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Ohio Takes Point in the Fight Against Oxycontin Abuse

There's a hero - If you look inside your heart - You don't have to be afraid of what you are - There's an answer - If you reach into your soul - And the sorrow that you know will melt away (Mariah Carey song)

(PORTSMOUTH, Ohio) - Ohio against Oxycontin Ohio is not sitting back and letting drugs - namely OxyContin take over their communities and destroy families.

They are fighting back and every other state in the country should be demonstrating the courage they are showing.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2011 22:14)

Oxycontin Tsunami Claims Thousands

On this first day of a new year, we join the world in feeling enormous sadness over a great human tragedy... The carnage is of a scale that defies comprehension." US President George W. Bush (January 2005 about a Tsunami in Indonesia)

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele was known for his experiments on Holocaust children during Hitler's Third Reich. The above quotation applies to the Tsunami of OxyContin addiction and death in every state in the country when Purdue Pharma obtains approval for clinical trials of non-malignant pain in children -- ages 6 to 17 -- beginning in September 2011.

I wrote about these clinical trials that were being driven by Purdue Pharma and made a comparison of Purdue Pharma's physician, Dr. Deborah Steiner and Dr. Josef Mengele, the "angel of death" under Adolf Hitler.

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2011 03:53)

Gurgle, Gurgle

Down the drain...

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Money down the drain Sometimes, late at night, when it is very quiet, I can hear a faint gurgling sound. I wondered what it was and finally realized that it comes in my south window. It turns out to be coming from across the 49th parallel only a hundred or so miles away.

It’s the ominous and unfortunate sound of The Untied States going down the drain.

Read Full Article (May-17-2011 14:45)

Cleveland`s Casino v. Cleveland Clinic

Ohio is in serious need of economic stimulation.

(CLEVELAND) - he Governor of Ohio Kasich A timeout has been called on the construction of casinos in Cleveland and Cincinnati.

Rock Ohio Caesars is halted until issues are resolved with Kasich & House Republicans.

Read Full Article (May-16-2011 01:59)

So I Went back to Ohio...
Declaring a Public Health Emergency Over Oxycontin

Peter Finch may have shouted the line "I'm mad as hell -- and I'm not going to take it anymore" in the movie Network, but Ohio is madder over an OxyContin epidemic killing their kids.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Chief Charles Horner of Portsmouth, Ohio and Lisa Roberts, RN, Public Health Department Scioto County, Ohio, in a pocket of Appalachia -- is thought by some to be 'lower class' -- maybe even uneducated -- but Scioto County is losing families

The biggest challenge; losing their kids to prescription narcotics -- namely OxyContin.

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2011 02:50)

Traffic Stop Leads to Arrest of Ohio Fugitive

The man was wanted for 25 counts of Rape out of Ohio.

(LAKEVIEW, Ore.) - Robert Michael Gebhardt An Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper's traffic stop Tuesday afternoon in the Lakeview, Oregon area led to the arrest of an Ohio fugitive wanted on multiple kidnap and sex crime offenses out of Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

According to Sergeant Steve Yates, on 4 January 2011 at approximately 3:00 p.m. OSP Trooper Scott Hill stopped a 2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser displaying Ohio license plates on Highway 395 near the Highway 140E intersection for a speed violation.

Read Full Article (Jan-03-2011 01:14)

OxyContin Crisis in Ohio, Maine and Vermont

Maine and Vermont top on Painkiller Addiction List in the Country!

(MYRTLE BEACH S.C.) - Oxycontin A new federal study says Maine and Vermont top the national list for treatment rates for painkiller addiction.

A report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration says Vermont ranks behind only Maine in terms of admission rates per capita for those seeking help kicking addictions to prescription opiates such as oxycodone and hydrocodone. Oxycodone is known by the brand name OxyContin.

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2010 23:32)

Terrelle `Tattoo` Pryor and OSU Buckeyes

"My thing is, a lot of times you have to put yourself in that situation" - University of Wisconsin junior free safety Aaron Henry

(CLEVELAND) - Terrelle-Pryor Terrelle Pryor and five other Ohio State players are suspended by the NCAA for up to 5 games next season.

Their crime? Selling championship rings and memorabilia to help their families financially, and receiving discounts from a tattoo parlor.

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2010 14:06)

Debt Collectors, Debt Collection Law Suits, PayDay Loans

Don't be sharkbait; learn your rights...

(CLEVELAND) - Debt collection We are living out a real time scenario of human trial and tribulation for in the United States right now and those who haven't felt the impact of the nation's failing economy are few and far between. And those who haven't felt the pinch yet might just as well steady themselves.

Read Full Article (Aug-12-2010 14:20)

Police Say Israeli Stabbed at Least 18 African-American Men

Serial Stabbing Suspect Nabbed Before Flying Home to Israel; the mental health counsellor is suspected in a string of stabbings of US citizens.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Elias Abuelazam 33-year Elias Abuelazam, an Israeli citizen, has been arrested in a string of 20 stabbings of mostly black men, in three states. Five were killed. Authorities have no idea how many more victims there may actually be.

Abuelazam was nabbed by US Customs and Border Protection as he attempted to board a plane in Atlanta bound for Israel. The suspect was apparently based in Flint, Michigan.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley


Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin