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About Sri Lanka articles Page 24

Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-02-2013 23:55)

Hurray ! Hurray ! ~ Once again it’s May Day !!!

(LOS ANGELES) - Far, far away...
Where the sun shines away…
Paramount desires of the public, lay…

One day in reaching them,
They certainly may…
Endure obstacles, all along the way,
At times causing a gaze to sway,

Read Full Article (May-02-2013 22:02)

Bishop Warns of `Buddhist Taliban` in Sri Lanka

Hindu temples and Christian churches have been destroyed and frequently replaced with Buddhist structures.

(GALLEM, Sri Lanka) - Buddhist Taliban brigade visits USA Bishop Raymond Wickramasinghe of Gallem, Sri Lanka, is seeking the prayers of the faithful worldwide as the nation’s Christians and Muslims suffer persecution from Bodu Bala Sana (BBS), the “Buddhist Taliban.”

The Fides news agency reported that Buddhist monks were involved in 50 attacks on Christians in 2012.

Read Full Article (Apr-27-2013 13:39)

The `Hidden Hand` in the `Killing Fields of Sri Lanka` Exposed: It`s India!

There is an untold story about how New Delhi became instrumental in the brutality and the present inhuman sufferings of Sri Lankan Tamils.

(CHENNAI) - Sri Lanka war crime protest The air has been full with the “Killing Fields of Sri Lanka”, the Channel 4 documentary.

The visuals showed naked Tamil prisoners shot in the head, dead bodies of naked women who had been raped and dumped on a truck and other atrocities committed by the Sri Lankan armed forces...

Read Full Article (Apr-25-2013 22:52)

People Rise Up Against SL Military Seizure of Valikaamam in Jaffna

Mahinda Rajapaksa says he liberated Tamils. But, from whom is not clear... - Dr Vickramabahu Karunaratne

(JAFFNA, Srl Lanka TamilNet) - Protest in Jaffna Hundreds of people braved the hurdles put up by the Sri Lankan military Wednesday in front of the District Secretariat in Jaffna.

They protested the systematic seizure of their already SL-military occupied lands in Valikaamam North, transforming the former ‘High Security Zone’ area into a permanent Sinhala Military Zone (SMZ).

Read Full Article (Apr-25-2013 18:09)

Indian News Magazine Highlights Accelerated Sinhalization of Sri Lanka`sTamil North

Already 165 Sinhala families have been resettled in Kokkachchaankulam, which is to be renamed...

(CHENNAI TamilNet) - Sinhalisation of the Tamil Homeland takes several shades.

One is land grabbing and changing the names of villages and roads. The next is replacing Hindu temples with Buddhist temples.

Read Full Article (Apr-22-2013 10:22)

Mahinda Rajapaksa and His Despicable and Degraded Morals

Mahinda Rajapaksa also knows he is on death row, for sooner than later he is going to be apprehended and brought to justice.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - Rajapakse protest These are the irrefutable, immutable laws of the universe, no one has the power to overcome or over rule these laws, for some strange reason Mahinda Rajapaksa thinks otherwise, either he is an ignoramus or an man with a defective gene.

The universe will ultimately dispense the right amount of justice, he has no control over it.

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2013 18:36)

Sri Lanka President Urged to Contain Buddhist Attacks on Muslims

They are using abusive language when referring to our religious practices and publicly calling for a boycott of businesses run by Muslims...

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - Sri Lanka President Majinda Rajapaksa In a letter to President Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka, Mr. N.M. Ameen, President Muslim Council of Sri Lanka has urged the President to contain attacks on Muslims by Buddhist extremists.

He says groups are using the traditional and social media, public meetings, posters, leaflets, and the circulation of rumours and misinformation insulting Muslims to inculcate a sense of fear and hatred

Read Full Article (Apr-20-2013 14:50)

Ragged Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees Spend Weeks in Boat Before Reaching Australia

They were fleeing a oppressive occupation that carries out terrible acts against Hindu and Christian Tamils with no fear of reprisal.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Tamil boat refugees Proof of the Tamil's suffering made a showing in recent days in Australia.

66 ragged Sri Lankan Tamils, many of them women and children, sailed into Geraldton port undetected by border authorities.

Read Full Article (Apr-19-2013 12:05)

SRI LANKA: Udayan Arson Attack: Secrets Unraveled

Fingers point toward Maj. Pathirane, who reportedly was instructed to carry out the act by Maj. Gen Haturusinghe.

(JAFFNA) - Newspaper office and presses were burned by government forces in Jaffna The Udayan newspaper office in Jaffna was set on fire on the instructions of Jaffna Army commanding officer Major General Mahinda Haturusinghe, and the arson had been committed by an army team under the Gajaba regiment.

This, according to Lanka e news inside information division.

Read Full Article (Apr-18-2013 14:53)

Attack on Tamil Daily in Sri Lanka. UN Urged to Intervene: TGTE

Tamil daily newspaper journalists, printing press and offices were repeatedly attacked by armed groups to intimidate and to silence Tamil newspapers.

(LONDON) - Armed men stormed a Sri Lanka newspaper office and opened fire, they also set the printing press on fire. Tamil journalists were repeatedly attacked and killed.

As a result, Tamil areas are saturated with Sri Lankan Military; the ratio is one soldier for every four civilians, the highest in the world.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
