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May-12-2014 12:19printcomments

A Memorandum of Instructions to Volunteers for Training as Common Law Peace Officers

Issued by The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels on May 12, 2014 (Accompanied by The Common Law Sheriffs' Training Manual)

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(HOLLY HILL, Fla.) - This Memorandum is issued to those who have volunteered for training as common law peace officers and court sheriffs. It is part of a package that includes a short Training Manual and relevant documents.

We assume that if you are reading this, you are familiar with the aims and philosophy of our movement, which is to use Natural Law and our inherent sovereignty and freedom to reclaim the earth, our society, and its laws from the criminal corporate system.

Along with this memo and the Training Manual, you'll be receiving the names and emails/phone numbers of the others in your community or area who have similarly volunteered.

Please do the following upon receiving this notice:

  1. Contact the others in your community who are listed and arrange an initial meeting together in a secure private place, like in one of your homes. The purpose of this meeting is to get to know each other and form yourselves into a chapter of the Common Law movement by signing the Common Law Charter (Document No. 1, enclosed). If you are the only person in your area who has volunteered to receive training, we will arrange for you to connect by phone or skype with the nearest common law group.
  2. At your first meeting, appoint one among you to be the formal contact person with the central Court Office and its Field Secretary, Kevin Annett. This contact will be expected to make regular reports on your work to Kevin and the Court, and to pass on a copy of your signed Charter.
  3. Discuss among yourselves your own hopes and expectations for the sheriffs' training course, along with the criminal or civil matters you want to see adjudicated in a local common law court. This will help focus your training and give it a practical outcome.
  4. In addition, work out among yourselves a timetable for the training program that fits your own schedules and situations, and you can commence the training, based on the enclosed material and the general Common Manual found at Hard copies of the latter can also be obtained through this email and Field Secretary Kevin Annett at
  5. In order to recruit more people and broaden our movement, circulate to others in your community the work and websites of the Court and the general Common Law Training Manual. That way you can assemble the people to form your first citizen jury.

More advice and resources will be provided to you soon about the nuts and bolts of working as a local chapter of our movement.

The important thing right now is to not wait for others but take the initiative to discuss how you want to operate as a citizens' common law movement and as its appointed sheriffs and peace officers.

Once you have read over the Training material as a group or in conjunction with other individuals, please contact the Central Office through Kevin Annett and report on your progress. Over the coming months, Kevin will be available to come to your community and assist you directly in your training and organizing. Contact him to arrange his visit among you.

You are part of a movement that now spans over one hundred local chapters in nearly forty cities in thirteen countries (Canada, the USA, England, Ireland, France, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Italy, France, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Australia). We are making history together! Good luck and keep us informed!

The Central Office of The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels

cc: Rev. Kevin Annett at

Please mail a copy of  your signed and completed Charter to this address:

 Kevin Annett

1000 Walker St., Unit 223

Holly Hill, Florida  USA  32117


Training Manual for Common Law Sheriffs and Peace Officers

Issued by The Secretariat of The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels

May, 2014 (First Edition, All rights Reserved)

(To be read in conjunction with the general Common Law Manual In hard copy and at


No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law, and no courts are bound to enforce it - United States Circuit Court 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec. 256

Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent - Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C. 338 May Term, 1796


The historic effort to reclaim the law and the world for the people rests upon the re-establishment of the Common Law and its jury courts as the cornerstone and bulwark of human liberty. And the front line defense and enforcement arms of these courts are the sheriffs and peace officers whose sworn duty is to defend the court and enact its decisions. Without such officers, and their active support by the community, the Common Law Courts and their judgements will have no effect.

This Manual's purpose is to equip everyday citizens to function as professional police officers of the Common Law courts, as licensed and accountable servants of the people and justice.

The Manual consists of the following sections:

1.    A Brief History of Common Law Sheriffs

2.    The Purpose and Mandate of Sheriffs as servants of the People and their Courts

3.    Specific Tasks and Functions of the Sheriffs Mandate, Protocols and Extent of their Powers

4.    Their Oath of Office, Accreditation and Licensing

5.    Their Relationship with other police agencies and authorities

6.    Learning from Practice How to Begin

1. A Brief History of Common Law Sheriffs

The origin of these sheriffs, like the common law itself, goes back over a thousand years to the Anglo-Saxon tribal communities of England, which were self-governing and independent of any foreign power like kings or popes. And to preserve such freedom, these communities understood that the people as a whole had to be responsible for their own safety and liberty.

According to one historian,

All persons who were the victims of a crime in Anglo-Saxon England were expected to raise their 'hue and cry' and apprehend the criminal; and upon hearing their cry, every able-bodied man in the community was expected to do the 'utmost in his power' (pro toto posse suo) to chase and apprehend the accused as a 'posse'. (from 1215: The Year of Magna Carta by J. Danziger, 2003)

Practically, one or several people were often appointed from among the community to serve as permanent sheriffs, the word coming from shire-reeve, meaning a chief from the local shire, or Saxon village. These sheriffs were not established as an external authority over others but as the accountable guardians of the entire community. The sheriffs were therefore the embodiment and defender of the liberties of the common people.

This tradition is preserved in America in locally elected county sheriffs who are accountable to the local citizens and not to the federal or state governments. And as we will discuss, these existing sheriffs, as the remnants of a proud tradition of local liberty, can help communities re-establish their capacity to govern themselves through their own court system.

2. The Purpose and Mandate as Sheriffs as servants of the People and their Courts

Any genuine peace officer is in office solely to defend the people from harm and tyranny, and to preserve their laws and liberties. When they subvert that purpose, they can and should be removed from their office, and its sacred trust. This is especially true when it comes to the common law court sheriffs, who are guardians not only of the people but of the ability of their laws to function.

The Common Law Sheriffs have a general purpose, namely, to protect the Courts and enforce their decisions and warrants. But as part of this aim, the Sheriffs must also help gather evidence for the Court, detain suspected criminals or those who obstruct the Court's decisions, assist juries and help the community put into practice the Court's verdicts, including by deputizing other people.

This broad purpose has five aspects, which we will discuss in detail in section three.  But because the Sheriff's role is so vital in making justice practical and workable, he or she operates as an extension of the Court, which is the People themselves.

Common Law sheriffs are not lone wolf heroes: the Gary Cooper-like town cop who single handed takes down the bad guys. Save that for the movies. Sheriffs are part of a team, overseen by the Court and the common law.

That Mandate is clarified in the Sheriff's Oath of Office and licensing, which is discussed in section four.

3. Specific Tasks and Functions of the Sheriffs Mandate, Protocols and Extent of their Powers

The Common Law Sheriffs and those they deputize have five specific jobs to do:

a) Maintain the safety and operations of the Common Law Courts, their officers, juries and witnesses;

b) Serve Court Summonses, detain and bring into Court summoned parties, and enforce the Warrants and final Verdicts of the Court;  

c) As part of their Enforcement role, assist in the seizure of forfeited property and assets of convicted individuals and bodies, arrest these individuals and their accomplices, and aid in the disestablishment of convicted criminal bodies.

d) Conduct and protect Court-authorized Crime Scene Investigations, including at mass grave sites, crime scenes, and other suspected locations of evidence relevant to Court cases.

e) Generally aid the people in assisting the Court and enforcing its decisions and verdicts, and in actively establishing and maintaining such Courts in the community.

The Sheriffs and their deputies are directly accountable to the Citizen Prosecutor's Office of the Common Law courts. That Office trains and supervises the Sheriffs and has the power to discipline or remove any Sheriff from his or her office, but only if it can be proved before the Court with proper evidence that the Sheriff has violated or exceeded his/her Oath of Office and mandate.

Sheriffs can deputize any man or woman to act as agents of the Common Law court and the Sheriffs' Office, including members of existing police forces. Deputies take the same Oath of Office as the Sheriffs and are bound by the same accountability, mandate and protocols.

In executing their duties, Sheriffs and their deputies may with the proper Court warrants enter any dwelling, physically detain, arrest and incarcerate any man or woman regardless of their authority, and seize any thing relevant to the Court and its operations and verdicts.

It is understood that the Sheriffs and deputies may only employ reasonable and proportionate force in the execution of their duties. They may not act against the Law itself or intentionally kill anyone, nor inflict harm or suffering on anyone except to defend themselves and the verdicts and operations of the Court. They are authorized by the Court to carry and use firearms and other protective devices, but must be Court-licensed to do so and receive the necessary professional training in the use of firearms and in self-defence.

It is understood that all Sheriffs and deputies must be physically and psychologically competent to perform their duties. They cannot be infirm or incapable of robust activity. As part of their licensing, they must agree to annual physical and psychological examinations by accredited specialists, under the supervision of the Citizen Prosecutor's Office of the Court.

4. Oath of Office, Accreditation and Licensing

Every Common Law Sheriff and their deputies must orally declare the following stamped and authorized Oath of Office, and sign and date it before witnesses recognized by the Prosecutor's Office:

I (Name), being of sound mind and clear conscience, do hereby swear that I will faithfully and justly execute the Office of Common Law Sheriff or Deputy according to the best of my abilities, under the supervision of the Office of the Citizen Prosecutor.

I understand that if I violate this Oath or betray the mandate, trust and responsibilities of my Office I will have forfeited my right to that Office and can be dismissed.

I take this solemn Oath freely, without coercion or ulterior motive, according to my conscience as a sovereign and free man or woman, and as a citizen under the authority and jurisdiction of the Common Law and its courts.

A copy of this Oath and of the Sheriff's Notice and Warrant to Deputize is contained in the accompanying documents, along with the Sheriff''s License.

This Oath of Office legally accredits any man or woman to be a Court-authorized Sheriff or deputy. Upon taking the Oath, the Sheriff or deputy will be issued a Sheriff's License, which is a legal piece of identification that the Sheriff/deputy must disclose in the performance of their duties. The License is issued by the Citizen Prosecutor, and must be reviewed annually by that Office after an interview process and examination of the Sheriff''s/deputies' performance, as indicated by their immediate supervisor.

5. Learning from Practice: How to Begin

This general guideline, and the training program accompanying it, is a springboard to action: a way to equip citizens to begin functioning as active community peace officers and agents of locally established common law courts. It's now time to begin trying out what you have learned, for only through practical experience will you become truly equipped as a competent professional.

It is strongly advised, therefore, to commence immediately after your training to aid in the establishment of a local court and its adjudication of a civil or criminal matter. Sheriffs have the authority to assemble citizen juries and help issue the Public Notice of Claim documents that commence common law litigation. You must begin to exercise this power and duty to make any of this effort meaningful.

Similarly, it is necessary for all candidates for Sheriff  to be a recognized member of the broader common law movement, by signing the Common Law Charter that establishes a local chapter of the movement, and which is found in the Documents section. That step is essential in order to function as part of a team of citizens who express the will and efforts of the local community.

Finally, sharing your experiences and lessons with other common law peace officers is essential, as our movement grows and the Courts become more rooted in the community. It is therefore advised that you stay in touch with the central Common Law Court of Justice and its Prosecutor's Office through a formal liaison person.

We wish you more than luck, in the days ahead: for on your shoulders is the responsibility for making common law and justice a force again in our communities. And so, be courageous and bold, for you have the sacred duty to defend with your lives and honor the laws and liberties of the people. We have a world to win back!

With our thanks,

The Secretariat and the Office of Citizen Prosecutors, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels

May 12, 2014 /

Contact:  - George Dufort, LL.B., Secretary

List of Attached Common Law Documents (pdf)

1.    The Common Law Charter, establishing local branches of the movement

2.    The Maastricht Proclamation of April 20, 2014, annulling and disestablishing the Church of Rome and its affiliates (English version)

3.    The Italian translation of the Maastricht Proclamation

4.    Stand Down Notice and Order to Comply issued by the Common Law Court to all agents and officers of the Crown of England - Dated February 25, 2014

5.    Stand Down Notice and Order to Comply issued by the Common Law Court to all agents and officers of the Vatican and Church of Rome Dated February 25, 2014

6.    Order of Appointment by the Court authorizing the creation of common law Sheriffs and peace officers Dated February 25, 2014

7.    Original Declaration of the Crown of England and the Church of Rome as criminal bodies under international law, forfeiting their wealth and authority Issued by the Court on September 1, 2013

8.    Legal Notice from the Court authorizing the appointment of Officers of the Court, issued December 9, 2013

9.    Public Oath of Oath to be sworn and signed by all Common Law Court Officers

10. Warrant allowing Sheriffs to deputize others as Court officers

11. Public Notice dissolving the corporate entity known as the Dominion of Canada after the criminal conviction of its head of state and Crown of England for Crimes against Humanity Dated March 7, 2013


Kevin Annett

See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at, and at, the site for the Common Law court network.

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins. - Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 - Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada

Kevin Annett is a Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize (2013). Messages for him can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada) or 386-323-5774 (USA). His personal website is .

"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Crane Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba


A Canadian clergyman, Kevin Annett has for nearly twenty years led the movement to bring to light and prosecute atrocities in Christian “Indian residential schools”, and win justice for survivors. Expelled in 1995 from his former United Church of Canada for exposing murders in that church’s Indian residential schools, and persecuted and blacklisted for his efforts, Kevin is now an award-winning film maker, author, social activist and public lecturer who works with victims of church violence and genocide all over the world. In 2009, he helped to establish the five-nation International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, which is seeking to indict church and government leaders for crimes against humanity.

As a result of Kevin’s tireless efforts on behalf of native people, the Canadian government was forced to issue a public “apology” and reparations program concerning Indian residential schools, in July of 2008. In giving him the name Eagle Strong Voice in 2007, Anishinabe elder Louis Daniels declared, “Kevin Annett is doing what few of his people have done, and that is to speak about the crimes they committed against many of our nations and their children. He has earned a place forever in our hearts and history. He is a brave and prophetic man. I ask everyone to welcome him and heed his voice.” And scholar Noam Chomsky wrote in 2006, “Kevin Annett is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than many of those who have received it.”

For more information on Kevin and his work, contact him at, and see these sites:

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Bill Annett May 17, 2014 4:49 am (Pacific time)

You're absolutely right, Dogood. Let's just do nothing. Let's agree with Time Mag that Humble Frank is The Man of the Year and not a Jesuit Argentinian thug. Let's quietly accept being screwed by Monsanto, Big Oil, the idiot Chiefs of staff and the cretins on the supreme Court Let's vote for the Koch Brothers' pigeons in both our houses, chant "God Bless America" as we gratefully watch Fox News and quietly accept the trafficking of women and children worldwide by the Alphas, while we cheerfully accept being Betas and Gammas.Let us, in a word, accept $7.50 an hour because to do otherwise would endanger Lloyd Blankfein taking home 100 mill a year.Thanks for setting us straight, Dogood. For a minute there I thought things could be better.

Silence Dogood May 14, 2014 5:08 pm (Pacific time)

This is a joke, right! Why not just go back to the Law of Hammurabi, heck, it's easier for idiots to understand than this posse comitatus junk law. And by the way, I don't believe in "Common "Law" Olde English style or neo-crazy style either. Sorry Tim, but please tell me, this is a parody-piece, right? As a reader, I'm not attacking the author of this, but the premises espoused herein (above) are, well decades over-worn and not-effective in any manner, shape or form to solve anything, and I can get a sheriff badge out of a Cracker Jack box.

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