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`India Should Raise UN Report on Lanka Rights Violations`: CPI

D. Raja said the international community was shocked to witness such "war crimes and gross violations of human rights" committed during the civil war in Sri Lanka.

(DELHI, India) - Flag of the Communist Party of India The Communist Party of India on Saturday demanded that India should raise the issue of the United Nations report on the last phase of the civil war in Sri Lanka.

The conflict is a hotbed of allegations of human rights violations by the Army, during the meeting of UN Human Rights Commission at Geneva.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2012 12:30)

Tamil Businessman who was `White Vanned` in Colombo Remains Missing

Mr. Prabhakaran was earlier arrested by police on charges that he had links with the now defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - Flag of Sri Lanka We reported earlier this month, that a Tamil businessman in Colombo, 42-year old Ramasamy Prabakaran, was seized in broad daylight by armed goons; 'white vanned'... in broad daylight in front of his wife and daughter.

The Times in India reported this week that Ramasamy Prabakaran, owner of “Panama Traders” an electronics store in Bambalapitiya, is still missing.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2012 21:52)

Special Feature: The Meaning of Religion in Sri Lanka

An unexpected snapshot into the madness of life in a dominant Buddhist culture.

(LONDON) - Tamil girl who died I am very pleased to introduce this next story by author Roma Tearne, of London. This is a fictional day in the life account of a family in Sri Lanka, the country of Roma's heritage.

It isn't part of our regular news, however it is more relevant than most reports as a current information piece.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2012 18:42)

Gilad Atzmon in Oakland Tonight!!!

Gilad is in Oakland tonight!

(OAKLAND) - Gilad Atzmon In spite of the relentless attempts of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Alan Derschowitz to cancel this crucial meeting, the event is going ahead!!! If you happen to be in the Bay area, please come and stand with us.

Gilad Atzmon, one of the world's top jazz saxophonists, is also a prolific activist writer and he concentrates on the crimes of his home country, Israel.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2012 17:57)

Principal Reasons for TNA Position on Devolution of Land Powers

The devolving of Land Powers to the Provincial Councils is an issue like that of devolving Police powers which is causing a political furore in Sri Lanka.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - Land in North Sri Lanka, barren from war In recent times this important issue has been muddied further by President Rajapaksa’s pronouncements that Land powers will not be given to the Provincial councils.

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) which is the premier political formation representing the Sri Lankan Tamils continues to emphasise that land powers should be devolved to the Provincial council in terms of the Constitution.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2012 15:07)

In Asia Group, Sri Lanka Says Stands Behind Silva, Group Letter Not Agreed To

A diplomat told Inner City Press it was "outrageous," that the Sri Lankan Mission was allowed to prohibit the press from covering the February 22 meeting in 380 Madison Avenue.

(UNITED NATIONS) - Shavendra Silva and Palitha Kohona Two days after Sri Lankan General Shavendra Silva was ruled "inappropriate" to participate as the Asia-Pacific Group's representative on the UN Senior Advisory Group on Peacekeeping Operations, the Asia Group met Friday behind closed doors about the controversy.

For four weeks, Inner City Press has questioned the UN Secretariat of Ban Ki-moon and diplomats from Asian countries how they could accept Silva as adviser on peacekeeping...

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2012 02:44)

It`s All About Crushing Egypt`s Revolution, Mr. Friedman

“On the Egyptian military’s priority list, nothing comes before crushing the revolution, not even the USA and its $1.3 billion annual aid.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - “Egypt’s Step Backward” is Mr. Thomas Friedman’s latest pieces on post-Mubarak Egypt.

Published in the New York Times on Feb. 21, Mr. Friedman gives his precise perspective on the current political scene in Egypt, but I wished he had scratched the surface harder and digged deeper.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2012 18:37)

Former South African President`s Visit Should Not Be Celebrated

Mandela later connected members of de Klerk's ministry, at the very least contiguously, to attacks.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Harvard University Gazette The Wholistic Peace Institute is hosting a visit of the last apartheid president of South Africa, F. W. de Klerk, to our city.

President de Klerk was presented the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and is thus deemed a spokesperson of world peace by the Institute.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2012 18:36)

Rajapaksa Secretly inaugurated China Project in Jaffna

As reported earlier by TamilNet, the genocidal Colombo not only seals off Eezham Tamils from Tamil Nadu, but also effectively checks Indian ambitions there with proxy Chinese projects.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - Funds to help construct a school in Vanni, were redirected for a hospital renovation and swimming pool, dedicated by Sri Lanka President Majinda Rajapaksa earlier this month on 06 Feb. Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa opened a renovated hospital and a swimming pool earlier this month.

Both projects were criticised by local media, over the diversion of funds intended to reconstruct schools in Vanni.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2012 17:35)

Israeli Forces Storm Al Aqsa Plaza in Violent Clashes with Worshippers

Tens of thousands in Palestine and around the world abhor the actions by the extremists.

(JERUSALEM / SALEM) - al-Aqsa Mosque Violent clashes took place Friday between Palestinian worshippers, Jewish settlers and Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) troops who stormed the ancient al Aqsa Mosque plazas just after the noon prayers.

The ongoing threat by extremist Jewish groups to "take" the al Aqsa Mosque has caused a reverberation around the globe.

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