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Escalating Tension between Pakistan and Afghanistan and the Necessity of Self-Restraint

Pakistani officials charge that Taliban leaders are now running training and logistic bases in Konar province of Afghanistan.

(TEHRAN Iran Review) - Afghan and Pakistan flags Rehman Malik, advisor to to Pakistan’s Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf on Interior Affairs, is the highest ranking official to charge the Afghan government of supporting Maulana Fazlullah, one of the Taliban leaders.

Pakistani military officials had already made recourse to similar allegations to explain certain military measures they had taken along the common border with Afghanistan.

Read Full Article (Aug-13-2012 16:04)

14 August to be Observed as a Black Day in Balochistan

“It is the responsibility of Britain and all those powers [that created Pakistan] to rectify their historical mistake and support the Baloch struggle for their freedom...” - BNF

(OCCUPIED Balochistan) - 14 August Black Day in Balochistan The Baloch National Front (BNF) has announces it will observe 14 August, Pakistan’s Independence Day, as a Black Day in Balochistan.

14 August is a Black Day in the region because the British and other international powers had established an unnatural state on this day, engaged in terrorizing Baloch people, other oppressed nations and peace loving countries of world since its existence.

Read Full Article (Aug-06-2012 19:36)

A Cruel and Unusual Record

The United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights.

(ATLANTA) - Former US President Jimmy Carter Revelations that top officials are targeting people to be assassinated abroad, including American citizens, are only the most recent, disturbing proof of how far our nation's violation of human rights has extended.

This development began after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and has been sanctioned and escalated by bipartisan executive and legislative actions, without dissent from the general public.

Read Full Article (Aug-06-2012 04:19)

Five Killed and 11 Injured in Quetta Bomb Blast

The powerful bomb blast on Sunday went off at around 11:50 a.m.

(FAISALABAD, Pakistan) -   QUETTA: Five people, including two women and two children, were killed and 11 others were injured on Sunday Five people, including two women and two children, were killed and 11 others injured Sunday, by a massive explosion. Police say the 80kg explosive being transported by a militant, ripped apart a house in the Faizabad area.

“We have found a severed head, believed to be of a militant who was killed in the blast,” police officer Mukhtar Ahmed told reporters.

Read Full Article (Aug-06-2012 03:21)

Lighting the Fires - Balochistan

The state excesses in Balochistan have reached such a point that even some ruling party members are condemning state involvement in the disappearances and killings.

(HYDERABAD, Sindh Daily Times) - Flag of Balochistan In Balochistan, the fire was lit in March 1948 by forcibly annexing it and since then military operations, abductions, killings, intimidation of respected personalities and provocative statements have stoked the fire.

It is unlikely to burn out until the Baloch get their rights.

Read Full Article (Aug-01-2012 18:47)

HSBC Funding Was Behind the Terror in Bangladesh, Mumbai

There are more than 100 Islamic groups in Bangladesh. Most of them are funded from Saudi Arabia...

(CHENNAI, India) - The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Headquarters in Hong Kong. On July 17, the US Senate released a report on the old British colonial drug bank Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp’s (now called HSBC) ties to drug money laundering and funding of terrorists through Saudi and Bangladeshi banks.

That is, however, just one part of HSBC’s role.

Read Full Article (Aug-01-2012 03:18)

Murugan, Santhan, Perarivalan, and the Academic Achievements of Assassins

Growing numbers believe men Convicted in Rajiv Gandhi's Assassination should be freed after 20 Years of looming death.

(SALEM) -  Tamil girl holds banner to the visiting Indian Prime Minister in Myanmar. Asks for justice. The world focuses its energy on persecuting Muslims and Hindus, yet rogue Buddhist militant governments are the deadliest and most deceptive, history shows us.

The lack of understanding of this complex problem is a reflection of the poor level of education in the United States in regard to geography and culture; and we can also blame the mainstream media.

Read Full Article (Jul-30-2012 02:13)

Double Standards of Mass Murder (GRAPHIC IMAGES)

"Now, even as we learn how this happened and who's responsible, we may never understand what leads anybody to terrorize their fellow human beings like this. Such violence, such evil is senseless." --Barack Obama

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Drone in flight A Virginia college, a Colorado high school, a Texas military base, an Arizona strip mall, a Colorado movie theatre—all have become part of a recurring event in America: mass murder.

Following the latest massacre, Tom Mauser, father of a 15-year-old victim at the Columbine High School slaughter in 1999, described the inescapable scene...

Read Full Article (Jul-29-2012 23:34)

Pakistan Hits Back in UK Visa Scandal

The NADRA chairman said The Sun story was totally incorrect, false and malicious. He said the story seemed to have been crafted to defame Pakistan.

(ISLAMABAD) - Pakistan UK Visa Scandal The federal cabinet has directed NADRA to immediately file a libel suit against Britain's The Sun newspaper in consultation with the Ministry of Law and Justice.

The authority on Wednesday claimed there was no fraud or illegality in issuing ID card and passport to The Sun's undercover agent, Muhammad Ali s/o Muhammad Anwer Siddique.

Read Full Article (Jul-29-2012 18:37)

Balochistan: No Expectations

The state simply sees the Baloch aspirations and their demand for rights as an obstacle to their strategic and economic plans.

(KARACHI Daily Times) - Flag of Balochistan The Supreme Court hearings on the missing persons in Balochistan are ending inconclusively without having done anything for the majority of the missing or reducing the agony of their relatives.

Moreover, it seems that these hearings may become a reason for further aggravating the already bad conditions for the Baloch because the Chief Justice’s statement ‘there is a constitutional breakdown in Balochistan’ has serious implications.

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