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Rwanda Achieves High Rank in Action Aid`s Scorecard -

further action needed to face food, climate crisis.

(WASHINGTON D.C .) - Action Aid Rwanda ranks 3rd in its capacity and preparedness for the triple crisis confronting the world’s food system, according to research in 28 developing countries.

The ActionAid report released today, On the Brink: Who’s best prepared for a climate and hunger crisis?, shows that Rwanda is one of the developing nations most prepared for confronting the three interlocking global challenges of climate change, resource scarcity and rising and volatile food prices.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2011 21:41)

The Revolution of 2011?

What we see today with the protests now happening around the globe is a clash between populist, progressive values, and the regressive, elitist values of the corporate class and their flunkies.

(GOLD RIVER B.C.) - Revolution 2011 The year 1848 is noted for the revolutions that swept across much of Europe. Historians in the future may write of the revolutions of 2011.

What started as a popular revolt in Tunisia in late 2010 and spread throughout the Arab world has now gone world wide as people gather everywhere to protest the current order.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2011 20:11)

The Rwanda Peoples Party: Statement of Facts

Rwanda People’s Party (RPP) is a political party with a fully flagged political programme, policy and procedures that was born out of the Rwanda National Liberation Movement (1986-2004) in May 2010.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Rwanda People's Party The oppositional climate of Rwandan Politics is an ever changing situation. There are many of these groups in exile and as they continue the struggle for peace and political and press freedoms within Rwanda they also facing mounting challenges and numerous vocal critics.

Read Full Article (Oct-10-2011 20:01)

The Rwandan Government: When the tree falls, birds are in misery

Has the effectiveness of the millions of dollars of aid to Rwanda ever been evaluated for its use and program success?

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Rwanda flag The small country of Rwanda buried deep in the heart of Africa continues to make loud noises despite the assumed desire its leaders to keep things quiet and inconspicuous.

Within this small nation lies a government that oppresses its own people through intimidation, lack of open political space and fear to speak honestly and openly about the government in personal circles as well as in the press.

Read Full Article (Oct-08-2011 17:38)

Famine in Somalia: It`s Not a Natural Disaster: It`s Murder

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words… the Famine in Somalia: “Billions For Bombs… Peanuts for Bread”… That’s what the Right Wing wants…

(CHENNAI, India) - Hunger in Somalia THE FAMINE in Somalia has once again focussed attention on the problems of the less developed countries.

Much of the response to the crisis is a short term one in the form of food aid. However in order to understand the causes of this and other famines in Africa it is necessary to race back the roots of the problem to colonisation and imperialism.

Read Full Article (Sep-29-2011 17:00)

Rwandan politics and elections

Sixty-nine percent of those surveyed believe the fear of authority is the major obstacle to freedom of speech and political space, followed closely by the mindset of nepotism and the legacy of Genocide.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Voting in Rwanda The Rwandan National Congress (RNC) and the Democratic Forces (FDU-INKINGI) held their first joint meeting in Washington D.C on September 19, 2011. The meeting was attended by approximately 30 Friends of Rwanda representing various countries and political parties.

Spearheading the conference was Dr. Theogene Rudasinwa, former Ambassador to the US from Rwanda under President Kagame, representing the RNC and Dr. Gerald Gahima, former Attorney General also under President Kagame.

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2011 22:18)

Hunger Striker Protesting a Crime Against Humanity

The Irish and the Palestinians share a history of occupation and oppression.

(DUBLIN) - Hunger Strike for Gaza in Dublin by Adele King Terence Barry says ‘we have a song here in Ireland called Only Our Rivers Run Free, but in Palestine the Israelis have even stolen the water supplies. In Palestine not even their Rivers Run Free.’

This week, Terence Barry said he wants his hunger strike ‘to highlight the Israeli genocide on the people of Gaza.’

Read Full Article (Sep-03-2011 22:54)

Immigration Special Report: New Mexico Immigrant Fight Widens

Immigrants aren’t taking matters sitting down... instead they're mobilizing in different New Mexico communities,

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - Immigration protest Defying the stormy skies of a late summer monsoon season, immigrants and their supporters had a message for New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez:

Read Full Article (Aug-28-2011 20:42)

Frank Habineza Acceptance Speech, Pilot International Award Ceremony

"The African Greens Federation is a peaceful movement which is moving with determination in risk and danger to establish a green and democratic society in Africa using non-violence." - Frank Habineza

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Frank Habineza On August 27, 2011 Frank Habineza, President of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda was awarded the prestigious award of African Leader in Innovation and Sustainability from Pilot International.

He was not able to attend the ceremonies in person but the full transcript of his acceptance speech, which was read on his behalf, is below.

Read Full Article (Aug-25-2011 19:07)

Stooge Media Wipes Japan`s Radioactive Horror from Minds of Americans

Maybe there are no easy answers, but why would a U.S. newspaper boldly lie about the daily Hell of Fukushima? Oh right, nuclear business interests...

(SALEM, Ore.) - Child in Fukushima disaster I was horrified when one of my best Fukushima contacts, Karin Rougeau, sent a link to our newsroom today from a southern newspaper The Sentinel-Record, (An establishment that dates back to 1877), with an article falsely describing the grueling circumstances in Fukushima as:

'Northeast Japan improving since disaster'. It is not true, not at all...

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
