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Newly Disclosed Records Reveal Hundreds More Illegal Personality Disorder Discharges

VVA Finds Navy and Air Force Worst Offenders.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Vietnam Veterans of America Since 2008, the DoD has illegally discharged hundreds of veterans on the alleged basis of personality disorder.

Veterans have been denied benefits, according to a Vietnam Veterans of America analysis of newly disclosed records released today. The VVA report is titled, Casting Troops Aside: The United States Military’s Illegal Personality Disorder Discharge Problem.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2012 13:27)

Dioxin on the Carriers

A Report on the Contamination of Aircraft Carriers off the Coast of Vietnam.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Dioxin on the Carriers DIOXIN ON THE CARRIERS is a well-researched refutation of the statements by the VA that there was no dioxin on board the aircraft carriers that served offshore Vietnam between 1962 and 1975.

This paper presents clear indication that the deck crews, and most probably the entire crews, of the carriers were exposed to dioxin that flew in on the jets returning from missions over South Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2012 04:45)

Radiation Risk to El Toro Marine Veterans

Marines may have unknowingly been exposed to radiation in Hangar 296 at closed California base.

(IRVINE, CA) - Marine Corps danger The former Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro, California is an EPA Superfund, closed by the Marine Corps in 1999 and most of the former base sold at a public auction in 2005.

There may have been as many as 300 Marines and more unknowingly exposed to radiation from 1969 to 1999 in the Wing Supply Support Division attached to MWSG-37, MCAS El Toro.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2012 04:26)

The Elimination of the U.S. Marines

With two major air bases on the west coast already closed, new substantial cuts to the Marine Corps look like the beginning of the end.

(SALEM) - U.S. Marine in Iraq, 2008 - photo by Tim King In an increasing age of mercenary warfare, many will find massive reductions in the U.S. Marine Corps more than alarming.

Those of us who write about this legendary military organization have seen the writing on the wall for some time. The reasons are not perfectly clear, but I suspect we have a decent fix on what is taking place.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2012 01:02)

Federal Lawmakers Urge FDA to Require GMO Labeling

A ruling is expected later this year.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Capitol A bipartisan group of 55 members of Congress this week urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to require the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods.

The 45 House members and 10 senators joined in supporting a legal petition filed last year by the nonpartisan Center for Food Safety (CFS) on behalf of the “Just Label It” campaign that foods with genetically modified (GM) ingredients be labeled accordingly.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2012 17:55)

Congress: Agent Orange Act Of 1991

Are veterans in need to be sacrificed?

(MEDIA, PA) - USS Oriskany Someone once said, people are tired about hearing of the Vietnam War. This may be so. It is not so much about the war. That war is in the past. It is now about those veterans who were engaged in that war who can not get help and care.

The Agent Orange Act of 1991, was passed by the Congress to afford medical assistance and disability to all Vietnam Veterans.

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2012 12:56)

Open Letter to Olympic Committee Members in London Over Down Sponsorship

The idea of Dow's advertising being plastered on the front of the stadium absolutely ruins the idea of what the Olympics are supposed to be.

(LONDON) - Monsanto Olympic Sponsor In a few weeks, unless you take action, the Olympic Stadium will have been surrounded by a wrap comprising 336 giant panels made by a company responsible for deaths of many thousands.

That company is Dow Chemical, whose record was known to each and everyone of you through the many court cases it has had brought against them in the US for disposing of tonnes of highly toxic waste into rivers and lakes near its plants.

Read Full Article (Feb-29-2012 03:02)

Judge Sides With Monsanto

Ridicules Farmers' Right to Grow Food Without Fear, Contamination and Economic Harm.

(MANHATTAN, NY) - Gavel On February 24, Judge Naomi Buchwald handed down her ruling on a motion to dismiss in the case of Organic Seed Growers and Trade Assn et al v. Monsanto after hearing oral argument on January 31st in Federal District Court in Manhattan.

Her ruling to dismiss the case brought against Monsanto on behalf of organic farmers, seed growers and agricultural organizations representing farmers and citizens was met with great disappointment by the plaintiffs.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2012 15:33)

Monsanto, Dow and Agent Orange - an Original Article by John Pilger

Whenever I have returned to Vietnam, and traveled in the Mekong Delta, I see adults and children who bear the deformities of Agent Orange."

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - John Pilger On 13 February, a French court found the Monsanto company guilty of poisoning a farmer, Paul Francois, who developed neurological problems after working with one of Monsanto’s weedkiller.

The court found that Monsanto had failed to provide proper warning on the product label.

Read Full Article (Feb-22-2012 17:00)

Dioxin on the Carriers

Thousands who served offshore Vietnam on all types of ships display the exact symptoms of diseases exhibited by veterans who had their "boots-on-ground."

(WASHINGTON DC) - Individual Exposure to Dioxin When the United States began using Chemical Warfare in Vietnam, its stated goals were to defoliate jungle coverage to better see the enemy and to limit the enemy’s food supply.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
