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Salem-News.com (May-03-2012 11:30)

Gotcha Again America

Looks like those days we have feared, where China takes the US without a single shot, may have begun.

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - Chinese will benefit from US jobs We were told that the vast amounts of stimulus monies that had been set aside and earmarked were to be dedicated to bringing our economy back from the brink.

Why are these funds being spent to help Chinese industries and to provide jobs to Chinese workers when U.S. industries are hurting so badly and U.S. workers are losing their homes?

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Salem-News.com (May-02-2012 14:58)

The Journey To Newcastle

F. Scott Fitzgerald: Ernest,the rich are much different from us.
Ernest Hemingway: Yes, I know. They have more money...

(SASKATCHEWAN) - Model A Ford on a trip The summer of 1938 was an incredible journey, perhaps the first of the many discoveries that were to follow. But then, I was 10 years old and waiting only to see and understand.

My vision then may have been clearer than I thought it would be later, until I reached the faltering clarity that comes with age.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-23-2012 23:13)

New Occupy Crackdown Documents Just Obtained by the PCJF

Revelations Show Brookfield's Security National Coordination.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Zuccotti Park Two days before the NYPD’s eviction of the Occupy Wall Street encampment from Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan, Brookfield Properties' security was in direct communications and sharing information with federal Police in DC, and communicating with other cities.

This, according to newly released internal documents from the National Park Service.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-20-2012 13:48)


"The government should fear the people, not the other way around"

(CLEVELAND) - OCCUPY MARINES We announced this week that Salem-News.com is now working with Marines from the Occupy movement, who have taken to the streets in defense of civil liberties, calling for accountability in government, particularly with regard to police.

We are collectively excited about this new relationship; strength and peace are meeting at the crossroads.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-06-2012 14:55)

Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr., USMC - 68 Years old, Killed by White Plains New York Police

“It wasn’t a crime scene until they made it one.” - Kenny Randolph listened from his apartment across the hall

(WASHINGTON DC Occupy Marines) - Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr., The niece stood in the darkened stairwell of the Winbrook Houses, listening, as 20 feet away five police officers yelled at her uncle, who had locked himself in his apartment.

It was 5:25 on a chill November morning. The officers banged loud and hard, demanding that her 68-year-old uncle open his door. “He was begging them to leave him alone,” she recalls.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-02-2012 18:02)

The `Curveball` that Took Americans to War and Killed Over a Million

In case you missed the story of the Iraqi curveball, a defector named Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi.

(SALEM) - Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi As we lament the status of the war in Afghanistan; a situation that will soon simply be abandoned and lost... we are offered a reminder of what part of this went terribly wrong. It's called Iraq.

Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, codenamed Curveball, carries the dubious honor of having convinced the White House that Iraq had a secret biological weapons program.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-31-2012 11:28)

Catastrophic Autism Rate Now 1 in 88, 1 in 54 Boys; Advocacy Groups ask What Will it Take for the Feds to Act?

“When will the federal health authorities wake up? Will it be 1 in 25? 1 in 10? How many children have to suffer from autism to call this an emergency?”

(NEW YORK) - Autism world awareness Grassroots autism advocacy organizations representing over 100,000 autism families will hold a press conference Monday, on World Autism Day.

The group will push for official recognition of autism as a national public health emergency and to analyze the federal health authorities’ ongoing failure to respond.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-31-2012 11:10)

Teacher Duct Taped Black Child to Chair- Still Employed

Educational system takes swipe at family's dignity by leaving teacher in place.

(THE BRONX, NY) - Irel Jones A Bronx teacher is accused of duct taping her student to a chair because he wouldn’t sit down.

Sixth grader Irel Jones said another student was asking him for answers during a test so he got up, but then instructed him to sit down, and then taped to his chair by his teacher. Jones says his teacher then looked on as his fellow students made fun of him.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-28-2012 16:51)

Federal lawsuit Seeks Injunction Against Implementation of National Defense Authorization Act

Court hearing takes place this week in a Manhattan federal court

(NEW YORK) - NDAA in America In a heartening move for Americans, attorneys are taking the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to task.

A lawsuit filed against the United States government, on behalf of multiple plaintiffs who will testify in support of a worldwide case, will be heard Thursday in the Southern District of the New York Federal Courthouse.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-18-2012 12:06)

Bringing Truth to the Youth: AE911Truth University Outreach Repeats its Success at St. Mary`s College

Indeed, a million Muslims have died in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Americans have lost many civil liberties, because of the lies regarding 9/11.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - St. Mary's College in California The explosive 9/11 evidence may be coming to a college near you. AE911Truth will be targeting the college speaking circuit in 2012, and there are plenty of ways you can help.

Here is how one professor has made a difference for the last five years.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley