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Salem-News.com (Aug-03-2011 17:11)

Pot Calls Kettle White: Cheney, Putin shoot down `Conspiracy Theories`

Dick Cheney: Russian apartment bombings inside job "complete nonsense".

(SUNDANCE, Wyoming) - Cheney and Putin with guns At a hastily-convened press conference outside his home today, former Vice President Dick Cheney absolved Vladimir Putin and the Russian state security services of responsibility for the 1999 apartment bombings that brought Putin to power and launched the Russian invasion of Chechnya.

Responding to Putin's statement that 9/11 inside job theories are "complete nonsense," Dick Cheney thanked Putin for his support and added, "Vlad didn't do those apartment bombings either, no matter what the conspiracy theorists say. That's complete nonsense...

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Salem-News.com (Jul-23-2011 18:36)

Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko Dies In Car Crash

WTC7: The 'Smoking Gun' of 9/11

(MELBOURNE) - WTC 7 The accident of prominent Dutch “demolition expert” Danny Jowenko, who said controlled demolition brought down World Trade Tower 7 is of special interest to us.

It is because during a recent interview, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, specifically drew attention to the Dutch demolition expert, Danny Jowenko.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-16-2011 20:17)

`Brooklyn Boy` - In Memory of Leiby Kletzky by Agron Belica

The life of that innocent child was ripped away from all of us...

(BOSTON) - Leiby Kletzky A child was laid to rest in the darkness; an innocent lost and innocence lost.

Donne wrote, "Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind." How much more are we involved when the death is that of an innocent child, murdered senselessly by someone he trusted to guide him to his loving parents?

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Salem-News.com (Jun-28-2011 06:24)

Queens Zoo Welcomes Four New Pronghorn Antelope Fawns

The pronghorns live alongside the zoo’s bison herd – two species that share the same landscape in nature.

(QUEENS, N.Y.) - Pronghorn Antelope The pronghorn antelope is the lone member of the family Antilocapridae.

They are true American natives that do not occur anywhere else in the world and are the second-fastest land animal in the world – second only to the cheetah.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-24-2011 10:12)

Frank Romano: Love and Terror in the Middle East

"I wrote this book to share with a wide audience my belief in the possibility of peace through grassroots activities in Israel and Palestine" - Dr. Frank Romano

(PARIS) - LOVE AND TERROR IN THE MIDDLE EAST by Frank Romano Over the past five years, peace activist/international lawyer Frank Romano has had to face hostility and pass through a maze of walls and checkpoints in Israel and the West Bank to lead interfaith activities aimed at easing the region’s bloody path to peace.

His new book, LOVE AND TERROR IN THE MIDDLE EAST dramatically captures his efforts to promote understanding, communication and cooperation in the region among Jews, Muslims, Christians and non-believers.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-09-2011 21:27)

Kairos Poetry Café Presents: Poetry Reading Open Mic + Featuring: Frank Romano & Obsidian

Salem-News visitors in New York, please attend this special event.

(NEW YORK) - Dr. Frank Romano Frank Romano & Obsidian will be featured as Kairos Poetry Café Presents: Poetry Reading Open Mic Sunday, the 12th of June. At this special event, Dr. Frank Romano will read poems for the first time from his new memoir on organizing interfaith events in Israel and Palestine.

Our regular readers are familiar with Frank Romano's tireless work in forging a road to peace in the Middle east.

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Salem-News.com (May-07-2011 12:25)

Oops! Al Jazeera Should Vet Their Eyewitnesses Beforehand...

Otherwise viewers might start having doubts.

(ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan) - Al Jazeera reporter Imtiaz Tyab's interview in Abbottabad. There is no question that vast numbers of Americans, in particular, believe Osama bin Laden was killed by US Navy SEAL' last week in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

In this interview, recorded live by Al Jazeera, a resident of Abbottabad recounts witnessing the US raid on al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's alleged mansion in the Pakistani city.

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Salem-News.com (May-02-2011 20:05)

Rodeo Clowns Purveyors of `Holy Grail Mythology` `Bin Laden Knocked Down The Towers`

Jingoistic pipe dreamers, ghost Wall Street traders, bureacratic poltroons, parasites, and military satraps announce the fourth [4] discovery of Osama Bin Laden’s demise.

(PHILADELPHIA) - Osama Bin Elvis Rodeo Clowns purveyors of ”Bin Laden Knocked Down the Towers” the U.S. “Holy Grail” of myth discoveries. Numeral Uno U.S. citizen and peace laureate O’Bomb’em-all grabs crotch to confirm his long Form and announces 05-02-2011 that mighty U.S. killed Osama Bin Laden.

Another “Holy Grail” myth that Bin Laden was discovered and his corpse was mysteriously buried at sea.

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Salem-News.com (May-02-2011 18:59)

Bin Laden Fictional Film Comes To An End

Wanted not alive but definitely dead, Bin Laden had to be declared finally captured and killed.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - The end of a dreary fiction Almost ten years since 9/11 has passed.

A long decade through which the whole world have been following day to day main stream media-or mania, that is- coverage of the so called war on terrorism.

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Salem-News.com (May-02-2011 17:35)

Bin Laden and his Myth are Dead

However, not many bought Bush administration’s argument that Bin Laden actually conducted history’s most sophisticated terrorist operation on the U.S. soil.

(TEHRAN) - ecadforum.com

It was thought that Osama bin Laden had died many years ago in the Tora Bora caves and only his legend lived on, but U.S. President Barack Obama announced on Sunday that the Al-Qaeda chief had been killed.

So, now, it would appear both the man and the myth are dead.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
