanka: Remedial Justice for Tamils - Justice Delayed; Justice Denied International Investigation Now: TGTE's Booklet This Booklet“Remedial Justice for Tamils: Justice Delayed; Justice Denied - International Investigation Now”is issued by the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) to coincide with the opening of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Session in Geneva this month.

This Booklet was produced by the TGTE’s Center for the Prosecution and Prevention of Genocide. It is a transnational collaborative work of academics and activists.

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