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What Happened, Canada?

The probable outcome of the Canadian diplomatic split with Tehran will be a net loss in Western intelligence and no appreciable economic fallout for Iran.

(DENVER Tehran Times) - “You cannot claim your eagerness for democracy, human rights and all these things and through unilateral sanctions try to put all sorts of suffering and inflict suffering and hardship on other people.

This is a contradiction,” Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said at the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Tehran.

Read Full Article (Sep-09-2012 17:20)

Americans Do Not Want or Need a Pre-Emptive War against Iran

Americans are weary of war, particularly those conflicts that seem to serve no national purpose.

(ALEXANDRIA, VA) - Obama and Iran Voices are increasingly being heard -- both in Israel and the United States -- urging a pre-emptive war against Iran to prevent that country from developing a nuclear weapon.

Those in Washington urging military action against Iran are the same ones who argued for the invasion of Iraq, beginning a year before it took place in 2003.

Read Full Article (Sep-07-2012 16:07)

Israeli Leaders Score Own Goal Over Non-Aligned Summit in Iran

Uri Avnery argues that the Israeli premier’s and defence minister’s reactions to the UN and Egyptian leaders’ participation in the Tehran non-aligned summit demonstrate their ideological fixations, mental outlook and low intelligence.

(TEL AVIV Redress) - Bibi and Barack Nothing could be more scary than the thought that this duo – Binyamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak – is in a position to start a war, the dimensions and outcome of which are incalculable.

It’s scary not only because of their ideological fixations and mental outlook, but also because of the level of their intelligence.

Read Full Article (Sep-07-2012 14:34)

Kudankulam: Sri Lankans Should Learn to Run and Swim

A nuclear radiation disaster affecting the entire Island could happen after Kudankulam is commissioned.

(COLOMBO The Island) - Koodankulam Nuclear Plant – The potential mind boggling Fukushima, Chernobyl type disaster, from India’s Kudankulam nuclear power plant, has begun to count down.

Currently nuclear fuel (supplied by US & France) is being fed in to the plant, built by the Russians, at the southern tip of India, just 220 KM from Kalpitiya.

Read Full Article (Sep-03-2012 02:24)

Non-Aligned Movement: Iran`s Real Achievements

The NAM Summit has ended and heads of state in addition to other participants are back in their countries.

(TEHRAN Iran Review) - 16th NAM Summit The 16th Summit meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), wrapped up Friday with Iran officially assuming rotational presidency of the movement for the next three years.

Global media focus on this Summit was much more concentrated than previous events in Egypt or Malaysia.

Read Full Article (Sep-01-2012 17:11)

NAM: Towards Breaking Western Stranglehold of Power

The NAM summit addressed a number of thorny issues which the West misrepresents such as Iran’s nuclear energy program or underrates such as the Palestinian issue.

(TEHRAN) - NAM Summit Despite the West's deliberate inattention to and willful disregard for Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Tehran, there is no denying the fact that the summit has occasioned extreme chagrin in Washington and Israel.

It has generated dialogue among civilizations in achieving global peace.

Read Full Article (Sep-01-2012 12:19)

Non-Aligned Movement: Unanimous Support For Iran`s Nuclear Energy Program

Non-Aligned Movement Meeting Final Declaration Decrees Unanimous Support For Iranian Nuclear Energy Program; It Also Rejects US-Led Attempt To Punish Iran With Unilateral Economic Sanctions

(TEHRAN) - Ban Ki moon at NAM in Tehran The Tehran Declaration document not only emphasizes Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear energy but acknowledges the right to ownership of a full nuclear fuel cycle, which means uranium enrichment — a matter of deep dispute.

In an attempt to overshadow the NAM summit,  the Zionists have the U.S. media in a frenzy on the doubling of the number of centrifuges in Fordow as stated in Thursdays IAEA report.

Read Full Article (Aug-31-2012 14:44)

Morsi`s Presence in Tehran: Reasons and Consequences

Agreement and consultations between two countries about security matters and regional problems can help them to overcome past misunderstandings,

(TEHRAN Iran Review) - Mohamed Morsi, the newly elected Islamist president of Egyp Holding of the 16th summit meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran is one of the biggest international events which Iran has hosted following the Islamic Revolution and is a good opportunity to promote Iran’s diplomatic might and reduce regional tensions.

Iran has, therefore, set its eyes on further expansion of cooperation among member states.

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2012 20:08)

NAM, The World`s Next Major Decision Maker?

Interview with Gholamali Khoshroo: Senior Editor of the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Islam

(TEHRAN Iran Review) - 16th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement As we move closer to the 16th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran, some more serious and insightful discussions on position and nature of the movement are generated by political analysts.

Some critics believe that the non-aligned movement has lost its essential efficiency, because the initial ideologies on which the movement had been established in 1961 are not available anymore.

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2012 17:20)

Non-Aligned Movement Should Sanction War Criminals like Sri Lankan President

"We are urging NAM leaders not to protect him but to support UN Human Rights Council action on Sri Lankan President." - Mr.Thanikasalam Thayaparan.

(LONDON) - Sri Lanka President Majinda Rajapakse As Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) leaders gather in Iran for their 16th Summit, Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) urges leaders not to protect war criminals like Sri Lankan President.

TGTE's Minister for Political Affairs say NAM leaders should know Mahinda Rajapaksa is a war criminal posing as a Statesman.

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