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Veterans: Banished and Betrayed

Harsh new measures have now snared immigrants who spilled their blood for our country.

(SAN DIEGO) - Banished veterans “Banished veterans." The phrase shouldn't make sense. Someone joins the military, fights in a war, returns home, and then is banished? Thankfully, this can't happen here...

But it is happening here. Thousands of men and women who have risked their lives in the country's wars have been deported or are living under the threat of deportation because they committed non-violent crimes that often wouldn't warrant serving jail time.

Read Full Article (Jan-12-2010 15:40)

Healthcare Costs and Billing: Health Insurance Plans

Healthcare in the US is owned and operated by businessmen, whose first priority is profits. Doctors and patients are often lost somewhere within the system that was created for them by the profit seekers.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Medical bills The American healthcare billing and insurance payment system can best be described as chaotic, bewildering, and nearly incomprehensible. And for those without health insurance, it is totally unfair and cruel.

I spent my corporate life in engineering and management positions.

Read Full Article (Jan-07-2010 19:52)

Interview with George Galloway Inside Gaza

One month, thousands of miles, ten countries, one ship and a four flights later, Viva Palestina has entered the besieged Gaza Strip.

(GAZA/SALEM) - George Galloway surrounded by reporters, but almost none from Western news agencies, in Gaza. The people behind a 200+ car convoy who arrived in Gaza yesterday entered this embattled city with only about 75% of what they had hoped to deliver. 55 of these humanitarian aid activists were bloodied during attacks by Egyptian police.

Convoy Commander George Galloway, Member of Parliament, says it was still more than worth it.

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2010 20:54)

Turks Protest Egypt`s Attack on Humanitarian Convoy Traveling to Gaza

The Egyptian government's denial of entry for Viva Palestina trucks came despite talks in which a delegation of Turkish lawmakers sought to convince Cairo officials to open its border to Gaza for the aid convoy.

(ISTANBUL, Turkey) - Turkish protesters poured into streets and assembled in front of the Egyptian consulate in Istanbul over Gaza Press TV in Iran reports that thousands of angry protesters in Turkey have staged a demonstration in the city of Istanbul to condemn the Egyptian police crackdown on a Gaza-bound aid convoy.

At least 55 people were injured in clashes that broke out between riot police and Viva Palestina activists at the Egyptian port of El-Arish on Tuesday, after Egypt said it would not allow 59 trucks for the relief convoy to enter the blockaded Gaza Strip. Following the incident, Turkish protesters poured into streets and assembled in front of the Egyptian consulate in Istanbul on Wednesday.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2010 23:21)

Egyptian Police Launch Violent Attack Against Humanitarian Aid Convoy

The military might of Israel and Egypt combined, lacks the steel framing these humanitarian activists.

(SALEM/LOS ANGELES/CAIRO) - Injured activists in Gaza Israel trains its pet animals well. Hundreds of humanitarians have come under attack while trying to reach Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid.

They have been trying to reach Gaza for weeks, and now their pursuit has led them to ruthless violence at the hands of Egyptian police, under the command of Israel.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2010 03:06)

Petition Seeks to Bring Water to Gaza Residents

Effort is targeted toward Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and sponsored by Care2.

(NEW YORK ) - Girl drinking water in Gaza According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), more than 10,000 Gaza residents do not have water taps anywhere near their homes. On top of this, about 60 percent of Gaza residents do not have reliable access to water at all.

After the Hamas takeover of Gaza in 2007, Israel imposed sanctions against border crossings and materials exchanges across the borders. Israel officials say these sanctions are imposed in order to meet the humanitarian needs of the residents of Gaza.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2009 23:56)

Pink Floyd`s Roger Waters Issues Message of Solidarity with The Gaza Freedom March

"Today, hundreds of thousands, tomorrow, millions, soon, hundreds of millions. We Shall Overcome" -Roger Waters

(NEW YORK ) - Pink Floyd's Roger Waters I am writing to express my great admiration for and solidarity with the 1,360 men and women from 42 different countries around the World who are gathering in Egypt, preparing for The Gaza Freedom March.

We all watched, aghast, the vicious attack made a year ago on the people of Gaza by Israeli armed forces and the ongoing illegal siege.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2009 23:35)

Hedy Epstein Begins Hunger Strike to Open Gaza Borders

When Hedy Epstein was a young teen her parents smuggled her away, then perished in Auschwitz in 1942. No wonder she supports the people of Gaza.

(CAIRO, Egypt) - Hedy Epstein, the 85 year old Holocaust survivor and peace activist Hedy Epstein, the 85 year old Holocaust survivor and peace activist, announced that she will begin a hunger strike today as a response to the Egyptian government’s refusal to allow the Gaza Freedom March participants into Gaza.

Ms. Epstein was part of a delegation with participants from 43 countries that were to join Palestinians in a non-violent march from Northern Gaza towards the Erez border with Israel calling for the end of the illegal siege.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2009 23:31)

Gaza Freedom Marchers Maintain Pressure in Cairo for Border Opening

Activists are keeping up the pressure with the intent that Egypt should open the border and allow the convoy to go to Gaza.

(CAIRO, Egypt) - Gaza Freedom March The Gaza Freedom March is being held up by the Egyptian government after all, in spite of word issued a few days ago that Egypt had changed its position on allowing entry into Gaza.

It has been one year since the Israeli military decimated the people of Gaza in retaliation for Hamas rocket attacks that killed a small number of Israeli people, approximately seven. In retaliation, Israel unleashed an attack involving illegal weapons and specific targeting of ambulance crews and schools.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2009 13:42)

Food Share, Clothing Line Address Hunger Issues

End Hunger Now t-shirt used to bring Awareness to hunger problems.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Break the Chain Apparel and the Marion-Polk Food Share have joined together to bring awareness to the hunger issues in Oregon’s Marion and Polk counties.

They have designed and produced a t-shirt that will serve as a fundraiser for the Food Share. The shirt’s slogan, “Because No One Should Go Hungry… End Hunger Now” is a powerful message that the organizations expect will bring positive attention to the hunger plight.

Read Full Article
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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley