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What`s The Truth Behind the `Occupy` Eureka`s Story?

It takes so much to unravel the consequences of misinformation, once it's made public.

(EUREKA, CA) - Occupy Eureka It is seeming easy to fall into vilifying another, especially if one appears to be homeless and unkempt and we haven't bothered to get close enough to understand and appreciate them for who they are (or may even suffer from) before making up our minds.

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2012 20:13)

Egypt Revolution - Tweets from Tahrir (Video)

Despite all the marches, the long sit-ins and even the harsh crackdown and the killing this whole thing that kicked off in Tahrir square on January 25, 2011 is definitely far from over.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Egypt Revolution Egypt’s youth tweeted out the 18-day ouster of Hosni Mubarak, and are still reporting the unfinished revolution.

Take a good look at those Egyptian youths as they talk in the video. With such unhesitant voices, bold and shiny eyes, educated minds and fearless souls how could the revolution not eventually win?

Read Full Article (Feb-09-2012 18:07)

The Arab Revolt and the Imperialist Counterattack

Second expanded edition by James Petras - Available in the USA   Overseas

(NEW YORK) - James Petras These essays chronicle the growing militarization of US policy in North Africa and the Gulf and the historic confrontation between the Arab democratic revolts and the imperial backed satraps.

Bearing witness to the ragtag rebel victory enabled by NATO in Libya and ongoing chaos throughout the region, Petras disassembles America’s collapsing Middle East policy.

Read Full Article (Feb-09-2012 17:40)

IMF Won`t Substantiate `Arab Spring` Spending, Downplays Military Spending

The IMF ignored questions about its Arab Spring pledge.

(UNITED NATIONS) - Lagarde, with Gerry Rice pointing, answers not shown At a recent IMF press briefing, Spokesman Gerry Rice purported to take online questions, one from a reporter usually there in person, and one each about Argentina and the Dominican Republic.

But the IMF ignored, and did not answer by deadline, questions about its Arab Spring pledge, about Yemen and Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Romania.

Read Full Article (Feb-08-2012 15:05)

Death and Diplomacy: Homs on the Brink

“It is really hard to determine what’s going on on the ground there because of safety issues,” - journalist Diana Nemeh in Homs

(MOSCOW RT) - Violence in Hons Homs is now the physical and political frontline of the unrest engulfing Syria. Heavy fighting continues for the fifth straight day in the rebel stronghold city.

The rebel opposition is imploring the international community to intervene and displace President Assad, despite his commitment to engage the opposition in talks to resolve the conflict.

Read Full Article (Feb-07-2012 16:05)

US Riot Police Detain 10 Occupy Portland Protesters

Riot police in the US city of Portland have arrested at least ten Occupy demonstrators who were holding a peaceful protest rally against the brutality of security forces.

(TEHRAN PressTV) - Occupy protesters attempt to block an entrance to the Port of Oakland, California, December 12, 2011. A 15-year-old boy was among those detained by the riot police on Monday night in Portland, Oregon.

The latest arrests come as local authorities have in recent days launched a crackdown against the nationwide Occupy movement.

Read Full Article (Feb-07-2012 13:18)

Britain and United States Condemn Murder in Syria but Condone Murder in Palestine

How about an International Award for Hypocrisy for UK and US?

(LONDON) - Pro-Syria anti-Palestine Arising out the will of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish chemist who invented dynamite, the Nobel Prize is universally recognized as the most prestigious award in the fields of peace-making, economics, chemistry, physics, medicine and literature.

How about an international award - without the gold medal, the diploma and the money - for hypocrisy?

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2012 14:39)

The Knights-Errant of TJP

Fortunately, in this bleak landscape of universal despair, there are a few beacons of hope—beautiful hope—pointing to a different destiny: a future of truth, justice, and peace.

(TUCSON, Ariz.) - Tim King, Ken O'Keefe and Bonnie King Tim King and his tireless band of peaceful warriors deserve an encomium for their efforts to spread truth, justice, and peace throughout the world instead of hate, oppression and imperialism, and Agron Belica has given it to the them in Beautiful Hope.

Now supplied with an accompanying video, the pop & rock hit is set to make its rounds again.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2012 20:00)

Egypt Soccer Violence: The Military`s Political Game

The Arab spring has confirmed one thing: the army is not fit to govern.

(CAIRO) - Protesters chant anti-government slogans during a protest condemning the death of soccer fans at Port Said stadium, near the Interior Ministry in Cairo, 2 Feb. State media reported renewed scuffles between security forces and demonstrators- including hardcore soccer fans like the Ultras, who were on the frontlines of last year's protests against the military.

The Ultras played a prominent role with anti-government activists in the uprising that toppled president Hosni Mubarak a year ago.

Read Full Article (Feb-01-2012 17:28)

Newt Gingrich Financier `Wishes he fought for Israel Not America`

All we care about is being good Zionists, good Israelis..” -Sheldon Adelson

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Newt Gingrich All we care about is being good Zionists, good Israelis..” -Sheldon Adelson

The 3rd richest American, he gave over 10 million dollars of his own money to support Gingrich’s campaign for the Republican nomination which saved Gingrich’s campaign according to the NY Times.

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