(Jul-24-2010 19:27)
Energy and Water Appropriations Clear Committee Hurdle, Move to Full Senate for Consideration
Bill Includes Millions for Willamette Valley Region Rivers and Energy Programs.
Oregon Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced today that the Senate Appropriations Committee has approved funding for energy and water projects in the Willamette Valley, including efforts to improve crop irrigation and restoration of the river’s floodplain to better control water flow.
These projects are included in the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which now goes to the full Senate for a vote.
Read Full Article (Jul-19-2010 15:45)
Breaking News: World May be Moving Closer to AYM`S BP Gulf `Doomsday` Scenario
Terrence Aym for
Drudge Report highlights incredible news stories: Sea-floor leak found several miles from blown well... Methane levels 'million times higher than normal'... ...levels only seen during mass extinction events...
Drudge crashed the Texas A&M University website when he linked to the report from Dr. John Kessler who just returned from the Gulf.
This scientific expert on geology and mass extinction, noted methane levels about 1 million times higher than normal in certain regions of the Gulf; levels unseen since the last extinction event 55 million years ago...
Read Full Article (Jul-12-2010 06:30)
Anti-Gravity Machine for Sale: Instructions Cost Extra
Tim King
For that special someone who has everything...
(SALEM, Ore.) -
Inventor of the anti-gravity machine John Hutchison sent out an interesting email today; he is offering his anti-gravity lab for sale.
Read Full Article (Jul-05-2010 16:39)
Romance, Love, Stress, Sex, Anandamide, Dopamine, Bliss
Dr. Phillip Leveque
Some Enchanted Evening You May See a Stranger You May See a Stranger Across a Crowded Room...
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
This is the essence of my title and this article. If I must explain, I will attempt to do so. The first four ALL cause ANANDAMIDE release.
About 2 weeks ago, I saw a story on TV News which investigated about and reported on the “love at first sight” phenomenon triggering anandamide release.
Read Full Article (Jul-03-2010 17:42)
Clean Water Underground? Halliburton says: `Fugetaboutit!` America`s Water Supplies Get Freaking Fracked
Roger Butow's 'Odd Man Out'
"Only after the last tree has been cut down... Only after the last river has been poisoned… Only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten." - Cree Indian Prophecy
(LAGUNA BEACH, Calif.) -
If you haven’t heard about “fracking,” the use of solvents, exotic chemicals and water injected by extreme high pressure boring tips to literally fracture deep subterranean strata releasing energy resources, then sit up and pay attention America:
If it isn’t already in your neighborhood or that of a relative or family friend, believe me, it will be coming soon.
Read Full Article (Jun-17-2010 18:46)
PTSD & Alcoholism in a Real American WWII War Hero Arthur `Dutch` Schultz, 82nd Airborne 505 PIR
Carol Schultz-Vento for
The life challenges of a soldier.
"HUT - TWO - three - four. Hut - two - three - four." The cadence of my childhood.
Echoing footsteps on the wooden floors. Memories of a spindly, pale child with purplish under-eye circles marching behind her athletic, paratrooper dad. Up and down the narrow Philadelphia rowhouse steps, past the shoebox-sized bedrooms, the stark no-sink bathroom, and the musty coal bin, the 6-year-old girl's mission was to not give up - just like Dad.
Read Full Article (Jun-14-2010 12:46)
Army Lynch Mob Meeting at Officer Club Bar: Oregonian Exposes Medical Torture
Dr. Phil Leveque
A story about why Americans should not join the military.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
When I see a spade, I call it a spade. Finally the Oregonian prints a story by Julie Sullivan telling it right. They have done this very rarely in the past ten years.
Their headline Thursday, June 10, 2010, hits the nail right on the thumb, Oregon Guard Soldier’s Use of Medical Marijuana Runs Into Army’s Drug Abuse Policy.
Read Full Article (Jun-12-2010 05:18)
PTSD, PTSD, PTSD, Continued: Battle Veterans Cruel Deadly Plague: Alcoholism is the Result
Dr. Phil Leveque
The VA is still not taking proper care of any PTSD Vets of all wars. Alcoholism is killing hundreds of thousands because VA drugs have bad side effects and are not tolerable.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
I had heard of SHELL SHOCK and BATTLE FATIGUE which are “waste basket diagnoses” even before I went into the WWII Army.
In 1943, I even read that there were about 15% “”Battle Neurosis” casualties in America’s invasion of N. Africa. The Army even sent a medical doctor Brigadier General to N. Africa to investigate...
Read Full Article (Jun-08-2010 02:08)
PTSD in World War II Vets: Direct Relation to Alcoholism & Drug Abuse
Dr. Phillip Leveque
The alcoholism rate of Veterans is at least twice that of non-Veterans, the relative risks are appalling...
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
There has been a lot of Bull Roar that WWII Vets do not/did not have PTSD as did Vietnam and Middle East Vets. I say Bull Roar. We WWII Vets got it too. In a previous article, I wrote that a WWII Ranger still had it 64 years later.
I can say the same about myself. I still have it and I don’t believe it will ever go away despite what some of the pseudo psychiatrists at the VA have been bleating, for instance “You’ll get over it in a few months. Take these Valiums”.
Read Full Article (Jun-05-2010 11:28)
Oregon Medical Marijuana Program: Oregon Business Magazine Promotes it
Dr. Phil Leveque
The cost of the drug war is at least $10 billion and close to that if Marijuana were taxed like alcohol and tobacco which are both death dealing drugs. MARIJUANA HAS NEVER KILLED ANYBODY.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
When I first saw the article in Oregon Business Magazine, May 2010, titled Marijuana Goes Mainstream in Southern Oregon I could barely believe it.
After reading, and nearly vomiting, about the ignorant vehemence of Dan Harmon of Associated Oregon Industries (AOI) I was really “hornswoggled”.
Read Full Article