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Salem-News.com (Jul-18-2013 18:04)

1973 - Allan Sherman Dies

1973 was a turning point in Jewish history, for me, for all of us.

(ST. AUGUSTINE, FL) - Allan Sherman Mark Cohen is a writer and speaker specializing in the Jewish American scene, his latest work is: Overweight Sensation: The Life and Comedy of Allan Sherman

It's why the rise and fall of a big, self-destructive funnyman fits into a series of otherwise serious academic monographs from Brandeis University Press (2013).

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Salem-News.com (Jul-17-2013 12:56)

`Matter for humanity that justice is done`- Interview with Callum Macrae

This is about human rights, and this is about the rule of international law. And I know that whenever I've shown this film to people who didn't know about the situation - it changes minds.

(TORONTO Tamil Guardian) - Callum Macrae Tamil Guardian's correspondent based in Toronto, Canada, caught up with the director of the documentaries 'Sri Lanka's Killing Fields' and 'No Fire Zone - the killing fields of Sri Lanka', Callum Macrae, at the sidelines of FETNA 2013.

He discusses how he viewed Sri Lanka's reaction to the documentaries, himself and others who are speaking out against the massacre of tens of thousands of Tamils.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-13-2013 18:20)

Journalism is an Act, Not a Profession

Government already holds the cards. It is so big and powerful, so secretive and arrogant that we ought not to hobble efforts by reporters and bloggers to expose its dealings.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Who is a journalist? Watching some recent debates about who is a “real journalist” and who isn’t has been a source of amusement for me given that being a real journalist has not always been that great of an honor.

When I told Mom I was getting a job in journalism, she was miffed that her son would waste a decent education on such a low-rent pursuit.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-09-2013 00:45)

OMAN Immediately Release Human Rights Defender Mr Said Jadad

Said Jadad has not been given access to a lawyer nor charged with any criminal offence.

(YORK, UK) - Said Jadad On 4 July 2013, human rights defender and blogger Mr Said Jadad was arrested from his farmland residence in the Dhofar region by Police and Anti-Riot forces, and taken to the police station of Salala province, where he is currently detained.

Said Jadad is a prominent blogger and human rights defender in Oman.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-08-2013 18:13)

Lack of Law & Order in Sri Lanka

Appointment of Civilian Governor and Confinement of Army to Barracks Essential for Free and Fair Elections to North-Mangala Samaraweera.

(MELBOURNE) - Sri Lanka jungle by Sara Sene Mangala Samaraweera writes on the government interference in the administrative agencies, that are supposed to be free.

Please read his letter to Kamalesh Sharma, General Secretary of the Commonwealth, who believes soft power will work in Sri Lanka.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-03-2013 11:20)

Tim King Discusses Salem-News.com Song Featured at San Francisco Pride Parade

Tim King and Agron Belica say, "Leave Those Babies Alone"!

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Tim King of Salem-News.com Tim King of Salem-News.com introduces the Bay Area Intactivists where Agron Belica's brilliant and powerful song "Say No To Circumcision, Leave Those Babies Alone" helped rock 1.2 million + people at the San Fransisco Pride Parade this past weekend.

The Bay Area Intactivists are beautiful people pouring their hearts and souls into spreading awareness to the "many" misconceptions of routine infant circumcision!

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Salem-News.com (Jun-29-2013 16:19)

`Questions About Politics` - First Episode in New Radio Program on Bangladesh

Salem-News.com believes this recently launched Internet radio program will see a high degree of success in regard to Human Rights education in Bangladesh.

(YORK, UK) - Member of Jamaat-e-Islam party Our Human Rights Ambassador, William Nicholas Gomes, always adept in finding new ways to reach and assist people who are suffering, cut off, and disenfranchised, will host a new Bengali language radio program titled "Counter Punch".

State terrorism is taking place throughout the world in varying degrees, in places like Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and a whole list of countries including yours and mine.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-25-2013 10:54)

The Tamil Genocide by Sri Lanka*

Chartering Freedom Through the Rough Seas of GeoPolitics; A Conference Organized by the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE).

(LANCASTER, PA) - Free Tamil Eelam The Tamils on the Island known as “Sri Lanka” have been the victims of genocide as defined by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

I say that because on 8 April 1993 and 13 September 1993 I single-handedly won two World Court Orders on the basis of the 1948 Genocide Convention that were overwhelmingly in favor of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Yugoslavia to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide against the Bosnians.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-23-2013 20:41)

Intactivists Contingent in San Francisco Pride Parade

This year's event will feature the song, "Leave Those Babies Alone" by Ace, from the Salem-News.com Newsic Revolution album.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Anti circumcision parade Members of Bay Area Intactivists will march in the San Francisco Pride parade to raise awareness of the human right to genital integrity.

Bay Area Intactivist Jonathon Conte said, "We welcome all who wish to put an end to infant circumcision and other forms of forced genital cutting to join us as we carry signs and hand out goodies. More details about this event will be posted here in the future."

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Salem-News.com (Jun-23-2013 18:09)

Let`s See the Dawn of `Thamil Eelam`

“This shocking proof of secret war crimes committed during the Sri Lankan Civil War urgently needs to be shared with the world” - Callum Macrae

(LONDON PFLT) - Tamil independence “Geopolitics is drowning the lamentations over the legitimate aspirations of the Sri Lankan Tamils for equity, justice and fair play and the perennial human-rights questions that arise when the state violates the integrity of the individual”.

That was written by M K Bhadrakumar, a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service, on the 26th of May 2009, under the heading, ‘Sri Lanka wards off Western Bullying’.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
