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A Time for Decision: A New Year`s Message from ITCCS and Kevin Annett

ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett recounts the victories won during 2013 - including the deposing of Pope Benedict and the indictment of church and state by citizen juries.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Kevin Annett In this video, Kevin Annett explains how the formation of ITCCS, led to the last Pope stepping down, contrary to claims of "The Jesuits wanting him out anyway".

Lest we forget that the last Pope, Benedict, was part of the Hitler Youth during the Holocaust. His shameful past in Europe however was heavily overshadowed by his desire to shield child raping priests from prosecution or accountability. This is at the core of what tears at Kevin Annett's heart.

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2013 16:55)

Ullema`s Constitution

Internationally everyone is turning to interfaith dialogue and agreeing to other faiths but you should not impose for this rigid Islamic Jihadist.

(ISLAMABAD) - Pakistan flag Throughout the Christmas celebration, 2013, Pakistan Peoples Party chairman Bilwal Bhutto Zardari claimed that I want to see some sort of Christian Prime Minister in Pakistan within my lifetime.

He greeted Merry Christmas to every Christian worldwide and particularly to Pakistani Christian believers. With his statement, the roars connected with Pakistani non secular politicians raise at the same time the other people.

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2013 10:51)

Food for Thought

Wake Up! You have slept for millions and millions of years. Why not wake up this morning? --Kabir

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Food for thought There's nothing quite like the use of metaphors in English to confuse, awaken and stimulate thought. Take the title of this article for instance. Is it about food? Or about thought?

For those adventurous enough to type "Food for thought" into the Google search engine, you'll find it's used for both--and more. One food-for-thought website provides a home for one-act plays. Another is a website that offers articles and a newsletter about Islam.

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 17:02)

St. Louis Archdiocese Criticized for Remark on World Religions

Distinguished religious statesman Rajan Zed, stated that we all should be more sensitive and respectful while talking about other religions.

(RENO) - Benedictine Father Michael G. Brunner Series of presentations have been scheduled at a parish under Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Saint Louis (Missouri, USA) about various world religions with the tagline “Learn what they know, so you know what they need to know.”

Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that this “need to know” tagline was highly inappropriate reference to great world religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Islam.

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 12:34)

Bailing Out The Vatican Bank... The Ice Cream Headache*

I'd rather be the man who bought the Brooklyn Bridge than the man who sold it. -Will Rogers

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Vatican crimes St. Peter's Square, Rome. - Pope Francis I, responding to recent reports that JPMorgan Chase and HSBC had ceased doing business with the Vatican Bank, called an unprecedented press conference today in his humble Motel 6 quarters close to St. Peter's Square. The following is a transcript of that press interview:

Luigi Gambini, Il Popola Italia: Your Holiness, you recently announced that you intended to reform the Vatican Bank. What precisely did you mean by that?

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 11:38)

Égalité et Réconciliation: An Interview With Gilad Atzmon

Jewisness, Jewish Power, detractors, history, Khmelnystky, Soros, Palestine and more..

(LONDON) - Gilad Atzmon Alimuddin Usmani: The French Israeli film maker Esti is making short movies in which she asks some famous Jews and non-Jews to answer her question in one minute : “C'est quoi être juif?” (What does it mean to be a Jew?) How would you answer this question?

Gilad Atzmon: To be a Jew is to evoke animosity in others. Couldn’t be shorter than that I guess…

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 09:54)

Dreary Christmas Behind Bars For A Man Accused of Blasphemy

“Every Christian household in this area is being told to immediately vacate their houses. This time you are verbally warned, but the next time you will be burned and killed.” - letter was sent to a Christian colony in Wassanpura, Lahore

(LAHORE) - Pastor Adnan Masih A Christian held captive in a Pakistani prison disclosed an account of his ordeal to an international organization from his prison cell about the trials surrounding his detention and present confinement.

Adnan Prince, a Pakistani Christian 26 years of age who is publicly known as Adnan Masih was accused by his colleague of committing blasphemy. Subsequent to the accusation, Adnan went into hiding, however, returned a month later after police hooked a number of of his family members.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2013 14:31)

The Voice of Syria in North America: a Report on the Mother Agnes Tour

At Mother Agnes and Sister Carmel's first North America stop in Tucson, Arizona, this unidentified native American came to them and said, "I feel the need to protect you."

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Mother Agnes and Sister Carmel's first North America stop in Tucson, Arizona Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross says that although she received a warm welcome everywhere during her visit to North America, she also encountered more hostility than even in some of the opposition-held areas in Syria.

This may be an exaggeration, but it is certainly true that much of the battle for Syria takes place in the US and Canada.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2013 10:57)

Religious Statesman Rajan Zed Listed as `Global Person of the Year`

Northern Nevada clergy belonging to various religions and denominations organized a reception in Rajan Zed’s honor.

(RENO) - Distinguished Religious Statesman Rajan Zed “Face2News”, a tri-lingual (English, Hindi and Punjabi) Internet newspaper from Chandigarh (India), has selected distinguished religious statesman Rajan Zed as “Global Person of the Year” for 2013.

“Face2News”, which aims at “stimulating the public discourse in right direction”, says that its team headed by Chief Editor Dharam Loona and Editor Roshan Lal Goyal and constituted of experts from various fields, picked USA based Zed after long and passionate discussions out of a lengthy list of wonderful achievers.

Read Full Article (Dec-27-2013 11:37)

Support Mother Who Resists Court Order to Circumcise Son

The woman has said that she does not wish to harm her son. Circumcision has been shown to result in physical, sexual, and psychological harm.

(LOS ANGELES) - The woman has said that she does not wish to harm her son. The Jewish Circumcision Resource Center represents Jews around the world who question circumcision and choose not to circumcise their sons.

An Israeli religious court has fined a woman for refusing to circumcise her infant son. The matter is part of an ongoing divorce case. In Israel, religious courts have authority over various family matters like marriage, divorce, and child welfare.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley