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Salem-News.com (Sep-22-2012 11:25)

Medical Marijuana Prevents PTSD Suicides!

Portland VA confronts PTSD therapy failures?!?

(PORTLAND, OR) - Marijuana and PTSD PTSD therapy failures and suicides, even with VA treatment, are a national disgrace, reports The Oregonian.

Military veterans are the main focus whose suicides far outnumber those who are not military veterans.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-07-2012 16:23)

Medical Marijuana for PTSD: Oregonian Newspaper Promotes Pot???

The Oregonian vilifies “sympathetic doctors”. Well there have been about 3,500 marijuana sympathetic doctors out of 8000 doctors in Oregon.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Military PTSD I couldn’t believe the latest spate of The Oregonian newspaper diatribes about medical marijuana (wolves in sheep’s clothing), I can see that The Oregonian and all of its minions are disregarding all medical science facts and figures in favor of the “Reefer Madness” and “Devil Weed” movies of the 1930’s.

For Shame!!!

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Salem-News.com (Aug-31-2012 15:15)

Concerning the Editorial Pot for PTSD? Oregon`s Medical Marijuana Law Needs Grounding in Science, Medicine

We have a preponderance of research on how cannabis works in the brain and body on PTSD.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Veterans are committing suicide because of PTSD; medical marijuana helps save lives I am glad that the Oregonian Editorial Board thinks enough of this subject matter to dedicate an entire editorial just to respond to the excellent article, earlier this week, by Oregonian's own Noelle Crombie.

However some of the things they say are incorrect and their tone is offensive to the men and women that I serve as a Veteran's advocate so I hope you will allow me time to address these issues.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-28-2012 15:51)

PTSD/TBI: A National, Medical, Moral, Financial Catastrophe

We are in worse trouble than anyone has imagined.

(SALEM) - Military vehicle in Iraq that struck an IED The Oregonian carried an article about Army Combat Veteran, Theadore Jones, “Correcting for Veterans” on Tuesday, pointing out the disgraceful treatment of out battered and bruised medically disabled veterans.

He was hit with bombs and grenade 7 times in Iraq in 2004. He is 100% disabled with PTSD and other injuries.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-28-2012 13:45)

Suicide and the Soldier

"We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex..." - President Dwight Eisenhower

(SASKATCHEWAN) - Soldier with a setting Afghan sun - by: Tim King Eleven years ago, the NeoConservative Bush administration started its so-called endless war on "terrorism."

What they did was provoke by decades of anti-Muslim, anti-Arab and blindly pro-Israel US foreign policies.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-14-2012 16:28)

Military Hazing, PTSD, Alcoholism, Murder and Suicide: It`s Everywhere and Dangerous

For Veterans Medical care, the philosophy seems to be “delay, delay, delay until the Veterans die!”

(PORTLAND, OR) - Military Hazing All branches of the military have an ignominious history of extreme hazing.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-01-2012 23:25)

Military Suicides Continued: Critique of the Time Article: One Suicide a Day

The military wrongly claims that marital relationship issues cause suicides. What causes the issues? PTSD = Marital Discord.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Soldier in war I wrote, Military Suicides: Are they Killing the Best Fighters? about 2 weeks before the TIME issue came out. I have some real issues with TIME.

TIMES author, Mark Thompson and Nancy Gibbs got it mostly correct with some serious errors or near errors. I will try to correct the worst.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-26-2012 11:41)

Steinbeck`s Dispatches from Vietnam

"They make me sick with envy. They ride their vehicles the way a man controls a fine, well-trained quarter horse - Steinbeck referring to Huey helicopter pilots with the 10th Cavalry.

(WASHINGTON DC Air & Space Mag) - The great American author John Steibeck, in Vietnam. In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson asked John Steinbeck to visit South Vietnam and report to him personally on U.S. operations. (The Steinbeck’s were frequent visitors to the White House.)

Steinbeck was reluctant to go to Vietnam on behalf of the president, but when the Long Island daily
Newsday suggested that he travel throughout Southeast Asia as a roving reporter, he accepted.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-11-2012 19:15)

Secretary of Defense: Create a Central National Registry for Military Sex Offenders

Ask the Department of Defense to create a national database for sex offenders.

(COLBY, WI) - Lance Corporal Nicole McCoy I joined the military because I wanted to serve my country. I served as a Lance Corporal in the Marines for over three years.

In that time I was raped twice and sexually assaulted another two times.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-10-2012 21:13)

Ray `Bubba` Sorenson & `The Freedom Rock`

Veterans and their families have a friend in Iowa.

(CINCINNATI) - 'The Freedom Rock' Desecration of the American flag is always a 'hot' news story, particularly when flames are used to ignite a symbol of national pride... for which so many have died. But what happens when the exact opposite takes place? Without question, media attention is scarce.

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