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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-21-2009 00:24)

2009 Memorial Day Events Set Throughout Oregon

A few thoughts on this important holiday, and a complete list of Oregon events that have been brought to our attention.

(SALEM, Ore.) - American fallen Events and observances are set to take place throughout Oregon as residents spend a day honoring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice while defending their country.

In fact it is a day to honor all veterans, but particularly those who are no longer with us.

Read Full Article (May-20-2009 07:33)

Sgt. John Russel: A Reprise - Condemned to the Hell of PTSD

Sgt. Russel, who has seen too much war and strife and sought help for his night terrors which is THE hallmark of PTSD, was probably told by the medics to “suck it up” which is a disdainful way of saying “don’t be a wimp”.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Sgt. Russel has had a tough life. According to his father he was dyslexic which means when he read words the letters were scrambled like a puzzle. School is tough enough without having scrambled words.

He apparently did not have a decent steady job after school but like many in the same situation joined the National Guard for spending money.

Read Full Article (May-20-2009 07:29)

A Tale of Two Wars

Soldiers set out to kill each other, not because they want to, but because they are told to—and they obey!

(CALGARY, Alberta) - On May 11, 2009 Sgt John Russell, a 15-year career soldier, walked into Camp Liberty, a counselling centre in Baghdad, and shot to death two counsellors and three young soldiers, before being restrained. This is a multiple tragedy from all vantage points.

Wars are about killing with the devil in the details—who does the killing and how they do it.

Read Full Article (May-19-2009 10:47)

Obama Meets Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (VIDEO)

Hope for the Palestinian/Israeli conflict?

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - President Barack Obama talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu The President dedicated his day today to a one-on-one meeting, an expanded meeting, and a working lunch with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel.

Speaking to the press afterwards, they gave the opening remarks below before taking questions

Read Full Article (May-14-2009 12:09)

Canada: Feds to Pay for Military Veterans Medical Marijuana

The policy change was approved last October, but is only now being communicated to veterans who require the product for pain management and other severe medical conditions.

(OTTAWA Canadian Press) - Canadian flag The military may strictly forbid marijuana use by its soldiers, but the federal government has decided to pay for medical cannabis for some veterans.

Veterans Affairs has reversed a previous ban, now saying it "may provide payment in relation to the associated costs of medically required marijuana to clients who have qualified."

Read Full Article (May-13-2009 11:22)

Who is the Enemy in Iraq?

While five Americans were recently shot to death by a PTSD stricken soldier, four other deaths have taken place that were not combat related.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Army Sergeant John M. Russell The same story plays out day after day, year after year and war after war. Governments that possess great intelligence and review endless amounts of data, still place human beings in situations that the most basic assessments should have prevented.

It's the fallout of a war that should have never been fought, by a country whose leaders blatantly lied in order to wage the campaign. The ambitions of the last U.S. President have left up to a million Iraqi's dead, as well as an escalating number of our own. They were sent to war in woefully inadequate vehicles, without a real plan.

Read Full Article (May-13-2009 07:25)

PTSD Vet Hits the Wall: Goes Berserk and Kills Five

The system which put him in this miserable, tragic state must be corrected.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Flag draped coffins When I first heard this my response was somewhere between a scream and a shudder. The TV news etcetra has been full of PTSD Vet murders and suicides.

If ever there was a broken system or at worst no system at all for preventing or taking care of PTSD Vets. This event should once more be a wake-up call but I don’t think it will happen. It never has!

Read Full Article (May-12-2009 07:23)

Soldiers Killing Soldiers in Iraq: an Established Problem

Gunfights between U.S. soldiers have been taking place in Iraq for years.

(SALEM, Ore.) - The news about five American soldiers killed and three injured by one of their own at Camp Victory in Baghdad, Iraq was like a kick in the gut. The news follows last week's soldier suicide in the Oregon Guard parking lot.

Sadly, it takes numbers to get people's attention. We constantly publish stories about casualties whose deaths were "not combat related" and the details are always left out. I wonder how many of those are Americans killed by other Americans? I also wonder how many happen because of the repeated combat tours that no person should be asked to endure.

Read Full Article (May-11-2009 15:40)

Gates Updates Press on Afghanistan while Discussing Today`s Tragedy in Iraq

Press conference with Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen on the Iraq tragedy and leadership changes in Afghanistan.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Pentagon logo As the nation learns of the terrible tragedy that took place in Iraq today, Defense Secretary Robert Gates fields questions from reporters about the incident in Iraq and developments in Afghanistan.

Here is the unedited press conference with Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen on Leadership Changes in Afghanistan and today's tragedy in Iraq.

Read Full Article (May-11-2009 14:43)

Five Americans Killed in Baghdad by Fellow U.S. Army Soldier

Gates expresses horror, regret over base slayings at Camp Victory.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said the Defense Department will devote its “highest-priority attention” to the slaying today of five U.S. servicemembers in Baghdad.

“I would like to express my horror and deep regret over today's shooting incident at Camp Liberty in Iraq,” Gates said at a Pentagon news briefing. “I offer my sympathy and condolences to the families of those who were killed.”

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
