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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Mar-02-2010 13:33)`s Tim King Appears Live on Russia TV America Over 9/11 Controversy's Tim King appears live on RTV over a story on September 11, 2001.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - How could 200 thousand tons of steel drop to the ground in under 11 seconds because of a fire?

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2010 11:53)

Medical Marijuana Bill Passes New York Senate Health Committee

The New York State Assembly passed medical marijuana legislation in 2007 and 2008, but the issue has never gotten a Senate floor vote.

(NEW YORK) - New York  flag Tuesday, the New York State Senate Health Committee passed S. 4041-B, the Senate’s medical marijuana bill. This marks the second consecutive year that the bill has gotten out of the Senate Health Committee.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2010 13:49)

The Chilcot Inquiry: Britain`s 9/11 Commission

There will be no inquiry into the role of Zionist insiders in taking Britain to war against Iraq, a country that posed a threat not to British interests but to Israel's regional hegemony.

(TOKYO) - Philip David Zelikow and Sir Lawrence Freedman All too often, official inquiries are conducted by the very people who should themselves be under investigation. In this respect, Britain's Chilcot Inquiry on the Iraq war bears a distressing similarity to the 9/11 Commission.

In a remarkable symmetry, both inquiries involve a Jewish Zionist historian, who not only advised his country's leader to go to war against Iraq, but actually provided the ideological justification for that unnecessary war.

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2009 14:47)

Obama in Oslo

Nonviolence is the strongest weapon we can wield to overcome evil.

(NEW YORK) - Obama in Oslo I was saddened by our President’s acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize. He missed a chance to witness to courage and leadership. True, Mr. Obama was awarded the prize and did not seek it for himself.

However, even the Nobel Committee acknowledged that what they were rewarding was a change in direction, more than any concrete achievements for peace. Sadly, the Committee missed the irony of awarding the prize to a President who is waging two wars.

Read Full Article (Oct-21-2009 00:37)

Stolen Patriotism: the Phony `Resistance Movement` Uncloaked

Patriot groups unmasked actually front groups for the "Thieving Financial Elitists"

(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - Ozzie & Harriet Friends, some former Ron Paul supporters are now being courted by "radicals" stressing a new revolution of working class Americans against Obama and his big business supporters. is one of their biggest voices. In truth, our heroic gun totin' woodsmen are actually following Washington DC public relations firm Shirley & Bannister public affairs, a front group for the Bush family and the insurance industry.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2009 18:36)

Group Asks Americans to Hold Cheney/Bush Accountable For 9/11 Attacks

They say appropriate action to bring Cheney/Bush to justice is overdue.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - President George W. Bush put Vice-President Dick Cheney President George W. Bush put Vice-President Dick Cheney in charge on 9/11 by Executive Order months in advance of the tragic event that claimed thousands of American lives.

Cheney put our NORAD air defenses on stand down over the target areas at the Pentagon and the World Trade Center Towers resulting in the orchestrated 9/11 attacks-conspiracy treason and murder.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2009 17:35)

Fox Program Framed Attack on World Trade Towers as Inside Job

FOX TV's pilot for "The Lone Gunman", on March 4, 2001, concerned an inside plot to fly a hijacked airliner into the World Trade Centers.

(SALEM, Ore.) - 9/11 tower coming down We have been carefully voicing our suspicions about the "official story" behind the attacks on September 11th 2001 for years now.

It is not an easy subject to broach, but it is becoming easier over time.

Read Full Article (Sep-30-2009 21:38)

GI Bill: Veterans Bailed Out or Thrown Anchor?

Veterans are waiting long periods for college funding that has been promised to them, too long in some cases.

(SANTA ROSA, Calif.) - Veterans from all over the country will be hitting the road on October 2, 2009, to collect "emergency payments" of up to $3,000 from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), making up for delays in the new Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill. While the new GI BIll is a great improvement over previous educational benefits, many veterans have yet to see any benefit, or money, at all. Many are taking out loans and incurring additional debt due to the delay.

According to the VA website, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki announced the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has authorized checks for up to $3,000 to be given to students who have applied for educational benefits and who have not yet received their government payment.

Read Full Article (Sep-26-2009 10:27)

Hopeless is a Generous Term for the Situation in Afghanistan

Is Afghanistan the "Real War on Terror" we now claim?

(CINCINNITI, Ohio) - Casualties are mounting in Afghanistan while the situation is rapidly deteriorating from hopeless to a word the English language has yet to create. Everone under heaven has told us that fighting in Afghanistan is insane.

Read Full Article (Sep-25-2009 15:37)

UN Security Council Says Security of Brazilian Embassy in Honduras Must be Ensured

Council members stressed the importance of respecting international law through preserving the inviolability of the Embassy.

(NEW YORK) - Ambassador Susan Rice The Security Council today stressed the need to ensure the security of the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa, where ousted Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya has taken shelter since his return to the country earlier this week.

This came after Brazil’s Foreign Minister, Celso Amorim, said that he was gravely concerned that the same people who had perpetrated the coup d’état in Honduras in June might threaten the Embassy’s inviolability to forcefully arrest Mr. Zelaya.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
