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Boycott CHOGM 2013: Walking into Genocidal Sri Lanka - At what Cost to the Commonwealth? TGTE

A Booklet by Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE)

(LONDON) - Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam The objective of this Booklet is to underline the obligation of Commonwealth member states to boycott CHOGM 2013 and suspend Sri Lanka from the Commonwealth.

A state that has been accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide is not representative of the ideals and values held by such a distinguished organization like the Commonwealth.

Read Full Article (Nov-07-2013 15:05)

Genocidaire on Yale`s campus

It is clear that Sri Lankan Ambassador Palitha Kohona unabashedly supports the Sri Lankan government's illegal war against Tamils.

(NEW HAVEN, CT) - Sri Lankan Ambassador Palitha Kohona In May 2009, after a carefully negotiated surrender, a ragged group of Tamil fighters and their wives and children attempted to surrender to the Sri Lankan government.

They were told to raise a white flag as they walked slowly to the government, then summarily executed within minutes.

Read Full Article (Nov-07-2013 14:39)

Pakistani Christian Family in Hiding Pleads for UN Help, Fears for Lives

"We are so helpless, I can't explain (how much.) Can you imagine, two governments are after us" - 29-year old Sadia Khan

(COLOMBO The Christian Post ) - Amala and Sadia Khan in a webcam photo taken at an undisclosed location. A Pakistani Christian family currently in hiding and living in poor condition in Sri Lanka are pleading with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to grant them refugee status, as they fear they might be killed if they are brought back to Pakistan.

"We need help," 29-year old Sadia Khan directly stated to The Christian Post in a phone interview on Tuesday. "We are now seven months in hiding."

Read Full Article (Nov-07-2013 13:40)

White Van Stories: a Film by Leena Manimekalai

Nobody knows where you are. You are no longer a recorded statistic of society. You just don’t exist anymore.

(CHENNAI) - White Van Stories They hijack your lives. By the shadows of night; by the piercing light of day. They come for you in aggressive military green. Sometimes in cunning civilian shades. They grab you by the throat without reason; they collar your shoulder without a warrant. Like slaves to savages you are led against your will.

You are forced to leave behind a home of broken spirits to lament your loss; loved ones who will tirelessly look for you.

Read Full Article (Nov-06-2013 12:24)

Pro-Tamil leaders Inaugurate Mullivaikal Memorial Museum

The sculptures have been fashioned based on the line drawings rendered by artist Veera Santhanam and have been carved out by Mamallapuram Sthapathi Murugan and his team.

(CHENNAI) - Tamil victims of war crimes carried out by the Sri Lankan government are honored at a new museum in Mullivaikkal Ninaivu Muttram. Mullivaikkal Ninaivu Muttram, a memorial for the Sri Lankan Tamils who lost their lives in the bloody war in Sri Lanka has come up in Vilar road near Thanjavur.

A brainchild of World Tamils Confederation, this memorial is the only sad reminder of the dead Tamils in Sri Lanka where each and every remnant of the war with the tiger rebels has been wiped out by the Sri Lankan Army, including the house where LTTE supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran lived.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 18:03)

India Shouldn`t Have Denied Visa to Callum Macrae

No Indian visa for Sri Lanka war documentary maker.

(CHENNAI Times of India) - Callum Macrae is the director of a documentary that exposed war crimes in Sri Lanka. India has denied a visa to Callum Macrae, the director of a documentary that exposed war crimes in Sri Lanka.

Macrae, whose team was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize last year, made news again last Thursday when UK's Channel 4 telecast footage acquired from him showing LTTE TV anchor-actor Isai Priya's capture during the last phase of the Lankan war. Priya was found dead on May 18, 2009, with visible marks of torture.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 17:53)

`Desperate Times, Desperate Measures`; That`s the Way!

Western governments used to go to great lengths to say they were standing up for human rights in China. Now, trade ties with Beijing are so lucrative that Western leaders no longer need to lie.

(LONDON PFLT) - British Conservative politician George Gideon Oliver Osborne Western governments used to go to great lengths to say they were standing up for human rights in China. Now, trade ties with Beijing are so lucrative that Western leaders no longer need to lie.

George Gideon Oliver Osborne, a British Conservative politician, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the country's second-ranking official, says officially, "China is what it is. We have to be here or nowhere". It's business; you see, just business. After all, "Who's Afraid of Chinese Money?"

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 16:10)

Like Balachandran, Isaipriya Awakens Human Conscience - Is it True or False

Even the Tamil minister of Sri Lanka's ruling Rajapaksa regime has raised his voice for an independent investigation of the murder.

(MELBOURNE) - Isaipriya, a journalist, was murdered by the Sri Lankan Army after she was captured, in May 2009. The death of Prabhakaran's son provoked the Tamil Nadu students demonstration into the streets. At one point nearly a million students were on the road. Similarly, however crude and suppressed human conscience is, it is bound to respond in one form or the other.

The way Isaipriya died has shocked and rock the Tamil in the world. Many proclaim only animals can do such a thing; even animals have occasionally shown love and compassion to fellow animals, In this case the milk of human kindness has virtually dried up and these Sinhalese soldiers behave like brutes.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 16:52)

The Raping of Paradise

We blame those men who commit such terrible deeds, the governments who condone them, the dictators, the power hungry politicians, but we women are not blameless. Are we?

(LONDON) - Rape of Tamils in Sri Lanka This year, in March I was persuaded to write a small piece on the gang rape of a Sri Lankan girl who eventually escaped to the west. It was a story I had been reluctant to cover.

I am a novelist, not a journalist nor politician and I am not versed in the art of documentation. But the piece, Rani's Story had thousands of hits and continues to do so. Yet for all that the experience left me listless, depressed, reluctant to continue blogging. What could I talk about next? The weather?

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 16:13)

No Fire Zone - Channel 4 Documentary - Watch Full Movie

Channel 4 in London has been covering the massive slaughter of Tamil people in Sri Lanka during the final months of the country's bitter civil war for years.

(LONDON) - No Fire Zone At Last the full movie of 'No Fire Zone" has been released to the public. Please view it. It is amazing. In spite of the risk of being killed, the doctors, Red Cross members and volunteers were working ceaselessly to save the people as best as they could.

The second tube shows the demonstration in London pleading with the British Prime Minister, David Camaron, and Prince Charles not to go to CHOGM. The so-called International Community were conspicuously silent when the War Crimes were committed in the No Fire Zone.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
