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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-02-2014 01:05)

Pope Francis, Vatican, Jesuits Create Public Acts and Media Statements Covertly Responding to Common Law Court Trial

The conditioning of Catholics allows them to condone these behaviors.

(VANCOUVER, BC) - Kevin Annett Kevin Annett, field Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State is the guest in a wide-ranging interview with Joshua JD Lemmens of and Alfred Lambremont Webre of ExopoliticsTV.

Annett discusses how Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the Jesuit hierarchy create public acts and media statements covertly responding to the Common Law Court trial in which they are defendants.

Read Full Article (May-26-2014 01:20)

Memorial Day, Do At Least One Thing

Memorial Day is a day for giving thanks, and respect...

(NEWBURGH, Indiana) - memorial day Memorial Day is a time to remember the men and women who have died serving our country. This special day is not the only time we should remember them but the holiday underscores the importance of having a time to revere and respect people who are sacred to our country. They are our heroes who are buried across America. They left home to go to hostile places and laid down their lives for us.

Take a moment and visit the grave of someone who died representing us. When you go take just a few moments and give thanks for that person who will be one of many, many thousands who have made what we have in America possible.

Read Full Article (May-21-2014 15:21)

A Very Particular God

The quest for knowledge and understanding is a lifelong journey.

(LONDON) - Abrahamic religion Today is my birthday. I am seventy one years old and in all the years that I have been on this earth I often wondered what or who is God.

I read about the Prophet Muhammad, his journey and his struggles to establish the Muslim faith. I heard sermons from Christian priests singing the praises of Jesus and the just and peaceful message he brought to humanity. I listened to and read many a Torah scholar, talking about the oneness of God and the relationship of that God to his subjects.

Read Full Article (May-12-2014 12:19)

A Memorandum of Instructions to Volunteers for Training as Common Law Peace Officers

Issued by The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels on May 12, 2014 (Accompanied by The Common Law Sheriffs' Training Manual)

(HOLLY HILL, Fla.) - ITCCS logo This Memorandum is issued to those who have volunteered for training as common law peace officers and court sheriffs. It is part of a package that includes a short Training Manual and relevant documents.

Read Full Article (May-10-2014 14:57)

Pakistan`s Christian Labour Movement: AIMS and Objectives

We demand as well those responsible for the deaths of Christians in Pakistan to be arrested and to be send to trial for crimes of rape and murder of innocent people.

(ISLAMABAD) - Muslims destroy a cross in Lahore, Pakistan The Christian Labour Movement is a small organization, We dedicate ourselves to help the minority Christians in the whole of Pakistan for the benefit of the minority groups to better life standards of the Pakistani minority groups. We aim to create better life standards and to help people gain equal rights in Pakistan.

We want to organize demonstrations and help people in Pakistan not to fear for their lives daily.

Read Full Article (May-10-2014 14:37)

Taking Schoolgirls into Slavery, Sign of Boko Haram`s Profound Ignorance of Islam

We must release Islam from the ignorance of Boko Haram while also releasing the captive girls from the clutches of these cruel bandits!

(TEHRAN IranReview.Org) - Rally against capture of Nigerian schoolgirls The news was very scary. The kidnapping of 275 high school girls in Nigeria by Takfiri and terrorist members of Boko Haram group and their later announcement about their intention to sell the girls as slaves was shocking enough to heavily weigh down on the conscience of every human being.

However, this has not apparently taken place in reality. It seems that the world has become callous and indifferent as a result of high frequency of violent crimes and extremism.

Read Full Article (May-07-2014 08:19)

Pakistan Hospice Center Celebrates 50 Years While Struggling to Survive

“To work and live at St. Joseph’s Hospice has become my life, and I am grateful for it,” - Sister Margeret Walsh, from Ireland, the hospice administrator, who came in the 1960s when the hospice was founded.

(RAWALPINDI, Pakistan) - St. Joseph's Hospice in Rawalpindi St. Joseph’s Hospice, in Rawalpindi, celebrated its 50th anniversary recently. Pakistan has a population of more than 180 million people, including around five million Christians, a few million Hindus and other religious minorities.

The word hospice is Spanish, and it means a place where the sick are treated and cared for as long as it takes, till they recover and can go back into active life in the society.

Read Full Article (May-06-2014 11:56)

7th Anniversary Celebration -- Salem Spirit of Life Church

At Salem Spirit Of Life our main purpose is to help any and all who ask to find their spiritual truth, regardless of race gender, sexual orientation background or other church affiliations.

(SALEM) - Salem Spirit of Life Church I have been asked to re-introduce Salem Spirit of Life Church to the Salem Community. We are a justice-seeking community. We are a nurturing community. We will care for one another and love one another. We will be witnesses to God’s unconditional love.

Salem Spirit of Life was founded in February 2008 – holding our first public Worship Service on Easter Sunday in the basement of the MAPs Credit Union.

Read Full Article (May-04-2014 10:47)

Alicia Silverstone Nixes Circumcision

Jewish actress cites medical studies in speaking out against performing a ‘brit’ in her latest book

(TEL AVIV) - Hollywood actress Alicia Silverstone. (photo credit: YouTube screenshot) In her new book, “The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful Beginning,” the celebrity explains her personal decision not to circumcise her son, Bear, according to the website Beyond the Bris: News and Views on Jewish Circumcision.

"I was raised Jewish, so the second my parents found out that they had a male grandchild..."

Read Full Article (May-03-2014 18:26)

Each one - Teach one

Minorities are divided into two groups, some are in favor of the present electoral system, and others are struggling to restore the democratic electoral system for minorities.

(ISLAMABAD) - Pakistani Christians Pakistan came into being in 1947 under the leadership of Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Jinnah had repeatedly promised equality of citizenship, but this promise was not kept by his successors.

Pakistan became an Islamic Republic in 1956, making Islam the source of legislation and cornerstone of the national identity, while guaranteeing freedom of religion and equal citizenship to all citizens.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
