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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Aug-22-2012 21:05)

Grim Reality but also Hope for Lebanon`s Palestinians this Eid al Fitr

Palestinians in Lebanon are acutely aware that Hezbollah still holds majority power in Parliament...

(BEIRUT, Lebanon Al Manar) - Muslims This Ramadan holiday season in Lebanon designees from both the Shia Higher Islamic Shiites Council and the Sunni Dar el Fatwa, figuratively speaking, pointed their binoculars deep into the eastern sky.

In almost unheard of unison, it was proclaimed that Eid al Fitr this year was to be August 19th.

Read Full Article (Aug-18-2012 12:00)

Samir Kuntar Narrowly Escapes Lynching by Armed Salafis in Tunisia

The Salafis justified their attack by recalling Kuntar’s allegiance to Shi’ism (he is a Druze convert) and his support for the Syrian government.

(BEIRUT, Lebanon) - Samir Kuntar The resistance hero, Samir Kuntar, who was imprisoned in Israel for 30 years on false charges, narrowly escaped being lynched by a group of 500 Salafi thugs.

They were armed with swords, batons, knives and other weapons, on his recent visit to Tunisia.

Read Full Article (Aug-04-2012 13:35)

US and its Allies Setting Stage for Syria Invasion

The UK has already been giving out financial and military help to the insurgents in Syria.

(TEHRAN) - West against Syria The sudden resignation of UN peace envoy Kofi Annan from the peace efforts circle in Syria which evidently materialized under duress from the US government has caused extreme joy in Washington.

Officials see this as a sign that the international community is prone to accept that Syrian President Bashar Assad had to go and that the peace efforts would eventually reach a cul-de-sac.

Read Full Article (Aug-02-2012 10:54)

Free Syrian Army Threatens Christians Who Were Protected Under Assad

Pray for the persecuted Syrian Churches and Christians.

(FAISALABAD, Pakistan) - US-Backed Rebels Committing Christian Genocide In Syria The streets are most dangerous that is, unless it’s a Friday, when a few Syrian Christians dare to step outside of their homes amidst the persecution of Syria’s Christians by the Islamic rebels of the ‘Free Syrian Army.

The Christians in Syria (10% of its population) could be facing a bloodbath. The signs are there right now, and only Russian and Chinese resistance to ‘the West’ is keeping the Syrian church from complete extermination.

Read Full Article (Jul-29-2012 20:54)

Hypocrisy over Hezbollah Arms

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. - Richard Henry Lee 1788

(BEIRUT) - Lebanon attacked by Israel In Lebanon there is only one cosmic like event that is nearly as predicable from Ramlet al Baida beach in Beirut, near Shatila Palestinian refugee camp, than the sun coming up like thunder out of Syria every morning.

And that might be the regularity of Washington, Riyadh, Doha, and Tel Aviv's drone: “Hezbollah must give up their weapons!”

Read Full Article (Jul-21-2012 21:30)

Bad Advice from a Friend...
Now`s Not the Time for Hezbollah to Cut-and-Run

Defending its political mantle and participation in government is key for the future of the Hezbollah led Resistance.

(DAHIYEH, South Beirut) - Hezbollah represents the interests of the Palestinians. Things might appear a bit tough for Hezbollah these days, but I'll spare the dear reader the tedium of a laundry list of what the Party has experienced over the past 20 months.

There have been domestic and foreign attacks, condemnations, calumny, obliquey, sundry plots, and legislative and political wounds...

Read Full Article (Jul-19-2012 18:15)

Israelis Killed in Bulgaria Bus Attack, Zionist Entity Blames Iran, Hezbollah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed Iran for the blast; Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak accused Hezbollah...

(BEIRUT Al-Manar) - Deadly blast in Bulgaria that killed five Zionists A deadly blast targeted a bus carrying Israeli tourists in Bulgaria, killing seven people, including five Zionists. In addition to the five Israelis, a Bulgarian driver was killed.

Dozens others were injured in the attack which took place outside an airport in the European country.
The bus was carrying around 40 Israelis who had just arrived at Burgas Airport on the Black Sea coast.

Read Full Article (Jul-19-2012 13:41)

Israeli Women: Don`t be Suckers

The protest's female voice is not being heard.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Ultra-Orthodox Jews just staged a mass anti-draft rally August 1 is approaching, and once again the argument over "sharing the burden" is taking center stage. Granting exemptions from military service and the implications for integrating those exempted into the workforce is a very weighty issue.

Read Full Article (Jul-01-2012 15:02)

Time to Abandon Never-Ending Futile Talks with Israel

It is time for the Palestinian National Authority to abandon its commitment to the pointless perpetual negotiations with the Israelis.

(LONDON) - Palestinian Authority It has been more than 20 years since the Madrid talks and the peace process between the Palestinians and the Israelis started.

Thus far their abject failure has surprised even the most pessimistic of observers.

Read Full Article (Jun-25-2012 16:36)

`Decent, Honest and Truthful`?

How the pro-Israel lobby fails this simple test.

(LONDON) - Globalize the Intifada Does anyone seriously expect Palestinians to recognise a state whose jackboot is on their throat? Israel has ethnically cleansed and confiscated Palestinian lands and water resources and obliterated Arab heritage.

It has deposited more than 500,000 Jewish “settlers” on the Palestinian territory it illegally occupies with the clear intention of making the occupation permanent.

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