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Israeli Threatened by `Resistance` from Crew of 8 French Peace Activists?

We're taking off the gloves; Israel and its minions have gone too far, must be countered, stopped.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Ministry of Propaganda I can just see the Israelis freaking out over how they look to the world, and they damned well should.

With their trusty guard dog Jerusalem Post which isn't a news organization but a government mouthpiece for Israel, the poor defenseless victim state "prepares" for new possible resistance from eight French peace activists enroute to Gaza in a yacht designated for the purpose.

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2011 19:35)

Induced Fraud

This is the third in a four-part series.

(TEMPE, Az.) - Even as the Berlin Wall was being reduced to rubble, the forces that have since dismantled the US economy were gaining power. Driven by the all-pervasive force of a consensus mindset, US firms embraced financial returns as their sole metric of success.

By that measure, corporate performance steadily improved even as the US economy steadily declined.

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2011 19:13)

Iran is singled out because it defies Washington: Jeremy R. Hammond

In-depth interview addresses Iran's nuclear standoff, the renewed war threats of Israel and the U,S, against Iran, the prospect of Iran-West relations and also Israel's underground nuclear program.

(TEHRAN) - Jeremy R. Hammond and Kourosh Ziabari Jeremy R. Hammond is an American political analyst and journalist who is the editor of Foreign Policy Journal, a progressive online publication dedicated to providing critical analysis of the United States Foreign Policy.

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2011 16:35)

Greece Drops Charges Against American Captain in Gaza Freedom Flotilla II
Israel Loses Power

Israel's informational shortcomings and stumbles are catching up.

(ATHENS / SALEM) - 'The Audacity of Hope' An American under arrest in Greece for his role in trying to aid Palestinians has been released.

We reported several hours ago that Captain John Klusmire was in Greek custody, under arrest for attempting to sail the humanitarian aid vessel Audacity of Hope as part of a large international effort to end Israel's illegal siege of Gaza.

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2011 16:12)

French Flotilla Boat Sets Sail for Gaza

Activists sail from Corsica as others pledge to continue efforts to reach Palestinian territory with humanitarian aid.

(CORSICA Al Jazeera) - French Gaza flotilla breaker A French boat has set sail for Gaza from Corsica in the latest attempt by activists to deliver aid to the Palestinian territory, according to a journalist aboard the vessel.

The Dignite al Karama, which left the western Mediterranean island overnight is, thus far, the only boat in a flotilla organised by pro-Palestinian activists to successfully sail for Gaza, with most confined to ports in Greece.

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2011 15:01)

Riposte Against Zionism: Go Tell it to the People

Perhaps the first thing we need to do is to get organized. We need to map out all of the various networks and distribution lists in our movement.

(JACKSON, Miss.) - Palestinian state Archimedes once said, “Give me a place to stand and I will move the world.”

In the preceding articles in this series, I have developed the basic theses of my analysis that define the place we stand now, and where we must stand if we wish to alter the world Zionism has contrived for us.

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2011 01:11)

UPDATE: Audacity of Hope Captain John Klusmire and Athens Justice

Audacity of Hope Captain John Klusmire has been released.

(ATHENS) -  Captain John Klusmire Audacity of Hope captain John Klusmire wasn't involved in any of the planning, and in fact until recently, he had little knowledge of the nature of Israeli regime's oppressive occupation and illegal blockade.

Still, due to a family connection, he decided to offer his services to the cause.

Read Full Article (Jul-04-2011 23:35)

Israel Battles Gaza Flotilla on Two Fronts

The captain of the Audacity, John Klusmire, an American citizen from California, is being held in a Greek prison. There are reports he has been deprived of basic necessities

(CHICAGO) - Greek forces A year ago, the Israeli Defense Force handed Israel one of its worst media defeats in modern history. Israeli commandos, filled with their government’s propaganda line that Israel’s security was at stake, landed on the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara, ready for battle and determined to keep the ship from breaking Israel’s control over Gaza’s shores.

Nine Turkish citizens were killed, one of whom was a Turkish-American.

Read Full Article (Jul-04-2011 18:44)

Imbedded crises

"Our financial health is directly related to our national security." - Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs
This is the second in a series of four articles...

(TEMPE, Az.) - Obama Those old enough to remember the promise of a post-Cold War peace dividend also recall how we segued seamlessly from a global Cold War to a global War on Terrorism.

The fiscal cost for the US component of the Cold War topped $20 trillion in 2011 dollars. But for the Cold War, what might America have accomplished with those resources?

Read Full Article (Jul-04-2011 16:35)

July 4th Update from Freedom Flotilla II

A quick round up of several items related to the U.S. Boat to Gaza and the flotilla. But first....

(ATHENS) - Freedom Flotilla II Given the tremendous obstacles placed in the way of the flotilla we should not for a moment think this work has been in vain. Just the opposite.

We have called greater attention to the urgent need to end the Israeli blockade and siege of Gaza, as well as the overall occupation of the Palestinian Territories.

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