(Nov-05-2012 18:18)
Civil Disobedience Turned Violent and Serious in Portland Saturday
Tim King
Many were pepper sprayed. Critics of law enforcement violence said the aggressive tactics of police toward peaceful occupy demonstrators would lead to this...
Demonstrators from the Portland Action Lab clashed with police Saturday during the publicized 'Solidarity Against Austerity' rally and march.
Read Full Article (Sep-17-2012 10:32)
First Anniversary of the Beginning of the `Occupy Movement` Join Us Today 5:30 - Eureka Courthouse - I and 5th
Jack Nounnan for
Sending out reports and research studies, exposing media bias, holding government accountable to The People!
Occupy has never just gone away, but continues growing in its vast networking, spreading its ideas and always organizing.
Activities include occupying court systems and challenging this governments political corruption and repressions, with a tenacity built on how so many people see not only this systems abandonment of their interests and immediate needs, but playing a major role/with their corporate cronies in creating the almost overwhelming crisis of issues...
Read Full Article (Sep-13-2012 00:07)
Third Anarchist Announces Refusal to Testify Before Grand Jury
Michael Munk
Jail Likely for Grand Jury Resistors; Committee Against Political Repression Calls for Fax Petitions and Protests.
Matt Duran released an open letter today unambiguously declaring his refusal to cooperate. He is the third person subpoenaed to appear before a secret grand jury investigating the anarchist movement in Seattle, Washington.
A local demonstration will take place in Portland at the Federal Court House (1000 SW 3rd Ave) at 12:30 p.m.
Read Full Article (Sep-01-2012 14:32)
Daraya Residents Respond to `Astonishing` Fisk Report
Fisk's huge insinuation – that the Free Syria Army was behind the one of the worst atrocities of the Syrian uprising – was inevitably going to outrage the opposition.
(LONDON Independent) -
The Independent’s Robert Fisk raised eyebrows, as he rather often does, with a report yesterday from Syria’s Daraya.
It's the site of a “massacre” of over 300 civilians last week, in which he enticingly alleged that local residents “told a story different from the version that has been repeated around the world.”
Read Full Article (Aug-28-2012 00:09)
Damascus` Middle-Way Solution
Kayhan Barzegar for
The announcement of the resignation of Assad through a transitional process seems to be a mid-way solution.
(TEHRAN Iran Review) -
In his recent visit to Moscow, Syria’s Deputy Prime Minister, Qadri Jamil, said that the government of Syria is ready to negotiate the resignation of the incumbent President, Bashar al-Assad, during the process of talks with the oppositions.
This development is in itself, a turning point in the Syrian government’s policy.
Read Full Article (Aug-08-2012 17:08)
Egypt`s Border Attack: It Couldn`t Get Any Better for Israel
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
“This terrorist operation benefits only Israel”
Every time I step into an elevator, I keep my fingers crossed till I reach my floor safely. I am not claustrophobic.
I am just worried that a sudden power cut, which are frequent nowadays in Egypt, will leave me trapped inside a metal box for endless hours.
Read Full Article (Aug-02-2012 10:54)
Free Syrian Army Threatens Christians Who Were Protected Under Assad
Pervaiz Khokhar
Pray for the persecuted Syrian Churches and Christians.
(FAISALABAD, Pakistan) -
The streets are most dangerous that is, unless it’s a Friday, when a few Syrian Christians dare to step outside of their homes amidst the persecution of Syria’s Christians by the Islamic rebels of the ‘Free Syrian Army.
The Christians in Syria (10% of its population) could be facing a bloodbath. The signs are there right now, and only Russian and Chinese resistance to ‘the West’ is keeping the Syrian church from complete extermination.
Read Full Article (Jul-23-2012 10:10)
Blowing the Lid off the `Humanitarian Intervention` Fraud...
The Illegal War on Libya - edited by Cynthia McKinney
In 2011, former Congresswoman and 2008 Green Party candidate for President, Cynthia McKinney, took a delegation of observers to Libya to monitor NATO’s purported humanitarian intervention. They were in Libya during the 2011 NATO bombardment of Libyan cities, and were among the few independent voices to report on the tragedy.
This collection of essays includes personal accounts by witnesses to the NATO assault on a helpless civilian population it had a UN mandate to protect, as well as analysis of the massive media propaganda campaign and manipulation of international institutions and human rights NGOs that made it possible.
Read Full Article (Jul-10-2012 13:10)
Pro-Divestment Presbyterians Win By Losing
James M. Wall
What happened, as one Presbyterian participant explained, was “complicated”.
Do you really want to know what happened at the just-concluded 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian U.S.A. denomination?
As a veteran watcher of Protestant church political struggles, I urge you to remember that neither the cross nor the crown are free of an eagerness to grasp deliberate obfuscation in a political battle.
Read Full Article (Jul-01-2012 15:02)
Time to Abandon Never-Ending Futile Talks with Israel
Jamal Kanj Special to
It is time for the Palestinian National Authority to abandon its commitment to the pointless perpetual negotiations with the Israelis.
It has been more than 20 years since the Madrid talks and the peace process between the Palestinians and the Israelis started.
Thus far their abject failure has surprised even the most pessimistic of observers.
Read Full Article