(Aug-01-2006 22:11)
Police Investigate Death in Newport
A charter boat found the man's body about two miles offshore, police say there is no obvious sign of foul play.
Oregon State Police, with the assistance of the Lincoln County Medical Examiner, are investigating the death of an unidentified male found in the Pacific Ocean south of the South Jetty in the Newport area.
Tuesday at approximately 12:15 PM, Oregon State Police were notified that the U.S. Coast Guard was bringing a deceased male found in the ocean to their Yaquina Bay Coast Guard Station. The body was reportedly found by a charter boat floating in the ocean two miles south of the South Jetty about 1/2 mile offshore.
The deceased white male adult appears to be in his 40's and had no identification. There is no obvious sign of foul play. No further description is being provided at this time.
Read Full Article (Jul-19-2006 23:02)
Summer Sport Halibut Fishing to Open August 4th
There is no minimum length requirement for Pacific halibut, but the quota limits mean only one fish per day.
The summer all-depth Pacific halibut sport fishery off the Oregon central coast between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mountain will open Aug. 4th-6th.
The fishery will be open on the following dates, until a quota of 50,074 pounds is reached by recreational anglers: Aug. 4th-6th, 18th-20th; Sept. 1st-3rd, 15th-17th, 29th-30th and Oct. 1st, 13th-15th, 27th-29th. More days may be added if it appears the quota will not be taken by Oct. 31st.
The summer fishery's quota was lowered to 50,074 from an original quota of 58,491 pounds due to overage in the spring fishery, which last closed July 8th. Anglers exceeded the spring quota of 175,474 pounds by 8,417 pounds. Because of this overage, the spring all-depth Pacific halibut fishery will not reopen July 20th-22nd.
Read Full Article (Jul-18-2006 19:06)
Trio Lucky to Be Alive After Their Boat Capsized 45-Miles Off The Oregon Coast
The trio clung together on an ice chest and locked their legs together to stay warm for over 7 hours until help arrived.
For Bob Templin and his two friends, a gorgeous day of tuna fishing on the Oregon coast turned nearly catastrophic when their boat capsized, forcing them to spend hours floating at sea, 45 miles from shore.
At first, everything was fine. "It got hot so one of the guys took his life jacket off," said Bob Templin, captain and owner of the boat, the Cape Falcon.
"Then he got a fish on, and that's when I noticed the boat was listing. I went down to check out the holding tank, and noticed it had water in it, turned on the bilge pump and went back on deck. After a few minutes, I went back down to check the pump and the water was still coming in. By the time I got back on deck, the stern of the boat was going down."
At the same time Templin was checking the bilge pump, one of the passengers called MAYDAY on the radio.
Read Full Article (Jul-13-2006 17:24)
Construction and Remodeling Boom in Newport
Newport and its Nye Beach district are experiencing a bit of a construction and remodeling boom, with many of the historic cottages going under the carpenter’s knife and a spurt of commercial construction as well.
Much of the activity is centered in atmospheric Nye Beach, but there has been a large, high profile addition to the historic Bayfront district too - all of it expected to boost the local tourism business in numerous ways.
One of the more prominent examples of reconstruction and remodeling is the Anchor Pier on the Bayfront, which includes an upscale lodging, a gift shop, office space, a leasable spot suited for a restaurant and the newly fitted headquarters for Marine Discovery Tours.
Read Full Article (Jul-08-2006 14:14)
Oregon Coast Aquarium Set to Open Western Snowy Plover Exhibit
The exhibit includes four chicks recently hatched at the Aquarium.
A celebration will commemorate the opening of the Oregon Coast Aquarium’s new permanent Western Snowy Plover Exhibit Tuesday at 12:30 PM.
The exhibit includes four plover chicks that were recently incubated and hatched at the Aquarium, which has been successful in past rehabilitation and release of western snowy plovers.
In addition, two more rescued chicks have been brought in this week, and will be introduced into the exhibit when they are acclimated to the new environment. The exhibit is fully functioning as it was intended; to rehabilitate rescued plovers with the goal to release them back into their natural habitat.
Read Full Article (Jun-07-2006 19:36)
Celebrate an Old-Fashioned 4th of July in Newport
Events include a clambake and seafood barbecue and fireworks over Yaquina Bay.
The City of Newport invites visitors to recapture the fun of a family-friendly, old-fashioned 4th of July with a small-town flavor.
This coastal community will celebrate the holiday weekend in traditional style, beginning with a clambake and seafood barbecue at historic Nye Beach on Saturday, July 1st from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM The annual fireworks display will take place over Yaquina Bay at dusk on Tuesday, July 4th.
From the late 1800s through 1918, Newport residents celebrated the 4th of July with a clambake at Nye Beach and four years ago the tradition was revived. "We wanted to bring back the clambake not only to celebrate Independence Day, but to create a means to help our local non-profit organizations and schools raise needed funds," said organizer Berniece Hammon.
Read Full Article (May-31-2006 22:29)
Salem Man Wanted By Police Captured at Newport Bar (AUDIO)
A Suspect sought by Salem police was arrested Wednesday in Newport.
Read Full Article (May-30-2006 20:59)
Coast Guard Seeking New Members For Citizen`s Action Network
The only requirements for participating are having access to a phone and a view of the water.
The Coast Guard is looking for dependable and proactive volunteers to assist in keeping the waters of the Pacific Northwest safe and clean.
Citizen's Action Network, a program that assists the Coast Guard in protecting waterways and communities in the Northwest, is looking for additional volunteers along the Oregon and Washington Coasts and the Columbia River.
The Coast Guard calls on Citizen's Action Network members to assist with a variety of missions to include search and rescue, pollution incidents and aids to navigation.
Citizen's Action Network is successful in not only lending aid to the Coast Guard, but it also saves taxpayers thousands of dollars.
It costs approximately $1,200 per hour to operate a Coast Guard 47-foot motor lifeboat.
Read Full Article (Mar-31-2006 17:59)
Oregon Coast Guard Station Receives Five Hoax Calls This Month
Coast Guard Station Yaquina Bay has received five hoax calls this month.
The calls received in Yaquina Bay came in the form of a "Mayday" call for help on V-H-F channel 16. That's the emergency channel that is monitored by the Coast Guard 24-hours a day.
Hoax calls also cost taxpayers thousands of dollars annually. Each hoax call can result in the Coast Guard launching ships, boats and aircraft that could otherwise be used in legitimate search and rescue efforts.
Read Full Article (Feb-19-2006 11:53)
2006 Newport Seafood & Wine Festival Next Weekend
By Bonnie King - Reporter
Results are in for the 2005 Commercial Wine Competition; winners will be in the spotlight during Newport's annual event, drawing thousands to the Oregon Coast.
(Newport) -
Winter on the Oregon Coast is becoming more popular with visitors, with storm watching, big wave surfing, and always a big draw, the annual Newport Seafood & Wine Festival. It's the premier seafood & wine event of the west coast, the original Northwest seafood and wine festival, and certainly a great choice for a destination this weekend.
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