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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-06-2013 12:24)

Pro-Tamil leaders Inaugurate Mullivaikal Memorial Museum

The sculptures have been fashioned based on the line drawings rendered by artist Veera Santhanam and have been carved out by Mamallapuram Sthapathi Murugan and his team.

(CHENNAI) - Tamil victims of war crimes carried out by the Sri Lankan government are honored at a new museum in Mullivaikkal Ninaivu Muttram. Mullivaikkal Ninaivu Muttram, a memorial for the Sri Lankan Tamils who lost their lives in the bloody war in Sri Lanka has come up in Vilar road near Thanjavur.

A brainchild of World Tamils Confederation, this memorial is the only sad reminder of the dead Tamils in Sri Lanka where each and every remnant of the war with the tiger rebels has been wiped out by the Sri Lankan Army, including the house where LTTE supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran lived.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 18:33)

Mediating the Media... Hosannas For Jorge (Pronounced Whore-hey)

The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light. -Matthew 4:16

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Pope Mbz A field day is being had by the media these days, singing the praises of Francis The Humble. And I for one think it's just peachy-keen. I mean, if we can't actually have a Second Coming, the next best thing is a humble Pope.

What I mean is. a Pope for the Poor, who doesn't do extravagant stuff like wearing red loafers or cruising around in that Mercedes Popemobile.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 16:10)

Like Balachandran, Isaipriya Awakens Human Conscience - Is it True or False

Even the Tamil minister of Sri Lanka's ruling Rajapaksa regime has raised his voice for an independent investigation of the murder.

(MELBOURNE) - Isaipriya, a journalist, was murdered by the Sri Lankan Army after she was captured, in May 2009. The death of Prabhakaran's son provoked the Tamil Nadu students demonstration into the streets. At one point nearly a million students were on the road. Similarly, however crude and suppressed human conscience is, it is bound to respond in one form or the other.

The way Isaipriya died has shocked and rock the Tamil in the world. Many proclaim only animals can do such a thing; even animals have occasionally shown love and compassion to fellow animals, In this case the milk of human kindness has virtually dried up and these Sinhalese soldiers behave like brutes.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 16:52)

The Raping of Paradise

We blame those men who commit such terrible deeds, the governments who condone them, the dictators, the power hungry politicians, but we women are not blameless. Are we?

(LONDON) - Rape of Tamils in Sri Lanka This year, in March I was persuaded to write a small piece on the gang rape of a Sri Lankan girl who eventually escaped to the west. It was a story I had been reluctant to cover.

I am a novelist, not a journalist nor politician and I am not versed in the art of documentation. But the piece, Rani's Story had thousands of hits and continues to do so. Yet for all that the experience left me listless, depressed, reluctant to continue blogging. What could I talk about next? The weather?

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 16:13)

No Fire Zone - Channel 4 Documentary - Watch Full Movie

Channel 4 in London has been covering the massive slaughter of Tamil people in Sri Lanka during the final months of the country's bitter civil war for years.

(LONDON) - No Fire Zone At Last the full movie of 'No Fire Zone" has been released to the public. Please view it. It is amazing. In spite of the risk of being killed, the doctors, Red Cross members and volunteers were working ceaselessly to save the people as best as they could.

The second tube shows the demonstration in London pleading with the British Prime Minister, David Camaron, and Prince Charles not to go to CHOGM. The so-called International Community were conspicuously silent when the War Crimes were committed in the No Fire Zone.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2013 02:49)

New Video of Sexually Assaulted and Murdered Captive Tamil Reporter is Bad News for Sri Lanka

Isaipriya's body positions recorded in photos and video tell a chilling story of war crimes and cover up.
(Warning: disturbing images)

(SACRAMENTO) - Isaipriya is taken captive by the Sri Lankan Army Chilling new video evidence has emerged in the gut wrenching story of a young journalist with the Tamil Tigers named Issei Piriya or simply, Isaipriya, who was sexually abused and murdered as a captive of the Sri Lankan Army during the final weeks of the country's civil war.

Video recorded of her alive, half nude and disoriented, sitting in what appears to be shallow water, proves that she was taken as a captive of the Sri Lankan Army.

Read Full Article (Nov-01-2013 12:39)

NO FIRE ZONE - One of the Year`s Most Urgent Documentaries

Beautifully crafted and heart wrenching - The Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting

(LONDON) - NO FIRE ZONE: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka Next Tuesday, 5th November at Riverside Studios in Hammersmith as part of Between the Lines festival follow ups we will be showing NO FIRE ZONE: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka, followed by a Q&A with the film’s director, Callum Macrae.

The feature-length film is a meticulous and chilling portrayal of the final devastating months of the 26 year long Sri Lankan civil war told by the people who lived through it.

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2013 03:04)

Myanmar Religious Leaders Urge Harmony After Anti-Muslim Clashes

Muslim residents told the Associated Press that during the clashes—in which a 94-year-old woman was stabbed to death—local police had failed to protect them a mob of hundreds of Buddhists armed with knives and sticks who went on a rampage in Pauktaw and Thabyuchine villages.

(YANGON RFA) - A Muslim woman comforts another who lost her home during recent violence in Thabyuchine village in Thandwe, Rakhine state Religious leaders in a western Myanmar town reeling from deadly anti-Muslim clashes urged calm on Monday after fresh violence broke out in the country’s central Irrawaddy Delta region.

On Sunday night a mob of Buddhist residents destroyed five Muslim houses in the region’s Kyaunggon township, some 70 miles (100 kilometers) outside the former capital Yangon.

Read Full Article (Sep-28-2013 20:58)

Children First

This article is not a condonation or justification of any form of discrimination or persecution against people with various sexual orientations or disorders...

(LONDON) - Is it fair to abuse little girls like so, and push them to become sex objects? For whatever reason, I often find myself engaged in writing about taboo topics which very few are willing to touch, and expressing “politically incorrect” views, which no one is willing to even ponder about, this article is just one of those.

One of the main reasons that pushed me to speed up and write this article, besides its core subject, the welfare of children, is my observation of some huge efforts which have been exerted to make the issue of “sexual orientation” an integral part of the Palestinian struggle for Liberation!

Read Full Article (Sep-28-2013 20:17)

Between Barbarity and Exclusion, Circumcision: the Worst of Racism and the Greatest Crime Against Humanity

(Sexual mutilation, an unconscious ultra-racism masked behind religion, tradition, culture and folklore)

(PARIS) - Anti-circ photos from the 2013 San Francisco Pride Parade by Tim King Whereas most cultures respect the human body, a minority (20% of humanity), destroys the specific organs of autosexuality (the foreskin, and sometimes the clitoris).

The frequent use of the same term to designate both mutilations shows that circumcision and excision have the same end. However, the horrible havocs of excision are only the tip of the iceberg of sexual mutilation.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
