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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Dec-03-2013 01:24)

Sharif In Kabul Pledges Support For Peace Talks

Relations between the two countries have been marked by tensions, with Afghanistan often accusing Pakistan of aiding Taliban leaders sheltering across the border.

(KABULRadio Free Europe/Radio Liberty) - Afghanistan Pakistan map During a visit to Kabul, Pakistan's prime minister has said he supports Afghan efforts to seek peace with the Taliban. Nawaz Sharif was speaking after meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai on November 30. He said the recent release of a senior Taliban leader shows he is committed to helping bring peace to Afghanistan.

"I have assured my brother, President Karzai, that Pakistan would continue to extend all possible facilitation for the Afghan peace process," he said.

Read Full Article (Dec-02-2013 19:08)

Message of Hope in the Time of Trouble

“A voice is a human gift; it should be cherished and used, to utter fully human speech as possible. Powerlessness and silence go together.” Margaret Atwood

(LONDON) - Pakistani Christian band Hallelujah Amidst the trials and un-ending problems for the Christians living in Pakistan, certainly no words or actions can pacify or comfort those living there.

Under constant threats and the fear of something might happen which will shatter their lives in the form of persecution, attack or blasphemy law, God’s hand is more powerful to strengthen the Christians of Pakistan in their faith.

Read Full Article (Nov-28-2013 22:05)

Hauled Over the Coals - Incompetent Puppet Finally Gets the Boot

Christian and other minorities are losing their voice in Pakistan's political arena.

(ISLAMABAD) - Tahir Khalil Sindhu Tahir Khalil Sindhu – the only Minister in Punjab province, resigned from his portfolio as provincial minister for health after Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif severely reprimanded him for inefficiency.

And Pakistan Times reported “Incompetent” Sindhu gets the boot. A Health Ministry’s spokesperson said the chief minister confronted Sindhu over his inability to implement precautionary measures.

Read Full Article (Nov-26-2013 13:27)

Pakistan: Rise in Blasphemy Accusations After Peshawar Church Bombing

Reactions from the Muslim majority to the protests were mixed, which might signify how Christians are on the whole perceived in Pakistani society.

(PESHAWAR) - Christians across the country took to the streets to protest after 96 people were killed in the bombing of All Saints Church, Peshawar Two months ago, on September 22, two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside All Saints Church in Peshawar when congregants were leaving the church after the Sunday communion.

The incident was a landmark in the history of Pakistani Christians. To condemn this largest attack on the Christian community – in terms of loss of life – Christians from across the country held protest rallies, claiming that, as a recognised minority, the government fails to protect Christians.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2013 11:45)

Feeling So Lonely

I write for the people who suffer for nothing, Christians are the marginalized segment of the society, like me.

(ISLAMABAD) - Christianity in Pakistan Pakistan - with a Muslim majority, the country’s Christian population is quite small, about 3-5 percent is Christian. Among them, 98% are living below poverty line. In rural areas, they live under the pressure of their landlords and in urban areas most of them work as laborers and could barely make ends meet. In the capital, Christians live around the seasonal drainage and flood during raining seasons.

I know I cannot eradicate poverty or change their social status.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2013 21:49)

Christians of Pakistan Under the Blasphemy Law

The National Commission for Justice and Peace reveals during the last 25 years, 1,058 cases of blasphemy were registered. From 1927 to 1986, only seven cases of blasphemy were registered in the subcontinent.

(LONDON) - Mobs like this one in Pakistan have terrorized Christians Living in a land of 97% Muslims, the Christians in Pakistan have the fear of persecution all the time in the guise of threats, discrimination and hatred but one intimidation that hovers on them every time is the blasphemy law.

Pakistan got independence in 1947 from the British rule and the Christians living in the subcontinent decided to be the part of Pakistan although many have decided else and preferred to live in India.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2013 11:46)

Fear of Arrest and Harassment for Human Rights Lawyer Sardar Mushtaq Gill and His Family

Advocates say he is being targeted due to giving legal assistance in blasphemy cases. (Includes supporting documents)

(LAHORE) - Human rights defender Advocate Sardar Mushtaq Gill LEAD (Legal Evangelical Association Development) is deeply concerned that human rights defender Advocate Sardar Mushtaq Gill has gone into hiding due to a fear of an illegal raid for arrest; he has been harassed by Police Officials who were operating illegally without police uniforms.

On 18 November, 2013, at approximately 9:30 PM in the late night, when people mostly are in bed, in Phool Nagar (Bhai Pheru) some unidentified persons came to his home and knocked at the door.

Read Full Article (Nov-20-2013 14:26)

Afghan Newspapers Back Security Pact with U.S.

Iran and Pakistan are against inking security pact between Kabul and Washington, believing that U.S. bases in Afghanistan threaten national security.

(KABUL Xinhua) - Afghan region in Asia Afghan newspapers on Monday expressed support for the proposed security pact known as Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the United States.

"Inking security agreement between Afghanistan and the United States of America would not pose any security threat to the neighboring countries; rather helps to have long-term U.S. support which is necessary for having viable security in the country," the daily Etilaatroz writes...

Read Full Article (Nov-15-2013 16:16)

Please Help Pakistani Christians this Christmas

Please understand our situation is a very bad; it is a dangerous situation and the tension is relieved when people send us Christmas love, offering gifts.

(FAISALABAD, Pakistan) - Christmas in Pakistan I want to inform you that The PSSWS is every year distributing Christmas at Christmas festivals. Gifts programs among with poor, street-wandering, homeless, cold children & neglected widows, poorest Christian families in Pakistan. Please try to send even a little help to our Christmas distributing programs. Christmas is coming soon.

At this present time we have no money to celebrate Christmas distributing programs. We have no food, new & Secondhand clothes, shoes, food, medicine, primary, Sunday school materials & other necessary items.

Read Full Article (Nov-14-2013 13:00)

Film on Balochistan to Shed Light on Pakistan`s `Dirty War`

"The British crew and cast braved high temperatures and difficult terrain in the desert and mountains to shoot the film." - Noordin Mengal, grandson of veteran Baloch nationalist leader Nawab Attaullah

(LONDON) - Men hung in Balochistan A major film on Balochistan is set to be released that aims to raise global awareness about the issue of Balochistan.

‘The Line of Freedom’ has been produced by veteran Baloch nationalist leader Nawab Attaullah Mengal’s grandsons Noordin Mengal, Bhawal Mengal and David Whitney, the British director who also directed the award winning film, “Kandahar Break”.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
