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About Pirates articles Page 6

Page one |Previous Page (Apr-12-2009 11:37)

American Sea Captain Escapes Pirates and is Safe

U.S. politicians and media pundits remain intent on claiming that the Somali's aren't pirates, as they plunder riches from innocent people in ships on the high seas and kidnap captains in lifeboats.

(MOMBASA, Kenya) - Captain Richard Phillips Captain Richard Phillips is a free man. He's the ship captain who was kidnapped last week by Somali pirates. Three of the teenage pirates who were holding Phillips in a lifeboat were killed and a fourth was captured.

Phillips reportedly escaped after jumping overboard. According to CNN, the rescue operation was conducted while one pirate was aboard the USS Bainbridge for negotiations on Phillips' release.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2009 23:30)

Matt Lauer Lies: Somalia`s Pirates Aren`t Just `Criminals With Guns`

A surprising portrayal of pirates by a host of The Today Show helps spread ignorance about serious problems on the high seas.
Where in the world did Matt Lauer's brain go?

(SALEM, Ore.) - Pirates Americans have found it more important in recent years to care about pirates. You know, the ones played by actors like Johnny Depp. That's certainly more important to the Britney Spears generation than the real thing. Surely that 'pirate stuff' is just from old novels and Errol Flynn movies, right?

The recent overtaking of an American freighter by Somali pirates has brought the issue to the forefront but still media jackasses like Matt Lauer go on TV and say things like, "Hey let's get this straight, these aren't pirates, they're criminals with guns."

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2009 10:53)

Piracy in the Red Sea: Saudi Points Towards Israel

Columnists fear that a plan is underway for ‘internationalization’ of security in the Red Sea.

(PARIS) - Star Sirius Not only do columnists and analysts openly accuse Israel of sponsoring acts of piracy that multiply off Somali waters, but they also do not hide their fears of an internationalization of security in the Red Sea, where Israel plays a decisive role.

“What is happening in the Horn of Africa is not a simple case of piracy. These acts of piracy raise various questions about the capabilities and equipment of simple outlaws who are seeking ransoms,” wrote Tuesday (November 25) Nawaf Al-Meshal Sabhan in the Saudi daily Al-Iqtissadia.

Read Full Article (Jan-11-2009 22:30)

Fate of Ukrainian Ship Captured by Pirates Hangs in the Balance

Problems with Russia, the Ukraine's economy and heating sources are allowing the pirate occupied vessel to languish.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Hijacked MV Faina Seen from the USS Vella Gulf. Over three and a half months have passed since Somali pirates overtook the Ukrainian vessel MV Faina off the coast of this African country.

The group ECOTERRA Intl., says information received from the Faina indicates that things are not going well and most communications are still coming from sideline negotiators and informers rather than from the real sources.

As the fate of the Ukrainian ship hangs in the balance, Russia has sent six warships to participate in a joint naval exercise with the Indian navy this month, the chief of the Russian General Staff said on Sunday. The Russian ships are led by the Pyotr Veliky, a nuclear-powered missile cruiser.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2009 19:40)

Sea Pirates Rampage Along Somali Coast on New Year`s Day

Five different pirate attacks and one sea-jacking incident are recorded by EcoTerra on the first day of the year.

(SALEM, Ore.) - The crew of the French Naval frigate Premier Maitre L'Her captured 8 pirates while foiling an attack on the S. Venus The group Ecoterra reports that Somali pirates managed to sea-jack one vessel on the first day of the new year, and also attack two others. They sea-jacking occurred when pirates raided an Egyptian owned cargo ship with 28 Egyptian crew members near the coast of Somalia, the Egyptian foreign ministry confirmed. The vessel that was attacked in this incident is the MV Blue Star. She was flying the flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Read Full Article (Dec-08-2008 16:56)

Talks With Somali Pirates Over Hi-Jacked Ukrainian Weapons Ship Underway

The body of Russian Vladimir Kolobkov, who died after a heat-stroke-induced heart-failure, is still onboard.

(COAST OF AFRICA) - MV Faina Efforts for a peaceful release continued, but the now over two months long stand-off concerning Ukrainian MV FAINA is not yet solved finally, though intensive negotiations have continued.

The Somali captors holding the arms-laden cargo ship yesterday accused the owners of stalling on a ransom payment and threatened to pull out of a deal for its release struck a week ago, Quatar sources and many news agencies reported.

A pirate spokesman said that the armed gang holding the Faina was unhappy about the delay in the ransom payment. "The ship's owners are taking too long to hand over the money," another spokesman, identifying himself only as Ahmed, said by telephone from Hobyo town, near the pirate lair of Harardheere.

Read Full Article (Nov-18-2008 09:34)

Conference will Address Modern Day Piracy at Sea

The Tackling Piracy at Sea Conference takes place March 18th and 19th 2009 in London, UK.

(LONDON) - Modern day pirate in Somalia Somalia is now the backdrop against which increasing levels of piracy are seen. With both the frequency and violence of attacks thought to be growing, there is mounting pressure on governments, international agencies, and the shipping industry to tackle the problem.

Read Full Article (Jun-04-2008 02:19)

UN Calls for World Efforts to Combat $32 Billion Human Trafficking Industry (VIDEO)

"Words must be put into action to fight human trafficking" – Assembly President Srgjan Kerim says.

(NEW YORK) - Children involved in Human Trafficking As we fight a war in Iraq that has destabilized an entire region of the world, and our President continues to suggest that Iran is a danger, a $32 billion annual industry in Human Trafficking is flourishing.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2008 00:11)

What About Real Bloodthirsty Pirates? (VIDEO)

Terrorism on the high seas can come in the form of pirates, known today for fast boats, big guns and bad motives.

(SALEM, Ore.) - An Asian pirate ship and saior o port Pirates along the Southeast Asia coastline murder, rape and pillage the vessels of tourists and refugees on a regular basis, and the problems have escalated in recent years with the advancement of boats and weaponry that allow these criminals of the sea to easily overpower and lay siege to innocent people.

Ever picture that happening to you? You might if you were a young person living near a seaport in another part of the world where young girls are highly valued in the human trafficking and sex slave markets. That is just part of the dark side of piracy and the danger these criminal sailors represent for people over thousands of miles of Asian ocean waters.

Read Full Article (Feb-01-2007 20:45)

The History of Oregon`s Tallest Lighthouse; Yaquina Head

The Cape Foulweather Lighthouse is one of the most-visited on the west coast, with over 400,000 visitors each year.

(NEWPORT, Ore.) - lighthouse Yaquina Head, also known as Cape Foulweather Lighthouse It took approximately one year, and over 370,000 bricks from San Francisco, to construct Oregon's tallest lighthouse Yaquina Head, also known as Cape Foulweather Lighthouse.

The 93 foot tower, double walled for insulation and dampness protection, is Oregon's tallest, and is located on a narrow point of land jutting due west into the Pacific Ocean north of Newport, at Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area.

There was trouble with the lighthouse from the very beginning.

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