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DNA Expert on the Amanda Knox Case

This fascinating case will likely be over early this fall.

(ROME) - Amanda Knox The Independent DNA Experts review of the Kitchen Knife and the Bra Clasp evidence has been turned in and the first court date discussing the results was on July 25.

Dr. Greg Hampikian is a DNA expert who co-authored an Open Letter on 19 Nov 2009 along with Dr. Elizabeth Johnson and 7 others.

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2011 16:03)

Italy Battles Islamic Caliphate

Muslims are endeavoring to absorb Italy into an Islamic caliphate?

(ISTANBUL) - Muslim refugees Oppressed populations around the world acquired a new rival on Wednesday with the announcement by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of his campaign to “Free Lampedusa” within 48-60 hours. What the Sicilian island requires freeing from: thousands of migrants, primarily arriving from North Africa.

Why it requires freeing: residents are not pleased, and Berlusconi sympathizes. (So much so that he has spontaneously purchased a villa on the island.)

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2011 22:32)

A Proposal for Italibya

A refugee wave of “catastrophic proportions”?

(ISTANBUL) - African refugee escape on the Mediterranean. Libya’s Col. Muammar Gaddafi is known for his proposal of a state called Isratine. I would propose another state by the name of Italibya.

Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi has already sounded the alarm that taking a stroll in downtown Milan can cause one to think that one is not in fact in Europe but rather in Africa.

Read Full Article (Jan-31-2011 14:13)

Berlusconi: the Man of Scandals

Berlusconi has declared himself "the most persecuted man in the world".

(TEHRAN) - Silvio Berlusconi Silvio Berlusconi is an internationally renowned figure, but not for his good reputation as an upright and respectable statesman, rather as a notorious man who can be called one of the most corrupt politicians of the world in all terms.

An unflappable and defiant politician who has accumulated a collection of criminal charges for which he hasn't been held accountable so far, Berlusconi is approaching the first stages of punishment for several crimes he committed during his three terms of premiership in Italy.

Read Full Article (Oct-25-2010 16:19)

Beating the Heat to Reduce Post-Harvest Waste

(TURN, Italy) - Italy via nationsonline For a farmer in a hot country like Sudan, a big harvest can end up being just a big waste. A fresh tomato off the vine will only last about 2 days in the stifling heat, while carrots and okra might last only 4 days.

Despite being perfectly capable of producing abundant harvests, without any means to store and preserve crops, farmers in Sudan are at risk for hunger and starvation.

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2010 17:10)

The Annual Muslim Debate in Italy

Questionable diplomatic behavior on the part of the Italian premier meanwhile includes repeated references to US President Barack Obama as suntanned.

(ROME) - Puglia, south Italy, where Muslims are under the impression that land without people is up for grabs by people without land. (Photo: Belén Fernández) I cannot recall a visit to my friend’s home in Puglia, southern Italy, in which the Muslim invasion of Europe has not surfaced as a discussion topic.

It often initiates when one or more of my friend’s relatives discovers that I have just been to Turkey or Lebanon, for example, and remarks on my good fortune as a female to have avoided being stoned to death.

Read Full Article (Aug-02-2010 00:05)

Berlusconi Stops Short of Copying Obama`s Suntan

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said it would be ‘best’ for the country’s troops to leave Afghanistan as soon as possible after six were killed in a car bombing in Kabul.

(ROME) - Il Cavaliere may have also noted Muammar Qaddafi's tan while paying his respects this past March. The July 28 deaths of two Italian soldiers in Herat, Afghanistan—occurring shortly after the most recent Wikileaks deluge—prompted an article entitled “Obama’s ‘Just War’ is Already Lost” in the Italian daily La Repubblica, in which Italy’s involvement in said conflict is described as follows:

"We Italians are in Afghanistan for America. But the Americans are no longer sure about the reasons they thought they were there… Our [other] allies have understood this and… [are] all in search of a way out and an exit date from the Afghan trap. As for us, we remain hitched to a crazed convoy with various derailed [components]."

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2010 19:43)

Sabotage on the High Sea

Media reports indicate that Israel gave strong indications today that its forces had secretly sabotaged some of the ships bound for Gaza as part of the freedom flotilla.

(CYPRUS) - Gaza protest On Tuesday, Colonel Itzik Tourgeman told the Knesset Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday that two more ships are on their way to try and break the naval blockade of Gaza.

Read Full Article (May-27-2010 15:52)

Forget Dialogue

If we think that the rules of the failed “peace movement” were different than those of the new “dialogue movement”, perhaps it’s time to get wise.

(ROME) - Israel flag For quite a while, people involved in activism (as advocates of Palestinian nationalism and the Palestinian cause) have been part of a “dialogue movement”.

This follows an extended period of time wasted in the failed “peace movement”. Once we figured out it was another Zionist trap (and it admittedly took several decades too long, since no Palestinian advocacy participant is against peace, so it was difficult to communicate to all that peace was not its objective and thus our participation was enabling Zionism) we were well out the door.

Read Full Article (May-02-2010 17:18)

Economic Crisis in the Middle Ages

A nice piece of original reporting from the 14th century.

(FLORENCE, Italy) - A painting by Giotto di Bondone (c. 1267–1337) in the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence, within the chapel owned by the Peruzzi bankers In the year 1345 in the month of January failed the company of the Bardi, who had been the greatest merchants in Italy.

And the reason was that they, like the Peruzzi, had lent their money and that invested with them to king Edward of England and to the king of Sicily; and that the Bardi found they had owing to them from the king of England, what with capital and interest and gifts promised by him, 900,000 florins of gold, and on account of his war with the king of France he was unable to pay; and from the king of Sicily 100,000 florins of gold.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
