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Prabhakaran`s Philosophy and Ideology

Let us see some of the useful but very important messages in Prabhakaran’s speeches especially in 2007 and 2008. Let us start naturally with reference to the great country, our India.

(LONDON) - Velupillai Prabhakaran The day November 27th has the holiness and significance of Tamils. They remember and honour their dearly beloved heroes whose supreme sacrifice for the liberation of our motherland continues to fill all their hearts.

Heroes Day speeches clearly tell the world the policies and actions of the LTTE and can be taken as indicators of Prabhakaran’s philosophy and ideology.

Read Full Article (Nov-25-2013 14:32)

What Does it Take do Destroy a Village... and - MK`s Treatment of the Bedouin - Dangerous Enemies

It was all in a day's work: Courts and the MKs working to legislate and implement policies of destruction and concentration of Bedouin villages...

(BEER SHIVA) - Bedouins after the court ruling today, in Beer Sheva. The judge ruled that Sheikh Sayah, the leader of the village of El Araqib, should pay 10,000 nis bail and must stay at least 2 kms away from his home.

And what did Sheikh Sayah do to deserve this punishment? Nothing. Well he did - he is resisting the government's wish to destroy his village.

Read Full Article (Nov-25-2013 00:53)

The Tail Wags the Dog: Israel Publicly Upbraids the US on Iran

It’s taken it a long time, but at last the Obama administration is showing some backbone in its relations with the rabid dog of the Middle East.

(LONDON Redress News & Analysis) - Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. Pres. Barack Obama Israel has gotten so used to the United States being totally subservient to it that it seems incapable of tolerating the slightest deviation from its diktats by Washington.

For a country that swallows up some eight million dollars a day of American taxpayers’ money, one might expect some self-restraint, at least in symbolic gratitude for the largesse it receives from its increasingly economically desperate benefactors. But no.

Read Full Article (Nov-24-2013 12:39)

United Nations: URGENT APPEAL: Renowned Tamil Poet Arrested and Detained

A Sri Lanka Police Spokesman told the BBC Tamil Service, that he was arrested as he was ‘disrupting the ethnic harmony in the country.’

(JAFFNA) - Shanmugampillai Jayapalan, famously known as VIS Jayapalan in the Tamil literary world. Shanmugampillai Jayapalan, famously known as VIS Jayapalan in the Tamil literary world, was born in Uduvil, Jaffna in north of Sri Lanka. He began his writing in the 70s while studying at the University of Jaffna and published his first anthology in 1986. Since then he has published at least 12 anthologies of poetry and short novels.

As the war escalated, he fled Sri Lanka in 1988 and was granted asylum in Norway.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2013 21:42)

Two Century Old Mosque Burned Down by Buddhist Extremists in Maung Daw

Amazingly, there is no report of the extremists who set fire to the market and mosque being arrested.

(RANGOON) - Mosque burning in Burna A villager from Maung daw reports that Rakhine extremists who earlier set fire at municipal market, burned down the two-century old Hakim Ali mosque, or Gabi Mosque as it is also called, around 9:30 p.m. Myanmar standard time.

The Rakhine extremists are burning Rohingya religious and non-religious building one after the other. The most recent mosque to go up in flames was located in Myo Thu Gyi (Hainda fara) village near 3 mile Maung Daw.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2013 20:07)

Pedagogy of the Oppressed, or the Colonizer?

Humanism should be a form of disclosure,not of secrecy or religious illumination. - Edward Said

(TEL AVIV +972 Mag) - Little girl takes on Israel I usually take the Israeli harassment with a sense of humor. After all, they are occupation. They will not be normal if they treat us well. And somehow treating us well is not something I like to happen, because it makes me subconsciously normalize with their existence.

For instance, in the airport, I voluntarily offer my striptease services. I make jokes about the body check. I walk with them through all the security mazes like a princess with her security guards.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2013 12:21)

Palestinian Sisters as Keepers of Their Brothers
Inside Emergency Damascene Shelters

Prior to the armed conflict in Syria, Yarmouk, a suburb just south of Damascus city, was home to over 160,000 Palestine refugees.

( AL ZAHERA NEIGHBORHOOD, S Damascus) - Palestinian kids vin Damascus This brief update is not focused on the ever deteriorating grave conditions of Palestinians and Syrians displaced and often trapped inside dangerous areas on Damascus, where this observer had been visiting some of the 24 former Damascus public schools currently being used as shelters.

Rather it seeks to highlight the esprit de corps, solidarity, resistance, and good will among Palestinians here is Damascus who were forced from Yarmouk and other camps and how they are huddled and preparing for a harsh winter which one senses these frigid nights it not far off.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2013 17:52)

UN Asks Myanmar to Refund Citizenship Rights of Muslims

Third Committee of UN General Assembly approves a draft resolution on the human rights situation in Myanmar, urging it to prevent violent acts in the country.

(GENEVA) - Rohingya in Arakan Third Committee of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, which is responsible for social, humanitarian affairs and human rights issues, asked Myanmar to refund citizenship rights of the Muslim minority.

The third Committee consensually approved a draft resolution concerning human rights violation in Myanmar. The Myanmar government was called to provide Rohingya Muslims in the Rakhine state with equal citizenship rights and prevent violent acts against the Muslim minority by Buddhists in the country.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2013 17:04)

Tamils for Obama: Praise to Cameron on his Ultimatum to Sri Lanka

Tamils for Obama wrote a letter to UK Prime Minister David Cameron praising him for his courage and firmness in delivering an ultimatum to SL President Rajapaksa, and also praising Cameron for extending his trip into the Tamil-inhabited northern province.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - British MP David Cameron Tamils for Obama recently wrote a letter to UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who was in Colombo for the Commonwealth conference.

The letter praised Cameron for taking the time to visit the northern province, and for demonstrating conviction and firmness in issuing an ultimatum demanding that Rajapaksa "begin an inquiry into alleged war crimes by March or face international intervention..."

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2013 13:07)

Towards the Creation of a Fact-Finding Commission on Relations Between Buddhists and Muslims in Myanmar

Collaborating with local civil-society bodies inside Myanmar, this fact-finding commission would have three objectives.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Burma Genocide The International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) concluded its biennial conference on November 4 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, our first such meeting in a Muslim-majority nation.

The conference theme — Inter-Faith Dialogue for Peace and Sustainability — points to the interdependence of Buddhists and Muslims throughout Southeast Asia.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
