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Rohingya Panel Discussion Held in European Parliament

After the 2012 Rakhine state riots, according to estimated data, 650 Rohingyas were killed, 1200 are missing and up to 140,000 have been displaced.

(LONDON Burma Times) - Rohingya reps in European Parliament The panel’s main speaker, The EU Parliament MEP Jean lambert, said despite some progress in Burma the Rohingya community continues to be persecuted and more must be done.

Nevertheless, despite its commitments to the international community to prevent sectarian violence between the Rohingya and the ethnic Rakhine Buddhists, Burma’s government has yet failed to prevent another incident added to the long history of human rights violations and prosecution that follows to the Rohingyas.

Read Full Article (Dec-01-2013 13:50)

Sinhalese are Famous For Lying Through Their Teeth

Elections behind Cameron’s HR allegations - Chris Nonis

(MELBOURNE) - Sri Lankan High Commissioner in England, Chris Nonis and President Majinda Rajapakse Here is the Sri Lankan High Commissioner in England, Chris Nonis, who lies through his teeth to justify the heinous Human Rights violations in Sri Lanka. He takes cover under his countries right to sovereignty.

He failed to realize that Democracy bestows on the Tamils the right to live in peace and dignity; that means free from rape and murder. He has also forgotten the Tamils had their own sovereignty until 1833, when the colonial government merged them with the rest of country.

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2013 23:39)

Daily Life in Gaza Under Israeli Blockade

Complacent Complicitous Holocaust Children: do not be offended by the truth of your complicity in this new holocaust.

(GAZA STRIP) - Child in Gaza Notice that China TV is concerned about this new holocaust, while the United States TV supports this genocide by concealing it from caring eyes! Why? Because the genocide-backers own the U.S. networks. I never thought that I would someday be thankful for Chinese and Russian TV journalism (CCTV and RT-TV).

Shielded from American eyes, this new holocaust has thrived ever since 1948 when the fanatical Zionist terrorist Irgun waged "ethnic cleansing" upon the defenseless agrarian people of Palestine.

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2013 18:33)

A Syrian Girl Reveals Truth Behind Syria Crisis

At present Syria has no debt from the IMF. It only has loans from friends such as Russia. It is therefore becoming a target for American and NATO aggression.

(DAMASCUS Syrian Free Press) - Syrian Girl Syria's Biological Weapons were not included in the Chemical Weapons treaty. So a biological weapons False Flag Attack in Syria is possible as occurred with chemical weapons to disarm Syria.

Will our children be once again sacrificed for Zionist designs? I believe this is unlikely but we should be aware.

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2013 15:26)

India: Sick from Distorted Development

The inequities in health care provision represent the extreme levels of inequality and social injustice pervading the country, as the Lancet makes clear, “mainly because of insufficient government funding for health”.

(LONDON) - India's sick India has recorded two decades of around 9 per cent growth, which has produced umpteen rupee billionaires who live in decadent luxury in the cities.

Along with the government, which is seduced by all things corporate, they turn a comfortable blind eye to the hundreds of millions living in rural poverty and those in slums on the other side of town, where children play beside open sewage, where there are no functioning toilets or latrines, where child malnutrition is rife and where there are no health care facilities worthy of the name.

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2013 14:56)

No Escaping An Investigation

It is important to remember LTTE combatants who surrendered and therefore were prisoners of war, were murdered. They are protected by international humanitarian law - killing these prisoners of war was a war crime.

(LONDON) - White flag surrenders An article titled The Illegality of U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki  Moon’s approach to Sri Lanka written by Mr. Dharshan Weerasekera, former member of the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defence and current attorney has brought up every nearly argument from a legal standpoint to defend Sri Lanka from a war crimes investigation.

The main focus of the article is to question if U.N. Security-General (UNSG) reports can be indirectly submitted to the U.N. organs and the answer is yes...

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2013 14:17)

Israel Found Guilty of War Crimes by Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission

"The Tribunal deplores the failure of international institutions to punish the State of Israel for its crimes and its total lack of respect of International Law and the institutions of the United Nations."

(KUALA LAMPUR) - A defiant former Israeli general, Amos Yaron A new age is dawning on the state of Israel, which for years has relied on U.S. "Super Veto" power in the United Nations to block Israel from being charged with war crimes.

Those days will soon fall into the background, as the Kuala Lampur War Crimes Tribunal "Guilty" verdict has been registered in world court against Israel. Charged with a long list of deadly violations, Israel is reacting with threats toward the Palestinian population and military posturing.

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2013 13:11)

Hot Off The Press: Nakba II -Israel is Testing The Water

Lieberman, didn’t leave much room for a doubt. Once again, it is the Jewish state that is evicting Palestinians from their land in favor of the Jewish People and their Jewish interests.

(LONDON) - New Nakba Simultaneous protests took place on Saturday in Hifa, Tayibe and Jerusalem over Praver Bill -a plan to evict Bedouin communities in the Negev. The Bill has provoked a storm not only amid the Arab MKs who voted against it, but mainly among those it is aimed against, the Bedouin residents of southern Israel.

It seems as if Israel is testing the water examining the reaction to another mass expulsion of Palestinians.

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2013 10:19)

Global Civil Society Calls for Permanent Solution to G 33 Food Security Proposal in WTO

Human Rights Ambassador, William Nicholas Gomes, joined Global civil society calling for a Permanent Solution to G 33 Food Security Proposal in WTO.

(Washington, D.C) - Today, Human Rights Ambassador for, William Nicholas Gomes, has joined a group of over 270 civil society organizations, along with a broad range of civil society groups urging Roberto Azevedo, the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation and WTO member states, to take the issue of food security in developing countries as a matter of serious and immediate concern.

They are the groups not to render the G-33 proposal on public food stockholding a travesty by asking developing countries to agree to the current text on the peace clause.

Read Full Article (Nov-29-2013 16:35)

Allow People to Give Way to Their Emotions, Wigneswaran Warns Colombo on Heroes Day

“While praying that peace be upon the souls of those perished, we also regard this event as a sign of bringing ourselves into a new world” - Chief Minister Hon Wigneswaren

(COLOMBO TamilNet) - Planting trees on Heroes Day - Mahveera The Chief Minister Hon Wigneswaren has given a timely warning to the Sri Lankan government that suppression of people's emotions are counterproductive.

Although tree planting or any other form of gestures for the departed heroes on the Mahveera (Heroes) Day was strictly forbidden by the army, the Chief Minister ventured to initiate tree planting on this day, proving to the government that exercising ones right is not a crime.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
