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Salem-News.com Ptsd articles Page 15

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Salem-News.com (Jul-04-2011 15:47)

In the Rockets Red Glare - An Independent American

I have carried no hatred, bitterness or negative energy into this battle. I do not believe it would have changed the outcome. It would only have changed the outcome of “me.”

(LOS ANGELES) - Rocket attack in Saigon, 1967. This July, Americans celebrate Independence Day. It is the birthday of the United States of America and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

It's a day of picnics, patriotic parades, ball games, a night of concerts and fireworks, and a reason to proudly fly the American flag. A day we celebrate the rights of all Americans, and the protection we share under our constitution.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-30-2011 14:15)

PTSD Can be Managed!

PTSD is not new. Evidence of PTSD has been around for centuries, going back to the time of the Greek Poet Homer’s Iliad and PTSD does not heal with time if not properly treated.

(ROCHESTER, N.Y.) - Tom Porpiglia, MS, EFT-ADV., LMHC and founder of Life Script Counseling Services is a Vietnam Veteran and a licensed mental health counselor in private practice in Rochester, NY. The American military provides the finest training and has the most sophisticated weapons in the world, and the men and women who serve in our armed forces know that personal sacrifice is inherent in the job of service to country.

Sometimes the sacrifice is exposure to trauma that affects emotional and/or physical health. Sometimes the sacrifice is life itself.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-19-2011 23:54)

A One-Session Wonder: EFT heals combat trauma in Sgt. Joshua

This is out first article from PTSD intuitive coach Sue Hannibal.

(VISTA, Calif.) - U.S. Army patrol in Iraq This is the transcript of a successful EFT session with a three-tour Iraq War Veteran of the U.S. Army.

Disclaimer: Caution-- veterans with PTSD symptoms: This is a graphic account of severe combat trauma. If you are easily triggered, don’t read this. If you choose to read it and feel yourself becoming triggered, turn your attention away from your memories and back to the narrative.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-18-2011 04:50)

American Police and the `No Knock Raid`

Note: This video contains graphic images of violence and mature language. Viewer discretion is advised.

(SALEM, Ore.) - 'No Knock Raid' I was starting a new article about the recently murdered Marine combat veteran in Arizona who was Murdered in an apparent case of mistaken identity, when this amazing clip arrived in our mailbox, and I knew then that this was absolutely the most important item to move forward regarding this issue.

The issue is out of control police; training that teaches them only the ones with badges matter...

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Salem-News.com (Jun-12-2011 22:11)

Viet Nam War Nurse Arlene Edwards Featured Friday on `Veterans Voice Radio Show`

KBOO 90.7 FM produces 'Veterans Voice Radio Show' Friday mornings.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - KBOO This Friday, Oregon listeners will have a unique chance to hear 'Veterans Voice radio Show' host Marvin Simmons interview Viet Nam veterans nurse Arlene Edwards. It happens Friday, 17 June, at 9:00 a.m.

Arlene Edwards, a triage nurse in the 45th Surgical Hospital in Tay Ninh Province, will discuss her experiences during the Vietnam War as a nurse tasked with treating severely wounded soldiers.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-07-2011 18:19)

Actions Speak Louder than Words, at least where Veterans are Concerned

A leader’s ears must ring with the voices of the people! Do you hear us, America? - President Woodrow Wilson

(GARDEN GROVE) - Veterans For Change Veterans-For-Change, an advocacy group for Veterans rights, benefits, and treatment, would like to address the ever-increasing problems affecting veterans and their families every day.

President Obama has clearly stated, “Whether you left the service in 2009 or 1949, we will fulfill our responsibility to deliver the benefits and care that you earned. That's why I've pledged to build nothing less than a 21st-century VA.”

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Salem-News.com (May-30-2011 19:01)

Memorial and Veterans Day Hypocrisy


(CHICAGO MCS) - American War Dead from the Middle east being shipped home. Annually America’s warrior tradition is commemorated in major media editorials and op-eds, honoring fallen men and women for reasons not explained. More on that below.

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Salem-News.com (May-25-2011 21:30)

Arizona Cops Blast Marine Veteran to Death on Bad Information

Not allowed to live...

(TUCSON, Ariz.) - Jose Guereña Having survived two tours in Iraq, Marine combat veteran Jose Guereña in Arizona was gunned down in front of his family, inside of his own home, by the Pima Regional SWAT team earlier this month.

They fired 71 rounds in seven seconds, striking him 60 times. This one is far worse than anything I have personally ever heard of, with regard to the rampant number of police shootings we have reported.

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Salem-News.com (May-16-2011 19:19)

Military Rape: (SOP) Standard Operating Procedure

Do women join the military to be raped?

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Military rape I have written about this before for Salem-news.com. The most recent article to come to my attention is The Christian Science Monitor: Military’s Unseen Foe: Sexual Assault.

I won’t repeat the raunchy statement by Old Blood and Guts General Patton, which is too crude and gross to repeat here, about what a fighting soldier should be.

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Salem-News.com (May-13-2011 16:24)

ACLU Calls On Holder To Make Clear DOJ Will Not Prosecute People Complying With State Medical Marijuana Laws

A reminder to the White House that integrity is mandatory.

(NEW YORK) - ACLU marijuana In a letter sent late yesterday, the ACLU expresses deep concern about recent letters from several U.S. attorneys from across the country that threaten people who comply with state medical marijuana laws, including state employees and state licensed providers of medical marijuana, with federal prosecution.

"Patients, providers and legislatures need clear guidance from DOJ so they can proceed in confidence that state law will be respected."

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
