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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-25-2012 15:45)

Amazon Announces It Will Stop Funding American Legislative Exchange Council

Decision Comes As ColorOfChange and Allied Groups Attempt Delivery of 500,000 Petition Signatures to Amazon Shareholder Meeting in Seattle.

(SEATTLE) - Amazon Amazon announced that the online retailer will not renew its membership in American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), according to multiple reports from inside the meeting.

ALEC is a right-wing policy group that has worked to suppress the Black vote and attack workers and the environment.

Read Full Article (May-25-2012 15:09)

Sri Lanka War Crimes-Genocide with West Complicity: an Analysis

This article focuses on military support the US, EU and Israel provided the repressive Sri Lankan government.

(COPENHAGEN) - Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka by Latuff The US-UK axis is quite adroit at launching aggressive wars against governments and peoples who do not buckle under.

Today’s method of domination is often linked with media propaganda about doing the right thing for “human rights”.

Read Full Article (May-25-2012 12:01)

Held Incommunicado and Tortured, Syrian Journalist Mazen Darwish Could Die

Darwish played a key role in providing daily information about the situation in Syria, at a time when almost all foreign journalists are banned from visiting the country.

(PARIS, France) - Photo de Mazen Darwish Mazen Darwish, the head of the Damascus-based Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), and 15 of his colleagues were arrested by Air Force Intelligence officers during a raid on the centre on 16 February.

According to our sources, he has been badly tortured in detention.

Read Full Article (May-24-2012 13:26)

William Nicholas Gomes: the Enemy`s Enemy

Asian governments are out of line with their obligations toward humanity and he won't stop writing about it.

(SALEM) - William Gomes interviewing a mother whose son is acid survivor at Dhaka Medical College Hospital for News agency Asia News Blatantly false claims are published in Bangladesh over our human rights ambassador, a highly effective journalist / activist named William Nicholas Gomes.

William has been under constant attack by pro-government media and they are dastardly in their methodical attempt to discredit our writer. It is not going to work out for them however.

Read Full Article (May-23-2012 13:55)

A Journalist Killed Every Five Days, Six New `Predators` Brings Total to 41

Six new predators have joined this evil “club” in 2012.

(NEW YORK RFP) - Reporters Without Borders Today, World Press Freedom Day 2012, Reporters Without Borders condemns the furious pace of physical attacks on news providers and reports that a total of 21 journalists, and 6 netizens and citizen journalists have been killed since the start of 2012, many of them in war zones such as Somalia and Syria.

Read Full Article (May-22-2012 19:34)

56% Favor Legalizing, Regulating Marijuana

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters nationwide was conducted on May 12, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports.

(WASHINGTON DC) - marijuana leaf A solid majority of voters nationwide favor legalizing and regulating marijuana similar to the way alcohol and tobacco cigarettes are currently regulated.

Most also don’t believe it should be a crime for people to smoke marijuana in the privacy of their own homes.

Read Full Article (May-22-2012 17:38)

IDF on `Hunt` for Draft Dodgers, Deserters

Israel's vengeance toward its own who resist violence, keeps growing.

(TEL AVIV) - Resist IDF service According to Israeli military records, there are 2,700 deserters and 1,780 draft dodgers in Israel.

In the last week alone, the IDF has arrested 474 of them as part of its largest-ever operation to apprehend them.

Read Full Article (May-22-2012 04:24)

William Gomes, a Poet with Power

Our revolutionary poet is causing a stir in his native country of Bangladesh, where human rights are often nonexistent.

(SALEM) - William Nicholas Gomes is's Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes; a promising name, a poet, journalist and human rights activist.

He is well known for his outspoken, impartial, uncompromising position on the issues of human rights violations.

Read Full Article (May-22-2012 02:13)

Bullying Hezbollah... Is Jeffrey Feltman Iran`s Best Friend in Lebanon?

The Beirut Daily, As-Safir, reported that Feltman’s sole purpose was to lash out at Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah.

(BEIRUT Al-Manar) - Jeffrey Feltman Key Iranian and American officials arrived in Lebanon last week to assess the strength of their local allies in the fast approaching and crucial legislative elections.

The Lebanese public and media heard plenty of policy nuances and even similar and seemingly repeated statements by the two well-listened to guests.

Read Full Article (May-22-2012 00:02)

Response to the 60 Minutes Segment on Israel

This program was an extreme disappointment. I thought 60 Minutes had more integrity and courage.

(WEST KINGSTON, R.I.) - Broken 60 Minutes On Sunday 60 Minutes did a rather disgraceful segment to please Zionists. I was sufficiently disgusted to send the following hasty response via their web site.

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