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Film on Balochistan to Shed Light on Pakistan`s `Dirty War`

"The British crew and cast braved high temperatures and difficult terrain in the desert and mountains to shoot the film." - Noordin Mengal, grandson of veteran Baloch nationalist leader Nawab Attaullah

(LONDON) - Men hung in Balochistan A major film on Balochistan is set to be released that aims to raise global awareness about the issue of Balochistan.

‘The Line of Freedom’ has been produced by veteran Baloch nationalist leader Nawab Attaullah Mengal’s grandsons Noordin Mengal, Bhawal Mengal and David Whitney, the British director who also directed the award winning film, “Kandahar Break”.

Read Full Article (Nov-11-2013 11:33)

Agent Orange - Heather Bowser Co-Founder of COVVHA Visits Japan

“Traveling Around the Globe Towards our Future” is the theme of the symposium.

(LANGHORNE, PA) - Heather Bowswer Heather Bowser, Co Founder of Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance (COVVHA) will Visit Tokyo, Yokohama, and Okinawa Japan educating others about Agent Orange dioxin this month.

Peace Boat is a Japan-based international non-governmental and non-profit organization that works to promote peace, human rights, equal and sustainable development and respect for the environment. Heather Bowser was the Agent Orange guest international educator aboard the 77th Peace Boat voyage from Yokohama, Japan to Da Nang, Vietnam in 2012.

Read Full Article (Nov-10-2013 15:44)

Zalmai Rassoul Discusses `Roadmap` for First 100 Days

Rassoul advocated an openness in foreign policy, and said Afghanistan could not afford to be isolated from the international community, especially in the South Asian region, anymore.

(KABUL) - Zalmai Rassoul In an exclusive interview with TOLOnews, Presidential candidate Zalmai Rassoul discussed the key features of what would be his "roadmap" for the first 100 days in office, if elected President in April.

Rassoul, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, told TOLOnews that security, the economy, the peace process and corruption would be his top priorities.

Read Full Article (Nov-09-2013 15:21)

Australia Offers To Keep Troops In Afghanistan After 2014

Australia currently has around 1,200 soldiers in Afghanistan, most of them based in Urozgan Province.

(KABUL) - Australian forces in Australia The Australian ambassador to Afghanistan says his government has offered to keep up to 400 troops in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of U.S.-led NATO forces in 2014.

Jon Philip told RFE/RL that Australia has made an offer to the Afghan government to keep between 100 and 400 troops in Afghanistan into "2015 and onwards." He said it would be up to Afghan officials to decide if they want the Australian soldiers to stay.

Read Full Article (Nov-08-2013 18:18)

Japanese Prime Minister Abe and President Obama Want Japan to be Able to Wage War

Japan’s Remarkable “No War” Constitutional Article under Strong Attack

(PORTLAND, OR) - Flag of the Rising Sun Two weeks ago I was in Osaka, Japan as an international speaker at the Article 9 “No War” conference.

I was also in Japan five years ago in 2008 at a similar conference, when George Bush was President of the United States and was undermining the spirit and intent of Article 9 of the Japanese constitution by urging the Japanese government to allow the Japanese Self-Defense forces to provide air and sea logistics assistance to Bush's war on Iraq.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 21:03)

My Promise to Children

Violence does not 'just happen'. It is perpetrated by damaged individuals, including ourselves.

(TASMANIA, Aust.) - Balachandran Prabhakaran Every day, human adults kill 35,000 of our children. We kill them in wars. We kill them with drones.

We kill them in our homes. We also kill children in vast numbers by starving them to death in Africa, Asia and Central/South America because we use military violence to maintain an 'economic' system that allocates resources for military weapons, as well as corporate profits for the wealthy, instead of resources for living.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 19:10)

Medal of Honor Recepient Dakota Meyer and Gunnery Sgt Aaron M Kenefick, USMC Ganjgal

If the U.S. Army had had its way, there would have been no survivors at all

(SACRAMENTO) - Dakota Meyer Dakota Meyer grew up as a country boy amongst the corn and tobacco fields in the rolling hills and lush farmland of Columbia, Kentucky.

He was awarded the Medal of Honor, our nation’s highest honor for courage and valor, during a terrible event in Afghanistan just more than four years ago.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 20:04)

My Personal Bookends of War...
Frank Lace and A German Oberleutnant

In the sombre wars of modern democracy there is little place for chivalry.
- Winston Churchill, on Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Armistice Day This day we used to remember as Armistice Day, a day that can be celebrated by hawk and dove alike.

The subject at hand is the incredible heroism of some guys - Canadians and Germans - who gave everything simply because it was asked of them.
Whether they understood it or not.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2013 18:51)

House Passes Gibson Bill to Help Blue Water Navy Vietnam Vets

Congressman Christopher Gibson (R, NY-19)) hopes his legislation, if also approved in the Senate and signed by the President, helps ease the burden somewhat.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Blue Water Navy The House of Representatives has passed a bill sponsored by Congressman Christopher Gibson (R, NY-19)) that would move the ability of Vietnam veterans who were assigned to ships off the coast and were afflicted with Agent Orange to receive benefits.

Military personnel who served on the ground and contracted the disease have been covered automatically, but those onboard ships off the coast of Vietnam have been required to list detailed specifics of how they contracted it, making it almost impossible to gain benefits.

Read Full Article (Nov-02-2013 20:13)

IBTimes: VA Stops Releasing Data On Injured Vets As Total Reaches Grim Milestone

VA ceased to disclose this data despite President Obama’s second-term campaign pledge that his administration would be open and transparent.

(PORTLAND, OR) - US war dead As many of you know, the Pentagon reports 51,583 WIA in the two wars through Nov. 3 and 59,908 injured in non hostile causes or sick enough to be evacuated—but only through Dec 3, 2012 when it stopped reporting that category of casualties.

The reason the VA has treated a million vets, although only 111,491 were wounded or injured in theater (to Dec 3), it that most of them (about 890,000) sought treatment for their conditions after they returned home.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
