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Congratulations to our American Truth-Telling Comrades

Our heartfelt congratulations to the winners: you are the pride of the United States and the whole world. At the same time, we cannot hide our disappointment at being left off the list. Our only consolation is that the winners were all US based.

(LONDON Redress) - Israeli apartheid It’s one of the highest accolades truth-telling fighters against racism and bigotry could hope for.

The Zio-cons of the ironically named “Anti-Defamation League” (ADL) have published a list of what it considers to be the 10 “most influential and active anti-Israel groups” operating in the United States, the Times of Israel reports.

Read Full Article (Oct-19-2013 15:00)

MALE CIRCUMCISION: Nordic Ombudspersons Will Seek a Ban on Non-Therapeutic Male Circumcision

Circumcision without a medical indication on a person unable to provide informed consent conflicts with basic principles of medical ethics...

(OSLO) - non-therapeutic circumcision of underage boys The medical communities of several European nations are taking a stand against male circumcision.

At a meeting held 30 September 2013 in Oslo, the children's ombudspersons from the five Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland), and the children's spokesperson from Greenland, in addition to representatives of associations of Nordic paediatricians and pediatric surgeons, have agreed to work with their respective national governments to achieve a ban on non-therapeutic circumcision of underage boys.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2013 20:14)

Electoral Injustice- Minorities Waiting for Reformation

Pakistan United Christian Movement rejects the proposed electoral system for the Non-Muslims in upcoming the local government elections...

(ISLAMABAD) - State of injustice Check out the biggest leftist hypocrisy in Pakistan, remarkably highlighted by Albert David Chairman Pakistan United Christian Movement.

In political terms the local governments are known as the nursery of politics where new entrants to politics get trained, gain experience and take bigger strides to play their role at the National level. However It appears that by introducing two different electoral systems for Non-Muslims in the upcoming local government elections they are being made victims of yet another political injustice.

Read Full Article (Oct-12-2013 17:09)

Hindus Urge `Uniform & Kinder` EU Migration Policy

Rajan Zed urged Pope Francis and other religious leaders of the world to take up this issue with EU as religion told us to help the helpless.

(RENO) - Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed In view of recent tragic incidents resulting in deaths of migrants, Hindus want European Union (EU) to come up with a uniform and kinder EU-wide migration policy.

Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that the loss of migrants’ life heading to Europe, with one shocking incident after another, was not acceptable. How many more people needed to die before EU took the issue seriously and fixed the policy, Zed asked?

Read Full Article (Oct-12-2013 17:02)

Hanna Arendt and Jewish Intolerance

Every humanities student in the Western world will, at some time, comes across the work of Hannah Arendt but no one really knows the names of any of her detractors.

(London Redress) - In  1961 the German-Jewish philosopher and political theorist Hannah Arendt travelled to Jerusalem to cover the trial of Adolf Eichmann for the New Yorker. Margarethe von Trotta’s  new docudrama, Hannah Arendt, tells the story of her journey and the controversy following her report.

What Arendt (Barbara Sukowa) saw in Eichmann was not stupidity, but thoughtlessness – a complete incapacity for independent critical thought. Arendt understood that it was within this thoughtlessness that the evil becomes banal as opposed to being a sinister, premeditated crime.

Read Full Article (Oct-12-2013 16:03)

PAKISTAN: Pastors Booked Under Blasphemy in Lahore

The incident took place at the shop of Mushtaq Masih on 8th October 2013 and FIR No. 675/13 registered on 9 October, 2013 at about 12:05 midnight.

(LAHORE, Pakistan) - Attacks on Christians in Pakistan Police registered a blasphemy case against Pastors Adnan, Arfan and Mushtaq Masih, under blasphemy laws, Sections of 295,295 A,295 B, 295 C Pakistan Penal Code.

The three were charged under Sections 295 A, B and C of PPC at Police Station Township on the complaint of a Muslim man, Abid Mehmood s/o Muhammad Ashraf Aqib, 153 A Lala Zar Colony Pagat Pura Shadbagh.

Read Full Article (Oct-10-2013 23:42)

Dissolving Ties with Rome

A Special Report from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its affiliate, ITCCS Ireland (submitted by ITCCS Central with the help of Mary Hennessey and Ciaran Ui Niall)

(DUBLIN) - ITCCS Four years ago, this city on the Liffey River hosted the formation of the ITCCS: a grassroots movement that has successfully prosecuted and deposed one pope and rallied survivors of church crimes in twenty one countries.

Today, Dublin is once again witnessing the birth of an historic movement, an offshoot of the ITCCS: a network of Roman Catholic priests who are aiming to break away from Rome, and establish an independent Irish Church that is free of any complicity with the crimes of the Vatican.

Read Full Article (Oct-05-2013 10:12)

Saudi Arabia:Immediately and Unconditionally Drop all Charges Against Waleed Abu Al-Khair

Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes expresses his concern regarding the arrest of Waleed Abu Al-Khair, which is a worrying step in the judicial harassment of the human rights defender, along with the travel ban imposed upon him since 2012.

(Riyadh) - On 2 October 2013, human rights defender and lawyer Mr Waleed Abu Al-Khair was arrested in Jeddah city and charged with “organising illegal gatherings” in his house. He has since been transferred for further questioning to the interrogation office, which has extended his detention until 6 October 2013.

Waleed Abu Al-Khair is a human rights lawyer and founder of the Monitor of Human Rights in Saudi Arabia. He has been involved in cases against the government for jailing activists without charge and for banning women voting in municipal elections.

Read Full Article (Oct-04-2013 18:27)

Supreme Court Rejects Citizens` Request to Change Nationality from `Jewish` to `Israeli`

Court rules against change in identity card registration, citing that there is no proof of the existence of a uniquely 'Israeli' people.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Israeli flag Israel's Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a request by a group of Israelis to declare that they were members of the Israeli people and to allow them to change the ethnic registration on their identity cards from “Jewish” to “Israeli.”

The court ruled that the issue was not one for the court to decide and that there was no proof of the existence of a uniquely “Israeli” people. The court’s ruling echoed that in a similar case 40 years ago.

Read Full Article (Oct-02-2013 16:52)

Council of Europe Adopts Resolution That Opposes Circumcision

The Council of Europe, founded in 1949, is an international organization that promotes cooperation in the areas of human rights, legal standards, and democratic development.

(BOSTON) - Council of Europe Yesterday the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe agreed on a resolution in support of "children's right to physical integrity."

The purpose is to reinforce the protection of children's rights, oppose violence against children, and promote children's participation in decisions that affect them.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
