(Feb-17-2012 18:04)
Khader Adnan: 60... 61 Days of Legendary Steadfastness
Submitted by Dr. Gabi Weber for
Thoughts for a prisoner in the Holy Land whose suffering crosses two months...
(FREIBURG, Germany ) -
Dear brother, dear comrade: As you continue to defy oppression and as you continue to struggle for freedom, in your name and in the name of every Palestinian and in the name of every conscientious human, listen to the voices around you.
Listen to the voices of the walls of the dungeon that hold you captive, listen to their silent whisper...
Read Full Article (Feb-17-2012 16:57)
The Destructive Madness of Extremism: First McCarthyism, Then Radical Zionism
James M. Wall
Time to choose up sides, folks: Are you with us or against us?
The right-wing government leaders of the state of Israel, bolstered by their powerful US allies, are trembling with excitement at the prospect of a military attack against Iran.
Everything is in place for Iraq Redux. This time the Extremists are determined to get it right. No ground troops, just highly sophisticated bombing runs that will target nuclear targets in Iran.
Read Full Article (Feb-16-2012 14:54)
Compassion and Loss in Palestine
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh
A terrible crash in Palestine claims the lives of nine kids, and Khader Adnan crosses day 60 in his Hunger Strike.
We had a really bad day today. Nine Palestinian very young children were killed and 40 other kindergarden children injured (some severely) in one horrific fiery traffic accident today and another child was killed in a separate traffic accident.
The day started with me breaking a glass and then having to talk to a lawyer about a notice I just received to go to military court on 1 April .
Read Full Article (Feb-15-2012 17:46)
New Report: Federal Bank Regulators Don`t Look Like America
Executives at Some Key Agencies 100% White, Study Finds.
(BERKELEY, Calif.) -
Federal agencies that regulate America’s financial industry don’t come close to matching the nation’s diversity, a new study released today shows.
The report comes as the recently-created Offices of Women and Minority Inclusion are gearing up their operations and its authors argue that failure to include regulators from diverse backgrounds may cause these agencies to miss emerging trends.
Read Full Article (Feb-15-2012 13:09)
Khader Adnan`s Life in Grave Danger as He Continues His Struggle Against Israel`s Human Rights Violations
Israel’s Military Appeals Court Confirms Four Month Administrative Detention Today.
The Israeli Military Appeals Court dismissed the appeal against Khader Adnan’s administrative detention order, 13 February 2012.
The court decision orders Khader to remain detained for the full duration of his four month administrative detention order, to be expired on 8 May.
Read Full Article (Feb-14-2012 15:22)
White Man Arrested for Having a Black Granddaughter
Mr. Henson is a retired political consultant and journalist who runs a blog about the Texas criminal justice system.
A man who is a self-described “Texas Redneck” says that he has been harassed repeatedly by Texas police because his granddaughter is black.
Scott Henson often volunteers to babysit his granddaughter and claims that he is the victim of “babysitting while white.”
Read Full Article (Feb-14-2012 14:57)
Day 59 of Palestinian Khader Adnan`s Hunger Strike
Submitted by Dr. Gabi Weber for
I don't know how to make you care about a dying Palestinian prisoner in his 59th day of hunger strike...
(FREIBURG, Germany) -
Khader Adnan is entering his 59th day of hunger strike to protest his "administrative detention" (meaning they imprison him without even charging him with anything).
If you don't know what 59 days of hunger strike mean - I am afraid every day to read he has finally died. He is in hospital, chained to his bed, still denied all kinds of rights.
Read Full Article (Feb-13-2012 00:44)
`STAY HUMAN` written by Vittorio Arrigoni THE READING MOVIE
Tim King
- Chapter VIII - read by Huwaida Arraf...
Every movement waging resistance against state terrorism, requires heroes.
The deadly and bloody effort to liberate the trapped people of Gaza and bring their highly suppressed stories to the world, has fallen on the backs of a select few people, and two steely activists whose efforts really matter, are Vittorio Arrigoni and Huwaida Arraf.
Read Full Article (Feb-12-2012 15:54)
Corruption vs Dignity in Palestine
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh
Every hour here I am reminded of what the prophets of old days realized with contemplation and deep thought: that each human being is a battle field.
A friend asked how activists keep going when so many people engage in corruption, stealing, lying, cheating, and harming others.
Here in Palestine, there are plenty of people who do these things and they are both Israelis and Palestinians.
Read Full Article (Feb-12-2012 15:28)
Khader Adnan Continues Hunger Strike
James M. Wall
Under detention, Israel may hold a prisoner for up to six months without revealing any evidence.
Khader Adnan is a 33-year-old Palestinian graduate student, who, until he was arrested by Israeli police on December 17, 2011, lived in the occupied West Bank with his wife and two young daughters.
Their home is in the village of Arrabe, near Jenin.
Read Full Article