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Will Democracy in Egypt Benefit the Palestinians?

Unless a majority of Israelis are beyond reason, that could be a game changer which would benefit the region and the whole world, not only the Palestinians.

(LONDON) - Palestine and Egypt and Brothers For decades, and despite much rhetoric to the contrary, American-led Western policy has been to prefer Arab dictatorship to Arab democracy. This preference was determined by two main assessments.

One was that corrupt and repressive Arab regimes were the best possible guarantee that oil would continue to flow at prices acceptable to the West, and, that there would be almost no limits to the amount of weapons that could be sold to the most wealthy Arab states.

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2011 13:58)

Gaza`s Egyptian Hope

The people of Gaza would not be the people of Gaza if they let this undermine their joy and their will to survive.

(GAZA) - Gaza celebratio When the news from the overthrow of Mubarak came through, the people of Gaza flowed joyously into the streets.

They celebrate the victory, they celebrate the Egyptian revolution, which has become the symbol of their own ambitions.

Read Full Article (Feb-08-2011 02:09)

Rallies Throughout Palestine in Solidarity with the Egyptian and Tunisian Popular Uprisings

Thursday, plain-cloth security personnel disrupted a peaceful gathering in Ramallah confiscating video...

(BETHLEHEM) - PA Agent I blog regularly about what is happening here especially what is not seen in mainstream media. I want to take this message to expose some things I have alluded to only marginally before and then issue a call to Palestinains (including the "Palestinian authority" or PA).

First a description of what happened that prompts this emotional email.

Read Full Article (Feb-07-2011 23:53)

Behind Every Great Revolution... is a GREAT WOMAN!

Her calm, spirited and powerful words helped inspire fellow Egyptians to participate in protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square.

(LONDON) - Asmaa Mahfouz Her name is Asmaa Mahfouz, a 26-year-old Egyptian, a breath of fresh air, a balm to the heart of the oppressed, an inspiration to men and women alike!

Asma recorded her video on January 18th, uploaded it to YouTube, and shared it with the world. Within days, the video went viral within Egypt and beyond.

Read Full Article (Feb-07-2011 23:04)

Power to The People of Historic Egypt

Ancient Egyptians established a lingering centralized government with the king dominating and ruling like God over a highly organized society.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - The Great Pyramid at Giza Whenever Egypt is mentioned the great pyramids are likely to be referred to in the discourse.

The pyramids stand witness to the power and splendor of the ancient Egypt, but people miss the fact that the fall of this once mighty kingdom stemmed from a relentless political turmoil during which ancient Egyptians protested over social and economic grievances...

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2011 23:38)

Statement of the Revolutionary Socialists Egypt

This army is no longer the people’s army. This army is not the one which defeated the Zionist enemy in October 73.

(LENIN'S TOMB) - Revolution The iron heel of US imperialism is coming down hard on Egypt. The army command which America funds, trains and instructs is now mobilising rapidly to consolidate a dictatorship under the leadership of Omar Suleiman. US warships are making their way to Egypt.

This is not, military commanders insist, to prepare for military intervention.

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2011 12:55)

Egypt Revolution - Faith or Economics?

News from the Muslim Brotherhood: US policy makers should not make the mistake of alienating the Egyptian movement by failing to understand its complexities.

(CAIRO) - Western analysts and media outlets are deciding whether Egypt 's uprising is a secular demand for democracy, which they would support, or a religious revolution that they believe should be feared and stopped.

However, the uprising is complex and if the US is to support the Egyptian people, as it promised, policymakers must first increase their understanding of Egyptian aspirations.

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2011 12:55)

One in a Million
Perhaps the Most Important Video You Will Ever Watch

When people function on a positive level there is no limit to their potential.

(GAZA) - Frame from video 'One in a Million' The body of this film was produced by Atif Wahab and final post production was completed by Ken O'Keefe. This powerful video will bring you to your knees a a human being.

Never before has such an epic message been produced this way; but then a Revolution wasn't raging in Egypt and in other nations where the power of the people has the power to deliver permanent change.

Read Full Article (Feb-05-2011 22:15)

Muslims and Christians United in the Battle for Tahrir Square

Muslim Brotherhood Reports: Egyptians from all religions and walks of life are again taking to the streets demanding that Mubarak steps down.

(CAIRO) - Egypt protests Egyptians from all religions and walks of life are again taking to the streets demanding that Mubarak steps down.

Egyptian protesters are holding their ground in Cairo's Tahrir Square today against pro-regime thugs as foreign journalists and activists were attacked, beaten, and arrested in what appears to be the prelude to a harsh crackdown.

Read Full Article (Feb-05-2011 16:11)

Don`t Gobble the Zionist Poison Against Hamas

The events in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan and perhaps beyond, indicate the logical, natural and organic consequence of the Western aggression...

(LONDON) - Hamas Women's Rally It is a known fact that Zionists make illegitimate claims for anything they covet or consider expedient.

Aiming to discredit and alienate the Palestinian Resistance and Liberation Movement Hamas, the zionist hasbara and their perception management experts have indulged themselves in spreading sly poison, in particular the false claim that "Hamas and Hizbullah are Mossad creation"

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
