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Dec-28-2009 23:56printcomments

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters Issues Message of Solidarity with The Gaza Freedom March

"Today, hundreds of thousands, tomorrow, millions, soon, hundreds of millions. We Shall Overcome" -Roger Waters

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters
Pink Floyd's Roger Waters
Photo courtesy: Intifada-Palestine.com

(NEW YORK ) - My name is Roger Waters. I am an English musician living in the USA. I am writing to express my great admiration for and solidarity with the 1,360 men and women from 42 different countries around the World who are gathering in Egypt, preparing for The Gaza Freedom March.

We all watched, aghast, the vicious attack made a year ago on the people of Gaza by Israeli armed forces and the ongoing illegal siege. The suffering wrought on the population of Gaza by both the invasion and the siege is unimaginable to us outside the walls.

The aim of The Freedom March is to focus world attention on the plight of the Palestinian people in Gaza, in the hope that the scales will fall from the eyes of all ordinary, decent people round the world, that they may see the enormity of the crimes that have been committed, and demand that their governments bring all possible pressure to bear on Israel to lift the siege.

I use the word ‘crimes’ advisedly, as both the siege and the invasion have been declared unlawful by United Nations bodies and leading human rights organizations. If we do not all observe international law, if some governments think themselves above it, it is but a few short, dark, steps to barbarism and anarchy.

The Gaza Freedom March is a beacon to all those of us who believe that under the skin, we are all brothers and sisters, who must stand shoulder to shoulder, if we are to make a future where all have recourse to law and universal human rights. Where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is not just the preserve of the few.

All the oil in The Middle East is not worth one child’s life. So to those of you who march, I tip my hat. It is a brave and noble thing you do, and when you reach your goal please tell our Palestinian brothers and sisters, that out here, beyond the Walls of their Prison, stand hundreds of thousands of us in solidarity with them.

Today, hundreds of thousands, tomorrow, millions, soon, hundreds of millions. We Shall Overcome.

Roger Waters


Special thanks to: Intifada-Palestine.com

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Tom in Minnesota January 1, 2010 7:51 pm (Pacific time)

I guess I touched a nerve with the editor of this site. Without acknowledging that the political leadership of Gaza HAS called for genocide against the Jews living in Israel, I'm told my comments are sinful outrageous lies. Actually, my comments are truthful, as any casual observer of Hamas would know. As for "my people" treating Gazans poorly, I'm an American Christian whose roots are in England and Germany. Don't assume everyone opposed to Hamas' terrorism is Jewish. We're not. As for comparing the policies of Israel to the Nazis, please. Now you're sounding like the nut who stole the election in Iran that helps fund Hamas and whose forces are killing advcates of democracy while denying civil rights to women. Yes, the situation in Gaza is bad. Yes, Israel is not perfect. Yes, the settlers on the West Bank are an issue. But Hamas promised peace in Gaza if the Israeli settlers moved out of Gaza. They were forced out by the Isreali government and the response from Hamas was thousands of rocket attacks on Israel in violation of their pledge to stop the attacks. Apologizing for racist genocidal comments by anti-Semites that deny the Holocaust is anti-intellectual, academically dishonest and politically naive. You failed to mention how many Gazans that are members of Fatah have been killed by the Hamas political leadership in Gaza. Why is that? You also failed to mention that the march into Gaza from Egypt was a disaster thanks to the opposition of the Arab government in Egypt. I suppose you'll say Egypt is controlled by the "racist Zionists" or some other nonsense. Maybe if you care so much about Gaza, you could encourage Hamas to join the 21st century and allow democracy, opposition parties, women to go to school and have civil rights and to denounce terrorism, suicide bombing and kidnapping. As for Roger not responding, hopefully he's reading some newspapers to find out what is happening in Gaza so he can educate you on some basic facts that seem to have escaped your attention. Otherwise, you'll probably keep spouting the nonesense in your response above, which sounds like some illiterate Ku Klux Klan racist right-wing nut.

Editor: Touched a nerve; I think that's a bit mild.  Listening to people justify Israel's eradication of a group of people just becomes a little harder with each dose.  The deal is, we are an honest news group and that is why you are riled and I am having to clarify.  First, I don't care what religion you are, that has nothing to do with it, confused?  Of course you are, because you are a Zionist and that is not a religion, it is a man-made philosophy and it isn't even very old.  You believe that the Israeli's have a right to steal the land they own, and you wonder after all these years, why the people it was stolen from are locked in a deadly game of revenge.  If you stole what I had and told me to live in a ghetto without my worldly possessions and you also expect me to be nice about it, you would be in for a real negative surprise.  There is no light at the end of the tunnel for thieves, especially the most greedy of all; those who almost seem to enjoy murdering Palestinian women and children.  You see, there are no excuses.  Everything every group does, Fatah, Hamas or Hezbollah, is a response to Israeli theft and aggression.  The survivors of the Third Reich deserved plenty, but nobody simply "gets the other guy's stuff" without losing a lot in the process.  Again, all acts of aggression against Israel are purely a response.  Also, I know the dark side of Islam, I have been right in the thick of it in both Afghanistan and Iraq while covering military operations in the theaters.  Most Muslim people are kind and good and just like any other human beings have ever been around.  Religious extremism from Islam is again, all a response to Israel.  Now days of course the USA has fully bloodied its hands in the Mideast but still, why?    Once again the answer is Israel.  No nation has a right to treat other as less because of their religious beliefs, but in Israel it is official policy.

Tom in Minneapolis December 29, 2009 6:16 pm (Pacific time)

Roger, what about the rockets launched from Gaza onto Israeli schools and parks where children are playing? What about the suicide bombers from Gaza that have killed people just eating pizza or riding a bus home from work? You know that the political leadership of Gaza, Hamas, has called for the extermination of all Jews in Israel, right? I love your music, have seen you twice during your visits to St. Paul and Minneapolis and have your CDs, but I hope you will stop supporting the proponents of genocide.

Editor: Tom, the ratio in Gaza last year was over 1,400 Gazans killed and a total of 14 Israeli's.  Four of those casualties were friendly fire incidents within the IDF and three or four others were military casualties.  That leaves a total of 3-4 Israeli people killed during the Hamas rocket attacks.  For those families who lost someone there is tragedy, but this type of retaliation on a people who your people have fully treated like animals from the day you took their land away, is fully outrageous.  The Israeli's are the Nazi's of today and the Palestinians are filling the role of the Jews in the Third Reich.  Of course Israel is a dyed in the wool racist nation from the start anyway, so who should be surprised?  Your lies are not just outrageous, they are truly sinful.  The only GENOCIDE taking place happens at the hands of the Israeli's against the Palestinians.  Again, nobody minimizes the tragedy that happens when terrible things happen to Israeli people.  We need to reach a point where people can live together, and the Zionist "settlers" who are more properly colonialists, are who you need to convince to relinquish what they have stolen. If you haven't noticed by the way, a growing number of Israeli's are becoming aware and calling for an end to the madness, you should join them.  Don't expect Mr. Waters to respond, he's a busy man.  Yes, his music is incredible, please take note of his position in your thoughts.  Please consider what could make a real difference.     

Jeff K- December 29, 2009 8:43 am (Pacific time)

Thank you, Mr. Waters, for your solidarity with these besieged people. Your music has moved me for over three decades, and now I find you have a heart and soul to match the musical beauty you create. Tip of the hat to you, sir; we need more like you.

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