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Salem-News.com Rwanda articles Page 13

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Salem-News.com (Jun-06-2011 02:05)

Open Letter to Paul Kagame Urges Rwanda Peacetalks

A turning point to the lives of the innocent, the defenceless and the downtrodden Rwandan, is at hand...

(LONDON) - John V Karuranga of the Rwanda People’s Party Today, Rwanda is a ticking time bomb that could explode like a volcano. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

An iceberg that might still sink this beautiful country of ours in a new wave of genocide, if no dialogue is commenced.

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Salem-News.com (May-10-2011 17:54)

Stop Killing Rwandans or Resign: RNC Tells President Kagame

Calls upon the USA and the UK to support peaceful and democratic reforms in Rwanda.

(KIGALI, Rwanda) - Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa In a not so rare confession of intent to commit murder, the Rwanda Patriotic Front-owned The New Times published an article stating:

“You can run. You can hide. But you won’t escape. Osama bin Laden learnt the lesson of this simple truth”. In short, Kagame is telling Rwandans, “accept my rule and keep quiet, or else I will kill you, as I have killed many others...”

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Salem-News.com (May-02-2011 00:56)

Rwanda Democratic Green Party Leader Receives Democracy Prize in Swedish Parliament

The Prize is given in honor of the democratic struggle started in Rwanda and the resolve to continue it.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Frank Habineza, Founding President of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda Frank Habineza, Founding President of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, has received a Democracy Prize in Swedish Parliament, today, 28th April 2011.

The Prize was awarded by Hon. Bodil Ceballos, a Swedish Parliamentarian, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and alternates on the Defence and Justice Committees. She is also a member of the Green Party of Sweden.

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