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Murdered Mother-of-Two Honored at Fundraiser

The murder of Jessie Doyle is an example of Domestic Violence at it's very worst.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Jessie Doyle Cavett One year ago this week, a young mother was murdered in front of her two little girls. The perpetrator was the woman’s estranged husband, who had no care whatsoever that a Restraining Order said he should stay away from her. Joshua Cavett walked up the stairs to the second floor apartment where he yelled and banged on a door until, finally, the door was opened.

Before 27-year old Jessie Doyle could make a move, there was a gun at her head and suddenly it was over. He shot her once, point blank.

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2014 07:53)

4-Year Old Lincoln City Girl Dies After Being Diagnosed with E. Coli

The girl's friend is still fighting for his life. Health officials are trying to discover the cause of the infection.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Serena Profitt Little Serena Profitt died Monday night at Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland from an infection caused by a strain of E. coli. Serena was four years old.

Her five-year-old friend, Brad Sutton, from Washington is undergoing treatment Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma, Wash. where he was listed in critical condition early Tuesday evening.

Read Full Article (Aug-28-2014 20:05)

Impending Irish Arrest and Extradition of Kevin Annett on verge of Tuam Killings Inquiry

An Urgent Bulletin from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its Direct Action Unit in Ireland

(DUBLIN) - ITCCS logo The Irish government has agreed to extradite Kevin Annett to England to face imprisonment when he arrives in Ireland this weekend, according to information obtained through our sources in Ireland's national police, the Garda​i.​

The same sources indicate that Kevin's arrest and transportation to a "special administrative ​ prison" in London has been ordered in response to the plan by him and our Brussels-based Common Law Court to open an independent inquiry into the apparent sacrificial murder of children at Tuam, Ireland, commencing on Monday, September 1.

Read Full Article (Aug-20-2014 13:01)

Child Sacrifice Ritual Stopped; Pope Francis set to Resign

Two "Ninth Circle" cult members arrested. Pandora's box has been opened.

(MONTREAL) - ninth circle abductions Tonight, I spoke with a DAU liasion here in Montreal and received the following update:

The DAU action on 15 August occurred with the cooperation of elements in the Montreal police. All of the evidence the team gathered at the action – blood and clothing samples, photos, and the videotaped statement of one Ninth Circle cult member – has been sent to the International Common Law Court as part of its upcoming Permanent Inquiry into child trafficking and ritual sacrifice.

Read Full Article (Mar-26-2014 17:50)

Have You Seen Me? Salem Woman Missing

UPDATE: April Kondash has been located, and is safe.

(SALEM) - April Harden 42-year old April Harden Kondash has been listed as a Missing Person in Salem, Oregon. She left a message on facebook that lead family and friends to believe she is depressed and may be at risk.

This is very out of the ordinary, and concern is increasing.

She may be driving a white 4-door 2000 Pontiac Sunfire license XBG 787, with the center of the hubcaps missing. She has a bumper sticker in the back window that says, "Well behaved women rarely make history".

April is a merchandiser for Coremark and a doll ("Salem Blondie") for the Modified Dolls Oregon Chapter.

Please share this information and let authorities know if you see April Harden or the vehicle.

Read Full Article (Dec-26-2013 15:05)

Phone Stolen from Child of Murder Victim on Christmas Night

It is hard to be one step ahead when you don’t think like a thief.

(SALEM) - Jessie Doyle Cavett Last night, the Grinch showed up in Redmond, Oregon. On Christmas night, a precious little girl who recently lost her mother had her phone, gifts and personal belongings stolen from the family’s vehicle.

27-year old Jessie Doyle Cavett was murdered by her estranged husband on October 12, 2013. Her two children were at the scene, and daughter Peyton was able to call for help. That is an amazing feat in itself, rising above the trauma and finding the rational thought to immediately use the phone. It was especially mature for someone her age. Peyton is five.

Read Full Article (Sep-15-2013 11:38)

Wi-Fi Signal Has Long Term Consequences for Women

With Deference to all Scientists: this Research Report has been written for all students and non-scientists to understand.

(Devon, UK) - baby hand A minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, fetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations.

Professor John R Goldsmith wrote concerning the low level exposure of microwave irradiation (below thermal level) incident upon women:

“Of the microwave-exposed women, 47.7% had miscarriages prior to the 7th week of pregnancy....”

Read Full Article (Sep-02-2013 20:35)

Changing Lives in 24 Hours/Gaza Children with Shabab-4-Life TJP [Video]

Sixty Palestinian refugee youth enjoy a fun and educational day out thanks to some very caring souls.

(Jacksonville) - Shabab    Two buses trundled to a cemetery in Gaza that had become the unfortunate home of a number of desperate Palestinian refugees. Hussein Haniyeh and the Shabab-4-Life team had come to pick up sixty children living in that poor refuge from international politics to give them a day out for recreation and a little education.

Their first stop was at the Omari Mosque where the shaykh gave the children some history about the mosque and let them explore its facilities.

Read Full Article (Jul-31-2013 01:22)

Candlelight Vigil Seeks Justice for Death of Aniya Zamora

The community gathered to support the investigation of this tragedy.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Aniya Zamora About seventy-five people came together on the Marion County courthouse steps Tuesday night, seeking justice for a little girl whose life was cut short. The 3 ½ year old girl was found dead in her home on April 19, 2013.

The candlelight vigil for Aniya Zamora gave the group the chance to pray, and share their thoughts, giving comfort to the grieving and showing support for the quest to learn the truth.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
