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Salem-News.com (Sep-10-2011 22:03)

`Spinning the Egyptian Anti-Israel Protest`

NY Times ignores Israeli killing of Egyptians.

(SACRAMENTO antiwar.com) - Ethan Bronner Today's New York Times front-page story on Egyptian protests against the Israeli embassy largely neglects a primary cause of the anger: Israeli forces'.

Egyptian outrage over these deaths grew even greater when Israel's defense minister Ehud Barak refused to apologize.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-10-2011 22:02)

Get `er done!

This story has been told in greater detail by Rebecca Liss in her article titled “An Unlikely Hero” and published September 10, 2002. It was recently reprinted by MSN/Slate.

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - S/Sgt David Karnes The three words that make-up the title of today’s piece typify the attitude that caused more than one Commander-in-Chief to issue the order to “Send in the Marines”! Those words also define the attitude of a Marine who has been described as “Crazy Brave” for his actions at Ground Zero on September 11, 2001.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-10-2011 01:14)

The Loneliness of the Falling Man

Ten years now and no one knows of this falling man nor what he, in his last gasp cries to us to seek--justice, that his last flight might have purpose.

(LAVERNE, Calif. ) - The Falling Man A new film highlights a photograph taken by Richard Drew of a man hurtling to his death, one shot in a series as he fell from the 102nd story of the World Trade Center.

The image “The Falling Man” is centered on, is a shot no one wants to see or remember; yet it is unforgettable, catastrophic, a frozen image of human suffering, desperation, forlornness, loneliness in the last seconds of light and life before everlasting darkness.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-09-2011 22:22)

What Real Motivation was Behind the Terrorist Attacks on the United States?

Almost 3,000 innocent people died, and freedom we enjoyed before 9/11 was abridged by the same government that claimed it wanted to protect it.

(LAGUNA BEACH) - 911 destruction Nine days after the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President Bush continued his theme that the terrorist attacks were motivated by al-Qaeda’s hatred of American freedoms.

But the President added another new layer to the “why” question when he asserted al-Qaeda had a dream of remaking the world in al-Qaeda’s own image.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-08-2011 15:22)

9/11: Open letter & challenge to ADL`s Abe Foxman

ZIONISM is a sectarian, colonial-like nationalism which created a state for some Jews in the Arab heartland.

(LONDON) - Abe Foxman In your lengthy article Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later, you label a number of named writers and commentators including me who say that Israel’s Mossad was or even might have been involved in the 9/11 terror attack as anti-Semitic, and you assert that they are demonizing “the Jews”.

You also say: “Anticipating criticism, a number of these anti-Semitic conspiracists now try to immunize themselves against charges of anti-Semitism by making disclaimers up front about not being anti-Semitic.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-07-2011 03:39)

When War is Promoted as a Remedy for Terror: Reflections on the Tenth Anniversary Of 9/11[i]

The report from America’s Commander-In-Chief that bin Laden had been executed by US Navy Seals added a new layer of deception to an extravagant complex of misrepresentations, distortions and subterfuge.

(LETHBRIDGE, Alberta) - Obama pulls bin Laden from hat On the tenth-anniversary year of the 9/11 debacle, President Obama boasted to the world that his government had murdered in Pakistan Osama bin Laden, who the US president described as “al-Qaeda’s leader and symbol.”

“The death of bin Laden,” Obama declared, “marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al-Qaeda.”

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Salem-News.com (Sep-03-2011 21:57)

Was `911` Necessary?

"The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of the good people!" Napoleon (1769 - 1821)

(NEW DELHI) - Muammar Gaddafi (May 27, 1969) Their business is war and oppression yet the US and NATO leaders and the mainstream media announced that democracy is back in Libya; the long feast can begin.

A nation of simple tribal communities that was colonized then robbed of its oil, is now back in the hands of the plunderers. The adventurers are gone; the party is over...

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Salem-News.com (Sep-03-2011 15:59)

Gearing Up for 911

Bush wanted to be a war president...

(SALEM, Ore.) - Bush gets the news, 9/11 had happened minutes earlier. Ten years - a minor grade anniversary for a horrendous event that plagues Americans in ways most still can't see.

The Bush administration convinced people everywhere that Arabs were behind the attacks on America when in truth, most Arabs could care less about what happens in the U.S.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-01-2011 18:29)

9/11: Gordon Duff Discusses New Video of Cruise Missile Attack on Press TV

'Pentagon attacked by a cruise missile not a passenger plane’

(TEHRAN / CINCINNATI Press TV) - Gordon Duff on Press TV Leaked videos of the 9/11 attack against the Pentagon confirm eyewitness accounts that the attack was not carried out by a passenger plane as officially stated but was rather the work of a cruise missile hitting the building from a different angle.

“There were 85 videos; a second video was released yesterday (August 29). Now it hasn’t been carefully vetted but it appears to be quite genuine that clearly shows a cruise missile from another angle hitting the Pentagon,” Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today, told Press TV’s U.S. Desk on Tuesday.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-17-2011 16:10)

With Wikileaks Dead, New 9/11 Deception Ploy In Motion

Using Clarke, ”Mr. Small Potatoes,” to peddle poor George Tenet as mastermind of the crime of the century, all I can say is “Good luck with that.”

(CINCINNATI ) - 'Fall Guy' George Tenet being measured for the noose Last week, conspiracy buffs were given a magic revelation regarding 9/11. Richard Clarke pointed the finger at former CIA director, George Tenet, declaring the CIA “allowed” the 9/11 hijackers to operate freely. The rationale?

Tenet and the CIA had plans to use “them” in some way, maybe turn them into secret double agents, even triple agents. What’s wrong with this picture?

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
