(Jan-27-2014 11:02)
Jerusalem Post: Circumcision - Defending the Indefensible
Article by Victor S. Schonfeld
By screening my TV documentary 'It’s a Boy!' for European parliamentarians I aim to help shore up their commitment to protection of children’s right to physical integrity.
(TEL AVIV Jerusalem Post) -
I am a Jewish filmmaker and I have been invited by the Council of Europe to its Parliamentary Assembly next week.
By screening my television documentary It’s a Boy! for European parliamentarians I aim to help shore up their commitment to protection of children’s right to physical integrity – a key step toward ending ritual circumcision of boys. Yet there is a struggle underway.
Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 10:55)
Snowden Reveals More Info, if tried: Analyst
The US “convinced us all that Russia was spying on us and that America was the kind gentle pussy cat, now it turns out it’s the other way around,” - Anna O'Leary (Video is set to auto play)
Political Commentator Anna O’Leary believes that Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency’s whistleblower, is revealing more confidential information if he is put on trial.
“If he ever goes to trial, and his legal experts say that if he does go to trial, he will expose even more classified information,” O’Leary told Press TV on Sunday.
Read Full Article (Jan-25-2014 00:07)
NY Mayor Tells AIPAC: `Part of my job description is to be a defender of Israel`
Article by Philip Weiss
The mayor says he feels a “special obligation” to support Israel.
(CHICAGO Mondoweiss) -
My goodness. Here’s a tape of NY Mayor Bill de Blasio praising Israel at a closed-door function for the Israel lobby group AIPAC in Manhattan last night, reported by Sally Goldenberg of Capital NY.
De Blasio said that the U.S. should boycott Saudi Airlines, and that the Israeli-Cornell campus that his predecessor Michael Bloomberg set in motion in NY is “an extraordinary transcendent development” that will go forward under his administration.
Read Full Article (Jan-21-2014 17:36)
Battling Racism in the South Hebron Hills
Umm al-Ara’is, Khushiyya and Twaneh by David Shulman
(UMM AL-KHAIR, Occupied Palestine) -
It’s not a good time to walk through the fields. The first, tentative green shoots are pushing up from soft soil irrigated by last month’s fierce snowfall.
At Umm al-Khair, the huge field we cleared of rocks and thorns last summer is now a miracle of Irish green, wildly at odds with the browns and purples of the desert. The light is wintry, crisp, more than sufficient to highlight the gap between good and evil.
Read Full Article (Jan-21-2014 17:13)
So When Will International Justice Save Palestine?
Stuart Littlewood
“If you commit war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide you will not be able to rest easily in your bed: the reach of international justice is long and patient.... There is no expiry date for these crimes...." (William Hague, British foreign secretary)
Eighteen months ago UK foreign secretary William Hague delivered an important speech at the Hague, home of the International Criminal Court.
He spoke of a growing reliance on a rules based international system. "We depend more and more on other countries abiding by international laws.... We need to strengthen the international awareness and observance of laws and rules....”
Read Full Article (Jan-21-2014 12:59)
Keep Ken O`Keefe`s Middle East Show Going
Many people are familiar with Ken O'Keefe, he served his country as a US Marine and then became a high profile activist for peace.
Here is your chance to help Ken O'Keefe's very real and sincere effort to continue broadcasting a blatantly honest television program, Ken O'Keefe's Middle East Show.
Please read the information below, watch the video, and visit this extremely important project. Ken represents the philosophy of total truth at
Read Full Article (Jan-20-2014 13:38)
`Storm Over Morocco,` by Dr. Frank Romano, Author Event Jerusalem, Jan. 27
It happens Monday, Jan. 27, 9 pm, Tmol Shilshom Bookstore Café, 5 Yoel Salomon St., Jerusalem.
Storm Over Morocco is a true story about the author; who was wrongly accused of being a Zionist spy in 1978 and tried for sabotage, a capital crime, by an extremist Islamic group in Morocco.
While traveling across Africa searching for a universal religion, he was invited to study Islam in a mosque in Casablanca, Morocco; it turned out to be controlled by a militant Moslem group which promptly imprisoned him.
Read Full Article (Jan-17-2014 18:16)
Let`s Shine a Light Into the ICC`s Dusty Corners... When Will the Palestinians Clear the Decks for Action?
Stuart Littlewood
Courage and bold leadership are precisely what's lacking.
I watched the Palestinian ambassador, Prof Manuel Hassassian's performance before a session of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee enquiring into 'Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: prospects for 2014'.
He was asked by MP Rory Stewart: "Why did you come back to the negotiating table?"
Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 17:59)
We Better Move On...
Gilad Atzmon
"I've gotten some of my best light from bridges I've burned."-- Don Henley
What does it take, in an era dominated by progressive identity politics, to be accepted as a fully qualified member of the Left? Jane is a London lawyer who identifies politically ‘as a woman,’ and marches enthusiastically for human rights. Can she join? I think the answer is yes, she can.
George is a medical doctor who happens also to be a black man and identifies as ‘Black middle class.’ Can he subscribe to a progressive email group and contribute to the discussion? I hope and suspect that he can.
Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 17:00)
Peace Now to Israeli Government: Remove Belligerent West Bank Outpost
Peace Now's lawyers point out that demolition orders have been issued in the past against Esh Kodesh's illegally-built homes and other structures.
Israel's Peace Now (Shalom Achshav) movement today sent a letter to the Israeli government, demanding that it enforce the law and remove Esh Kodesh, a West Bank settlement that was established in violation of Israeli law, whose residents have repeatedly attacked neighboring Palestinians.
Residents of this illegal outpost yesterday attacked Palestinians in the neighboring village of Kusra, near Nablus after Israeli law enforcement officers removed saplings that the settlers had planted in an attempt to illegally take over more land that they don't own.
Read Full Article