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`Lest We Forget` The Day Rachel Corrie Died

Ms. Corrie was a student at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash.,

(CHICAGO) - Rachel Corrie Rachel Corrie was killed March 16, 2003, by an Israeli soldier who crushed her to death with an American-built Caterpillar bulldozer. Eleven years later, March 16, 2014, on the anniversary of her death, Rachel Corrie (right) will be remembered by her family and friends.

She will also be remembered on this anniversary, by those who celebrate and cherish a young American woman who said no to Israel’s occupation and no to the constant attacks on Palestinians and the destruction of Palestinian homes.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2014 13:25)

Twenty Years After the Massacre at the Tomb of the Patriarchs

What would we have known without the media?

(HUGUENOT, NY) - Dr. Baruch Goldstein Wherever you happened to be on February 25, 1994, if you were old enough to read a newspaper you’ll likely recognize the name Baruch Goldstein.

You may recall that he was a brilliant, exceedingly gifted physician; president of his class, who graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 4.0 index.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2014 12:00)

Punishing Iranians on Netanyahu`s Orders

Who is the biggest threat to peace in the Middle East? And why does Congress not impose sanctions on Israel?

(RICHMOND) - Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel The CIA repeatedly warned President Reagan that Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was using outlawed mustard gas and nerve agents against Iran.

But Reagan continued providing Saddam Hussein with intelligence and even materials for chemical weapons.

Read Full Article (Feb-23-2014 11:38)

Portland: An Evening with Gilad Atzmon

♥ Thank you Gilad Atzmon, and the wonderful folks that helped make this appearance possible.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Gilad Atzmon at the Thorne Lounge in Portland. Gilad Atzmon spoke in Portland, Oregon Feb 22, 2014. The evening began at the Lucky Labrador on Hawthorne Blvd, with a thorough overview of Gilad's position on the Jewish state of Israel, the oppression of Palestine and what is behind it all.

It was a terrific mix of people with unique and interesting perspectives to share.

Read Full Article (Feb-22-2014 11:27)

Egypt at War with Hamas

“Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are not the voice of dissent in the Egyptian or Palestinian political scene, but actually they are the voice of disintegration”

(LONDON) - Egypt vs Hamas While Most Arabs seem to agree to disagree; there are few things they don’t argue over like Israel being the primal enemy of the Arab nation – well, after the so called Arab Spring even that is arguable now.

The fact that Israel is winning the conflict with the Arabs is due to many factors, mainly the US/EU political and military alliance.

Read Full Article (Feb-22-2014 11:07)


There is an old Arab verse that says (in effect): ‘The oppression inflicted on me by my relatives is more painful than to be fiercely stabbed by my enemy.’

(LONDON) - Tzipi Livni, chief Israeli negotiator, and Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas The last 48 hours were the most grim, the most bitter of my entire life.

I could never have imagined in my darkest hour of despair that my own people would sell us and our just cause down the drain for the sake of convenience and pragmatism. Yet sell us they did, and very cheaply.

Read Full Article (Feb-20-2014 10:22)

Gilad Atzmon with Jeff Blankfort -Tonight in SF

Gilad's USA tour is on the west coast!

(OAKLAND) - Jeff Blankfort and Gilad Atzmon Tonight in Oakland, CA, catch writer/philosopher Gilad Atzmon in conversation with writer/journalist Jeffrey Blankfort.

This is a benefit for the Palestine Children’s Welfare Fund ”Racist and anti-Semitic” say his accusers, but Gilad Atzmon claims the opposite of racism, and accuses his accusers of racial bias. Bring an open mind, and prepare to challenge and be challenged.

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2014 10:51)

In the Coming Elections, Boycott Would­ be MPs who are Friends of Israel

Name and shame supporters of the racist regime!

(LONDON) - BDS BDS, this is your big chance.... In the coming elections, Boycott would ­be MPs who are Friends of Israel. Name and shame supporters of the racist regime!

A recent article, 'Holocaust hullabaloo: another MP intimidated', tells how a British lady MP was harassed by the chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust...

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2014 21:44)

Gilad Atzmon and Agron Belica, Captured in New Jersey (VIDEO)

Authors, musicians, friends, brothers...

(SALEM) - Gilad Atzmon and Agron Belica Gilad Atzmon's US tour is going strong, he caught up with Agron Belica in New Jersey, and this crew had a ton of fun hanging out and shouting out to their friends around the globe who share their passion for human rights and amazing music.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2014 10:42)

Palestinian Declaration


(LONDON) - Palestine An invitation to All Palestinians and their supporters to unite under the banner of LIBERATION, affirming our Inalienable Rights and clarifying our aims and aspirations to ourselves and to the world.

For the sake of historical truth, and for defending, preserving and protecting the rights of future Palestinian children, we present this document...

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
