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Salem-News.com (Dec-27-2011 19:22)

Rwandese Journalists in Distress

Personal testimonies about the death of Charles Ingabire and the current media situation in Rwanda.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Journalists connected to the Rwanda resistance are facin increasing danger from government retribution.  According to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) 18 independent Rwandan journalists live in exile.

Additionally, four journalists have been murdered with their cases having gone unsolved let alone investigated.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-22-2011 16:10)

Rwanda: A State Without a Statesman

President Kagame has subjected the whole nation of Rwanda, Rwanda's neighbors, and the international community to fear.

(SALEM, Ore.) - President Paul Kagame In reaction to President Paul Kagame's 9th National Dialogue (Umushyikirano) at the Parliament Buildings, Kimihurura Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa responded on his Facebook page to the controversial remarks made by President Kagame.

It was an annual event that has been erroneously baptized national dialogue.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-14-2011 11:44)

Rwanda Peoples Party statement to Ambassador Susan Rice

Rwanda Peoples Party to Ambassador Susan Rice, "Kagame has totally failed to reconcile Rwanda"

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Susan Rice Your Excellency, allow me to register my sincere thanks on behalf of my party, the Rwanda People’s Party (RPP) for your recent visit together with your family to Rwanda.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-10-2011 02:42)

Is Rwanda`s Cut-Throat Leader About to Leave Power?

The wary blur of President Kagame’s 2017 promise to relinquish power.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Kagame A Rwandan newspaper, the Chronicles, reported that the former rebel leader and all-powerful iron-handed leader of Rwanda said, “I will not be around as president come 2017”.

On the issue of whether or not President Kagame will amend the constitution allowing him to remain in power, the Chronicles quoted President Kagame saying, “...on this issue, I am almost taking it personal with people who keep asking...

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Salem-News.com (Dec-06-2011 17:10)

Rwanda Security Operatives Assassinate a Rwandan Journalist in Kampala, Uganda

Press release from the Rwanda National Congress.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Charles Ingabire On Friday 2nd December 2011, Andrew Bagala of the Monitor Newspaper in Uganda reported that the Editor of Rwanda’s Inyenyeri news, Charles Ingabire who had sought refuge in Uganda for political reasons was shot dead at a Kampala pub.

Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson Mr Ibin Ssenkumbi confirmed the murder. On Sunday 4th December 2011, Andrew Bagala again reported in the Monitor that mourners at the requiem of Ingabire funeral were hiding their faces.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-03-2011 19:41)

Africa `Let Down` by Busan aid agreement says ActionAid

" ...What happens in the next six months is crucial..." - Lucia Fry, ActionAid

(BUSAN, South Korea) - Africa Africa’s priorities were sidelined in a ‘global partnership’ at the fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, in Busan, an anti-poverty group says.

Actionaid, which operates in over 20 African countries, called for a global agreement on aid to put poor country governments in the driving seat of development- what ActionAid calls ‘Real Aid’.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-03-2011 12:10)

UNHCR Complicity Cited in Murder of Rwanda Journalist

We are gravely concerned for the safety of Ben Kimenyi and his brother and sister journalists.

(SALEM) - Kagame's crimes against Rwanda are wide ranging, but the influence in the UNHCR is beyond unforgivable. Our Reporter Jennifer Fierberg, has been covering the developments in Rwanda non-stop and the number of journalists and politicians who have been murdered is staggering.

The trail of bodies is not a hard one to follow; Kagame has been able to insert representatives of the current Rwanda government into extremely important roles within the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHCR) which is the world body responsible for investigating this type of abuse.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-02-2011 16:46)

Rwanda: A sick nation in need of healing

Rwanda is a small nation at the heart of a huge continent, neither of which makes the mainstream media as often as they should for the challenges they endure on a daily basis.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - On November 28, 2011 the first annual roundtable on Rwanda Truth and Reconciliation: The Process Begins was held at The International Humanitarian law Institute of Minnesota.

In attendance was Dr. Ali Galayd, the Former Prime Minister of Somalia, Paul Rusesabagina, honored worldwide for his heroic actions during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, recipient of the 2005 U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom and the 2011 Lantos Human Rights Prize.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-02-2011 14:37)

Young Rwandan Editor murdered in Uganda

Condemnation of the cold and well calculated brutal murder of the late Charles Ingabire.

(KOPENHAGEN, Denmark) - Charles Ingabire, editor of the Inyenyeri News On behalf of the Rwanda People’s Party, we wish to condemn, in the most strongly worded manner, the cold and well calculated brutal murder of the late Charles Ingabire, editor of the Inyenyeri News and member of the Rwanda Peoples Party, who was shot in the Thorax at Mulago Roundabout, in Kampala, Uganda.

The RPP believes that President Kagame, has deluded himself that he could crush the spirit of the Rwandan people through the bloody murders of his own Rwandan people.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-21-2011 19:43)

A Call to Boycott trade investment in Rwanda

The RPP are calling to an end to this unfortunate support of a regime that has gone off rail

(MALMO, Sweden) - Children of Rwanda As you are all aware Rwanda is now at a cross-roads as the people of Rwanda continue to experience the most gruesome, inhumane and degrading abuses under the current dictatorial regime of President Kagame whose wild behaviours are beyond comprehension.

Indeed, these relentless man-made tragedies could be avoidable if the international community would continue to encourage and support a democratic and peaceful political settlement in order to allow the country to return to normalcy...

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