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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-22-2012 21:37)

US Think Tank Provides Forum for the Syrian National Council and Cover for Israel

AIPAC team first from west to interview new head of SNC; as Israel’s media friends continue supporting Syrian opposition.

(OSAKA, Japan) - Fikra Forum Interviews New Head of Syrian National Counci It’s very revealing that the newly elected head of the Syrian National Council (SNC), Abdulbaset Sieda, gave his first extended Western media interview since assuming the post on June 10 to Fikra Forum.

The group is a project of the AIPAC-created Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

Read Full Article (Jun-20-2012 23:16)

Egypt Braces for Confrontation With Military and Israel Calls up Reserves

“The political scene in Egypt nowadays is pretty tense and rather precarious”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - June 30, the date for Egypt’s supreme council of armed forces to hand over power to an elected civilian government, is drawing nearer.

All the major players in post-Mubarak transitional period are ready to throw in their last card … including Israel.

Read Full Article (Jun-18-2012 20:01)

Imam Musa Sadr`s Remains Discovered in Libya; Battle Over DNA use; Sheikh Yaacoub Alive or Dead?

Pressing questions over the case of Sheik Mohammad Yaacoub continue.

(BEIRUT Al-Manar) - Janet Lee Stevens was born in 1951 and died on April 18, 1983. In 1983, shortly before her death, American journalist Janet Lee Stevens proposed I visit Libya and meet some friends in the Palestine armed resistance.

In those days, ten Palestinian groups publicly associated, and half dozen more shadowy ones existed, sometimes in and sometimes out...

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2012 03:15)

America`s interest in Syria is Israel

The Ugly Truth and Ha'aretz bring us the story everyone expected.

(WASHINGTON DC) - In the long run, the events in Syria are part of the Israeli success story. This region is changing rapidly.

Egypt’s decline into a conflict between the secular and fundamentalists appears to be the epitome of that story.

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2012 12:33)

Syria: Journalists set up to be Shot by the Rebels

"I’m quite clear the rebels deliberately set us up to be shot by the Syrian Army. Dead journos are bad for Damascus." - Channel 4 journalist Alex Thomson

(ROME / DAMASCUS) - UN vehicles in Damascus Standing outside the Safir Hotel in Homs as the white UN Nissan landcruisers stood waiting, the Irish officer in charge, Mark Reynolds, came over:

“Usual rules Alex OK? We’re not responsible for you guys. If you get into trouble we’ll leave you, yes? You’re on your own.”

Read Full Article (Jun-08-2012 17:51)

Israel`s Attack on the USS Liberty - the Full Story

Israel insisted (as it still does) that its attack on the Liberty was an unfortunate “accident”, a case of “mistaken identity”.

(LONDON) - USS Liberty On Thursday 8 June 1967, Israeli air and naval forces attacked America’s most advanced spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, killing 34 of its crew and wounding 174.

The lesson of this cold-blooded, murderous attack was that there is nothing the Zionist state might not do, to its friends as well as its enemies, in order to get its own way.

Read Full Article (Jun-08-2012 16:19)

Coming Home to Roost

When a larger power rules a smaller nation, some form of violent resistance is to be expected.--Miko Peled

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Obama and Wright The past two weeks has seen an increasing media interest in America's use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s), better known as drones.

Medea Benjamin, writing in the Information Clearing House asks "Will Americans Speak Out Against Obama's Drone Warfare?"

Read Full Article (Jun-08-2012 15:57)

Expelling Diplomats Undermines Vienna Convention, Endangers Americans

The gratuitous chest thumping political theater led by Washington undermines international treaty law...

(BEIRUT Press TV) - Syrian armed groups take position near Qusayr, 15 km from the city of Homs, on May 10, 2012. The Houla massacre has whipped up a new wave of outrage at the claimed brutality of Syria’s government.

Syrian envoys were kicked out of Western capitals, Damascus received more financial sanctions, and more furious demands are being made for a regime change toppling Bashar al-Assad and more calls for military intervention issued.

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2012 01:00)

What Phil Saw That Day

45th anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty.

(LONDON) - USS Liberty spattered by Israeli gunfire Back in 2009, in Houston Texas, Mimi Adams, a distinguished Palestinian solidarity & human rights activist, gave me a present- a USS Liberty baseball cap. She put it on my head and said,

“Gilad, in the next two weeks, make sure you have it on your head everywhere you go in America. You will see what happens.”

Read Full Article (Jun-05-2012 10:40)

The Lies About the 1967 War are Still More Powerful than the Truth

On this 45th anniversary of the start of the Six Days War...

(LONDON) - Six Day War In retrospect it can be seen that the 1967 war, the Six Days War, was the turning point in the relationship between the Zionist state of Israel and the Jews of the world.

Until the 1967 war, and with the exception of a minority of who were politically active, most non-Israeli Jews did not have - how can I put it?

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
