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Ukraine--Do you know? Why not??

Do you know according to polls if Crimeans were allowed to vote they would join with Russia?

(JAMESTOWN, RI) - Violence in Ukraine How about the irony or even the humor of John Kerry condemning Russia for “invading another country on a trumped up pretext”?

One might think media outlets would point out just how foolish his scolding sounds in light of our invasion and occupation of both Iraq and Afghanistan on “trumped up” claims.

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2014 11:16)

Return to Seyyeda (Lady) Zeinab- Now Secured and in Protective Hands

Nearly two months ago, the government regained control of the site but there are still some snipers around I was advised by friends.

(SEYYEDA ZEINAB, Syria) - Seyeda Zeinab During a meeting at the Dama Rose hotel in Damascus the other morning this observer was being briefed by ‘Abu Modar” a reputedly battle honed field commander of the “Death Brigade” which is based in the northern Syria Eskanderoun region north of Latakia.

Abu Modar explained that he personally had chosen the rather peculiar name for his brigade “Death” to symbolize his militia’s willingness to die for their cause which is protecting Syria.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2014 00:59)

Ukraine, Syria, Solidarity and More ...

Russia's strong influence in the mostly Russian Speaking Crimean peninsula of the Ukraine threatens to ignite another Crimean war.

(BETHLEHEM) -  The Siege of Sevastopol 1855 It is sometimes instructive to learn a bit of history to reflect on current events because if we do not learn from history, we are bound to repeat the tragic history of useless wars.

This came to me as I read about the escalating situation in Ukraine, where the US and western countries invested heavily to dislodge the Ukraine (strategically located on the Black Sea) from Russian influence.

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2014 23:56)

Syria: The Crime and the Criminals

Video examines tragic evolution of the western effort to strike liberties and earn endless billions for the deadly defence industry.

(BANGKOK) - Syria flag with blood The Syrian civil war, insurrection, rebellion, revolt, uprising, call it what you will, was not home grown in Syria by Syrians with differing outlooks as to how their nation should be governed.

This is what the mainstream media would have you believe — that it was part of a strategy pre-planned by vicious, sociopathic foreigners called “Neocons” and they began their planning in 1991...

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2014 22:14)

Ukraine: Propaganda War Turns Quickly Into Extremely Dangerous Reality

The United States calls on Russia to de-escalate tensions by withdrawing its forces back to bases in Crimea and to refrain from any interference elsewhere in Ukraine.

(NAIROBI, Kenya ECOTERRA) - Violence between Russia and Ukraine President Obama spoke to Russia’s President Putin today for about 90 minutes, and told him that he’s violating international law with Russian troops leaving their bases in Crimea to seize control of the Ukraine territory.

Both sides put out descriptions of the lengthy discussion.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2014 11:31)

`Coalition of the Willing` Promotes No Fly Zone

Soldiers joke, laugh and seem pleased when citizens approach them to offer their thanks for the army’s service to the Syrian Arab Republic.

(DAMASCUS al Manar) - Syrian soldiers enjoy Valentine Day in Damascus. Dozens of parks in Damascus have been receiving unusually large numbers of visitors, not least of whom are Syrian soldiers on leave, enjoying the green space with girlfriends, families and friends.

At the large garden with dozen of benches and sculptures, soldiers, presumably from out of town and with many appearing utterly exhausted, can be seen simply laying on the grass fast asleep under the warm healing sunshine.

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2014 20:18)

Anna O`Leary: `US Supporting Terrorism in Syria`

The United States is “supporting terrorism” in Syria despite its claims that it is fighting terrorism in the world, a political commentator tells Press TV. (Video set to auto play)

(TEHRAN / DUBLIN Press TV) - Anna O'Leary Reuters reported this week that US Congress has secretly approved the provision of US arms to militants fighting against the Syrian government.

According to Reuters, US lawmakers voted behind closed doors in order to fund the arms deliveries through the end of the 2014 fiscal year...

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2014 23:40)

How Not to Get Aid Into Homs, Yarmouk, and to 9.3 Million Syrians Via a UN Resolution

The starving victims besieged in Syria, and all people of goodwill, are demanding immediate, non-politicized humanitarian aid without further delay.

(EL NUBEK, Syria) - Syria map Who authored the seemingly designed-to-fail UN Security Council Draft Resolution on delivering urgent humanitarian aid into the Old City of Homs and other besieged areas of conflict-torn Syria?

When we know this, much may become clearer with respect to the cynical politicization of the continuing civilian suffering.

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2014 15:01)

Are the Warring Parties Playing Round Two of Geneva II?

*A Faux "Humanitarian Pause" in Homs?*

(EL NUBEK, Syria) - Two delegations, one representing the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, and the other claiming to represent the popular opposition, arrived in Switzerland this morning.

They are continuing with Round Two of Geneva II, there is uncertainty over the agenda and whether to extend this weekend's 36 hour "Humanitarian pause" to allow aid into the Old City of Homs.

Read Full Article (Feb-07-2014 11:27)

Lifting the Siege of Yarmouk One Food Parcel & One Polio Vaccination at a Time

Many food parcel recipients quickly open the jar of jam inside the cardboard box and scoop the confections into the mouths of their children or the nearby infirm refugees, usually elderly.

(YARMOUK Palestinian camp, Damascus) - Yarmouk camp in Damascus A new batch of food aid entered al-Yarmouk Palestinian refugees camp in Damascus It’s been seven days since the first humanitarian aid, generally in the form of 56 lb. food parcels packed by UNWRA, entered Yarmouk.

This follows half a dozen aborted attempts by various militia and political groups to achieve consensus to deliver aid.

Read Full Article
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