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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-08-2013 01:54)

EXCLUSIVE Interview with `Sandman` - Member of the Free Syrian Army

WARNING: Includes extremely graphic photographs of atrocities in Syria. PHOTOS MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN OR SENSITIVE PEOPLE.

(SACRAMENTO / DAMASCUS) - Dead in Syria If there is one thing I learned from this conversation with a jihadist, (Mujahidin) who goes by the name of 'Sandman' - it is that the whole Islamic world may be fragmented beyond repair.

Our perceptions in the west are generally far from reality because Muslim on Muslim conflicts are complicated.

Read Full Article (May-05-2013 01:06)

Iran Review: Boston Bomb Attacks: Beginning of a New Era for Cooperation between US and Russia

Interview with Seyedeh Motahhareh Hosseini- Expert on Russia & Eurasia Issues.

(TEHRAN Iran Review) - Boston Marathon explosion Over two weeks have passed since the twin bomb attacks targeted the annual Boston Marathon in the United States.

The blast claimed three lives and left a great number of the American citizens injured...

Read Full Article (May-03-2013 10:52)

Fractured US Intelligence Rules out Greater Cooperation with Russia

The mounting US intelligence failures since 9/11 can in large part be contributed to a lack of cooperation among US agencies themselves.

(LONDON) - US and Russia The US intelligence community is in a state of disarray...

This was most recently illustrated by the Boston Marathon Bombings—and the idea of a more structured cooperation with Russian intelligence as a direct result of this incident is a paper tiger.

Read Full Article (May-03-2013 10:36)

FSA Terrorists through the Eyes of a Nun - Interview with Mother Agnes Mariam

"Non violence is the best way to get what we want."

(DUBLIN) - Interview with Mother Agnes Mariam Mother Agnes Mariam and other religious leaders are trying to illustrate a 'third' way to deal with Syria. She stands opposed to the endless war that has gripped this country.

They want human rights for all - particularly the normal citizens caught in the crossfire, and strongly object to outsider Free Syrian Army rebels who operate like mafia.

Read Full Article (May-02-2013 18:26)

Syria and Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction

No WMDs were found in Iraq. Obama does not want to make the same error of judgment.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Google Earth image of chemical weapons facility in al-Safira. On July 23, 2012, Syria admitted possessing a stockpile of chemical weapons, which it claimed are reserved for national defense against foreign countries.

One of Syria’s main facilities for producing chemical weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including sarin, a lethal nerve gas, is located in the town of al-Safira, near Aleppo.

Read Full Article (Apr-29-2013 18:28)

Syria and Sarin Gas: US Claims Have a Very Familiar Ring

Reports of the Assad regime's use of chemical weapons are part of a retold drama riddled with plot-holes

(DAMASCUS) - Syria injured Is there any way of escaping the theatre of chemical weapons?

First, Israeli "military intelligence" says that Bashar al-Assad's forces have used/have probably used/might have used/could use chemical weapons...

Read Full Article (Apr-27-2013 16:30)

Zionists and Gulf Monarchs Ponder...
Pushing Al Qaeda to Take on Hezbollah

Jabhat al Nusra and friends are capable of igniting yet another catastrophe in this region...

(BEIRUT) - Hezbollah and Syria “This is one damn fine idea, what took us so long to see a simple solution that was right in front of our eyes for Christ’s sake”, said Senator John McCain

He reportedly demanded an answer from Dennis Ross during a recent Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) brain storming session in Washington DC.

Read Full Article (Apr-25-2013 11:56)

American Leaders and their Half Baked `Facts` on Chemical Weapons in Syria

A 'red line' first discussed by Obama last August over Syrian chemical weapons, was a perfect set up for this new effort to put Americans in another war.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - War hawks and Syria War proponents in the US are pleased today.

An unconfirmed report that Syria used chemical warfare, has Obama and his supporters playing a steady beat on the war drum.

Read Full Article (Apr-23-2013 01:59)

Robert Fisk: Inside Damascus - Memoirs Reveal the Hafez Approach

Hitherto unknown information has emerged from the confidential archives of the Syrian presidency and foreign ministry.

(DAMASCUS The Independent) - Damascus “Clinton impressed Assad: a young man who appeared to want to be neutral”

What would Hafez have done? Every Syrian asks this question. Would the old lion of Damascus, whose son Bashar al-Assad became president when he died in 2000, have handled the present Syrian tragedy more harshly or more leniently?

Read Full Article (Apr-13-2013 12:14)

How Damascene Jews Hope to Return... to Normalcy

Zionism and its corrosive effects on Judaism as a philosophy is absent among Jews here.

(DAMASCUS, Syria Al Manar) -  One of the three remaining Synagogues in Damascus’ Jewish Quarter. No longer in use. Bab Touma Jewish Quarter, Damascus -- Growing up in the small town of Milwaukie, Oregon and until after graduating from high school, I never knew or knowingly met a Jew.

Not until my first post-high school job as a swimming instructor and life guard at the Portland Jewish Community Center...

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