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Netanyahu`s Exploitation of the Murders at Itamar

To right-wing politicos, cabinet ministers, Knesset members and West Bank rabbis, the five murdered members of the Fogel family are a catalyst for realizing the great dream: the dream of messianic redemption, of the Greater Land of Israel.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Netanyahu with mourning relatives of the Fogel family. The horrific murders in Itamar were a crime against humanity. Entering a home in that manner and slaughtering five people in their sleep is a base, cowardly act, and it makes no difference whether the victim is an adult or an infant. Murder is murder is murder.

Motti Fogel, brother of Udi Fogel, said at the Har Hamenuhot cemetery on Sunday that the funeral should have been a private affair.

Read Full Article (Mar-15-2011 15:07)

Israel Intervenes in Libya... for Gaddafi

50,000 mercenaries to be deployed against rebels; Al Qaeda Fighters Included in Israeli Force.

(CINCINNATI) - Marines on the USS Kearsarge await orders. n a move that surprises all but Middle East experts, Israel has promised Libya’s dictator of over 40 years, Colonel Gaddafi, 50,000 troops to aid in crushing rebels set on overthrowing his his murderous rule.

According to news sources inside Israel, “troops” are being hired across Africa, Uganda, Sudan, Chad and the Central Africa Republic, including Al Qaeda fighters, to be deployed against demonstrators and rebel forces currently involved in heavy fighting in a two week old attempt to overthrow the Libyan ruler that has left thousands dead.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2011 20:04)

Hamas Denies Responsibility for Itamar

Hamas, Fatah and Abbas himself all condemn murder of Israeli settler family, but few listen to that.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Settlers mourn It took Israeli media sources no time to indict "Palestinians" in the recent murder of an Israeli settler family, even though not a shred of proof existed. However "proof" is a concept that has little bearing on statements made by Israel.

Those just awakening to this concept simply need to ask themselves this question; if you lived surrounded by walls and barbed wire and were made to live like a second class citizen knowing that raising a hand against Israel is a death sentence, would you go stab a family to death, including a baby?

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2011 19:55)

Israeli Curfew Over Settler Murders Means ISM Activists Face Arrest

Israeli soldiers are beating people, raiding houses, cutting off electricity, and polluting the drinking water by throwing mud in the water-tanks.

(AWARTA, Occupied Palestine) - Today the village of Awarta, near Nablus, is facing the second day of a severe curfew imposed by the Israeli military, following Friday morning’s murder of a settler family in the settlement Itamar.

Three International Solidarity Movement (ISM) activists–Cinda, 23, Chad, 25, from Sweden, and Cissy, 53, from Norway–are currently trapped in the village. Anyone caught stepping outside of their house is arrested.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2011 19:53)

Murder of Israeli Family Sparks Hasty Conclusions

This killing has furnished Israel's leaders with an opportunity to further vilify the Palestinian population.

(TEL AVIV) - The settlement colony 'Awarta' The murder of a father, mother, and 3 of their 6 children in a settlement this week is horrid. Of this there is no argument.

And it is horrid even though it occurs in a colony, and not only a colony, but one of the worst insofar as it is a fervent religious idealist colony, or, in other words, one of our Jewish fundamentalist colonies.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2011 18:15)

The March is On! Palestinian Youth Movement Protests Go Global

March 15th March in Palestine: End Of Division (الشعب يريد انهاء الانقسام)

(SALEM / GAZA) - March 15 march in Gaza The Palestinian Youth Movement has planned a mass protest on March 15th for Gaza, for all Palestinians and to give hope to all occupied peoples. Organizers believe this youth initiative marks a turning point in the Middle East because it is a united effort to rise above all divisions in hopes of long overdue justice.

The mass protests are gaining momentum. Groups are congregating around the globe, in support of Palestine's right to be free.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2011 01:33)

ARAB UPRISINGS: Time to Quit Playing al Qaeda`s Card

The west should start dealing with Arabs in a more dignified way.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Hungry for democracy Arabs The Arabic world is populated by nearly 360 million hungry for democracy- people, many of whom are not quite aware what democracy stands for nor are they interested to get oriented with the academic definition of the word.

They long for equal rights and obligations, fair judiciary and police, reasonable standard of living, free elections, accountable leaders, peaceful succession to power and most of all dignified life...

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2011 00:28)

Gaddafi`s Buying Time: But The Times Have A `Changed

Just hours prior to the Orlando demonstration, the Arab League released a statement asking "the United Nations to carry out its responsibility to impose a no-fly zone over Libya."

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Ahmed Addarrat raises the new Libyan flag The crowd converged at Lake Eola Saturday after the word was spread on Facebook and Twitter to take it to the street in support of the people of Libya and demand a No Fly Zone, which they all began to call for on last month when Gaddafi started using air-strikes to bomb civilians.

After Ahmed Addarrat’s was hacked, he helped co-found because of "the black hole of information."

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2011 00:04)

Global Day of Action

They seem to assume people can’t check facts for themselves.

(DEARBORN, Mich.) - Global Day of Action Our thoughts are with our friends in Japan. The Japanese people have stood with us in Palestine and continue to do so. Our hearts are broken over the devastation and loss of life that is the worst disaster in Japanese history since the nuclear and other bombings of Japanese cities in WWII.

Our thoughts are also with the people of the Arab world as they face desperate ruthless dictators.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2011 11:55)

GOP Says No To Distressed Homeowners and Consumers

The legislation to kill these programs is likely to pass the House, but its fate in the Senate is uncertain.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives are trying to terminate funds for foreclosure-prevention programs that help families fend off foreclosure and trying to strip the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau of its funding before it even opens its doors.

The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) has helped about half a million homeowners remain in their homes, while another eight million families are at risk of losing their homes.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
