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Nov-30-2013 10:19
Global Civil Society Calls for Permanent Solution to G 33 Food Security Proposal in WTO
William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for Salem-News.c
Human Rights Ambassador, William Nicholas Gomes, joined Global civil society calling for a Permanent Solution to G 33 Food Security Proposal in WTO.
(Washington, D.C) - Human Rights Ambassador, William Nicholas Gomes, joins more than 270 civil society organizations. They includes a broad range of civil society groups and global union federations representing hundreds of millions of workers across the world urged Roberto Azevedo, the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and WTO member states, to take the issue of food security in developing countries as a matter of serious and immediate concern not to render the G-33 proposal on public food stockholding a travesty by asking developing countries to agree to the current text on the peace clause.
To correct imbalance in WTO’s agricultural trade rules the G-33 group of developing countries tabled a proposal on food security that argues that public food programmes for supporting livelihoods of small farmers and food consumption of the poor should be considered part of the “green box” and allowed without limits by changing the existing Agreement on Agriculture (AoA). A matter of urgent concern is that all elements of the G 33 proposal have now been rejected for consideration in Bali and a peace clause (or due restraint clause) on the G-33 proposal is currently the only element being discussed at the WTO. A peace clause means that the use of such subsidies is still illegal but WTO Members will not go to dispute settlement for this period.
Expressing serious concern over recent developments in the negotiations over G 33 proposal, the civil society letter (attached) argued that “take it or leave it” text on the due restraint clause for Bali Ministerial suggested by the Director General, Robeto Azevedo offers a temporary solution effective only for 4 years and does not guarantee that a permanent solution will eventually materialise. Further, the conditionalities in the form of the Anti-Circumvention/ Safeguard clause are very broad and may make it virtually impossible for any developing county to use this provision.
The letter urged, "the global community, including the WTO Director General and the Member States, to address this issue and make changes in the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) that allow developing countries to use such subsidies for public programmes on food to support poor farmers and consumers.
Ranja Sengupta, Senior Researcher TWN states, “Unfortunately the G-33 proposal has found stiff opposition from the developed countries, notably the USA and the EU. Developed countries using WTO rules to neutralize peoples’ right to food”.
Jacques Berthelot, from Solidarite said, “The opposition of developed countries are unjustifiable in the light of existing asymmetries between developed and developing countries. For Instance, in 2010, the poor in India received on average of only 58 kg per person, 3.1 times less than the 182 kg per person of the 80 million beneficiaries of cereals food aid in the USA.” This is also 4.2 times less than the 241 kg for each of the 46.6 million beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or food stamp programme in the USA".
To the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and Member States
Do not Dilute G 33 Proposal: Address Imbalance in Global Agricultural Subsidies Rules, Support Public Stockholding for Guaranteeing Livelihoods and Food Consumption of the Poor at Bali WTO Ministerial.
We, as members of the global civil society, urge the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation, Roberto Azevedo, and member states, to take the issue of food security in developing countries as a matter of serious and immediate concern, and not to render the G-33 proposal on public food stockholding a travesty by asking developing countries to agree to the current text on the peace clause.
Across the developing world, millions of people, most of them poor, still do not have basic and minimum access to food. According to the FAO, 868 million were undernourished in 2011-12, of them 304 million in South Asia and 234 million in Sub Saharan Africa. Even more disturbing is the fact that nearly 3.1 million children under the age of 5 die each year because of poor nutrition (Hunger Statistics, World Food Program 2013).
At the same time, in a volatile global economy, millions of small farmers are engaged in precariously poised food production that provides them essential livelihoods and caters to their own as well as their country’s food requirements. Eradication of global poverty and hunger would be impossible without addressing these concerns. It is clear that the global economy, with all its growth, has failed to take care of both poor farmers and food consumers across the vast majority of developing countries and least developed countries (LDCs). In sum, they still need support from their own governments, supported by the global community.
However, the rules of multilateral trading that have been institutionalized through the WTO make it impossible for developing country governments to provide this support. When GATT (WTO’s
predecessor) was negotiated, all, except 17, developing countries which were not giving any subsidy at that time were barred from increasing subsidies, and were to adhere to a limit of 10% of additional production that could be given out as subsidies.
In contrast, developed countries that gave massive subsidies to their agriculture sector were asked to reduce these trade distorting subsidies (OTDS) by only about 20%. Moreover they were allowed to shift most of their subsidies to a “green box” which was marked as non-trade distorting. It is by now well established that both types of subsidies are very much trade distorting and have undercut prices, encouraged dumping of subsidized agricultural products in developing country markets and has threatened global market access for developing country farmers.
This twisted legacy of the WTO has resulted in a gross imbalance in global agricultural production, distribution and trading system. This has prevented developing country governments from providing essential support to their numerous small producers, or to poor consumers through direct measures, price supported public food stockholding or other processes, even if financially they are now able to do so. For example, India’s recently passed Food Security Act, which aims to provide minimum food entitlements to the poor 67% of the population, will need an allotment of US$20 billion and will conflict directly with WTO’s set limits. The WTO mandated obligations will constrain India from fully implementing its Food Security Act.
This peculiar juxtaposition in WTO’s agricultural trade rules has led the G-33 group of developing countries to table a proposal on food security at the WTO that argues that public food programmes for supporting livelihoods of small farmers and food consumption of the poor should be considered part of the “green box” and allowed without limits by changing the existing Agreement on Agriculture (AoA).
Under the WTO rules, a subsidy through price support shall be calculated using the gap between the fixed external reference price and the applied administered price. The reference price was fixed at average f.o.b. (free on board- price from farm gate till its delivery on the ship) price notified by each country for 1986 – 1988. Since the “fixed external reference price” is much lower than the minimum support price levels (MSP), the subsidy tends to get much inflated in comparison to reality. In addition, the entire production “eligible” to receive the subsidy and not the “actual” production is to be the basis for subsidy calculation, thus inflating subsidies further.
Obviously for large developing countries the total subsidy calculated under broad price support programmes tends to significantly overstate the actual financial support provided to farmers.
On the other hand, the total domestic support of the USA grew from US$61 billion to US$130 billion between 1995 and 2010.The EU’s domestic support, which went down from 90 billion euro
in 1995 to 75 billion euro in 2002, bloated again to 90 billion in 2006 and 79 billion in 2009. A broader measure of farm protection, known as total support estimate, shows the OECD countries’ agriculture subsidies soared from US$350 billion in 1996 to US$406 billion in 2011. Unfortunately the G-33 proposal has found stiff opposition from the developed countries, notably the USA and the EU. This is despite the fact that in 2010, the poor in India received on average of only 58 kg per person, 3.1 times less than the 182 kg per person of the 80 million beneficiaries of cereals food aid in the USA. This is also 4.2 times less than the 241 kg for each of the 46.6 million beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or food stamp programme in the USA.
A matter of urgent concern is that all elements of the G 33 proposal have now been rejected for consideration in Bali and a peace clause (or due restraint clause) on the G-33 proposal is currently the only element being discussed at the WTO. A peace clause means that the use of such subsidies is still illegal but WTO Members will not go to dispute settlement for this period.. The Director General, Robeto Azevedo, has suggested a “take it or leave it” text on the due restraint clause for Bali. However this is to be effective only for 4 years and does not guarantee that a permanent solution will eventually materialise. Further, the conditions sought to be imposed are severe. The Anti-Circumvention/ Safeguard clause asks the member
states to “ensure that stocks procured under such programs do not distort trade”. This broad condition may make it virtually impossible for any developing county to use this provision.
This will dilute the already weak peace clause rendering it totally ineffective and would sound the death knell for millions of poor in India and in other developing countries.
The time to act, therefore, is now. Before it is too late, before millions perish because the global leaders could not rise above their own myopic agendas. Before hundreds of thousands of children are not able to make it to school or play or laugh because they are too weak from hunger. Before millions go to sleep not knowing what they will give to their family for food the next day.
In the complex labyrinth of international norm setting, it is the poor and marginalized who are being denied their livelihoods and minimum access to food. Global rules are challenging public provision of essential goods and services across the developing world. It is important for the WTO to address these concerns in its forthcoming and crucial ninth ministerial conference at Bali,
We, as members of civil society, therefore urge the global community, including the WTO Director General and the Member States, to address this issue and make changes in the AoA that allow developing countries to use such subsidies for public programmes on food to support poor farmers and consumers.
We demand that you do not make a mockery of the hunger of millions round the world by accepting a peace clause that is unusable and damaging for long term solutions. We urge you to ensure that the international trade rules work for the people across the globe and not against them.
Signed by International and Regional Organizations and Networks
- ACP Civil Society Forum The Forum is a coalition of 80 not-for-profit organisations working on issues relating to ACP-EU development cooperation. It seeks to cater for the diverse range civil society development issues within the wide geographic coverage of the ACP group.
- Action Aid International Action Aid International is working with over 15 million people in 45 countries for a world free from poverty and injustice.
- Africa Trade Network (ATN) The ATN, which has observer status with the African Union and the UN-ECA and strong relations with UNCTAD, has been a key vehicle for TWN-Africa's work on issues of trade and investment policy in Africa.
- Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) is a regional network, working in 12 Arab countries with seven national networks (with an extended membership of 200 CSOs from different backgrounds) and 23 NGO members. ANND advocates for more sound and effective socio-economic reforms in the region, which integrate the concepts of sustainable development, gender justice, and the rights-based approach.
- APRODEV APRODEV is the Brussels-based association of European development and humanitarian aid organisations that work closely with the World Council of Churches (WCC). Its members are : Bread for All, Bread for the World, Christian Aid, Church of Sweden, Cimade, DanChurchAid, Diakonia, EAEZ, EED, FinnChurchAid, Kerkinactie Global Ministries, HEKS/EPER, Hungarian Interchurch Aid, ICCO, Icelandic Church Aid, Norwegian Church Aid Observers are the World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World Federation and ACT.
- Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM) A regional migrant centre working in the Asia Pacific and Middle East region.
- Dignity International Dignity International’s vision is of a world in which everyone enjoys human rights and lives in dignity; free from fear, poverty and discrimination. Dignity International advocates with, connects, and supports the empowerment of deprived and struggling communities in claiming their human rights, and creating social justice around the world.
- Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmer’s Forum (ESAFF) ESAFF is a network of small holder farmers that advocate for policy, practice and attitude change that reflects the needs, aspirations, and development of small-scale farmers in east and southern Africa. ESAFF operates in 13 countries.
- IBON International IBON initiates and implements international programs, develops and hosts international networks, initiates and participates in international advocacy campaigns, and establishes regional and country offices. IBON strengthens links between local campaigns and advocacies to international initiatives.
- International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) The ITUC is the global voice of the world’s working people.The ITUC, Global Union Federation represents 176 million workers in 156 countries and territories and has 325 national affiliates.
- LDC Watch LDC Watch is a global alliance of national, regional and international civil society organisations (CSOs), networks and movements based in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
- Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations networked together in more than 90 countries, as part of a global movement for change, to build a future free from the injustice of poverty.
- Pax Romana ICMICA Asia Global network of Catholic leaders committed to justice, peace and creation.
- People's Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS) The PCFS is a growing network of various grassroots groups of small food producers particularly of peasant-farmer organizations and their support NGOs, working towards a People's Convention on Food Sovereignty.
- Peoples’ Health Movement The PHM is a global network bringing together grassroots health activists, civil society organizations and academic institutions from around the world, particularly from low and middle income countries (L&MIC) with a presence in around 70 countries.
- Pesticide Action Network -Asia and the Pacific (PAN-AP) PAN AP is one of the five regional centres of PAN, a global network dedicated to eliminating the harm caused to humans and the environment by pesticides and promoting biodiversity-based ecological agriculture.
- Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Africa PAN Africa is an information and action network and a member of Pesticide Action Network International, a global coalition of voluntary groups, non-governmental organisations, civil societies, research institutes, scholars, and citizens working towards the adoption of sound ecological practices to replace the use of hazardous chemical pesticides.
- Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHHD) La PIDHDD es un actor político, conformado por Capítulos Nacionales que articulan organizaciones sociales e instituciones de la sociedad civil, que promueve la plena vigencia y realización de los derechos humanos; Actualmente, se cuenta con capítulos nacionales constituidos y en funcionamiento en 16 países del continente americano: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Haití, Guatemala, México, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela.
- Public Services International (PSI) Public Services International (PSI) is a global trade union federation dedicated to promoting quality public services in every part of the world. PSI brings together more than 20 million workers, represented by 650 unions in 150 countries and territories.
- Social Watch Social Watch is an international network of citizens’ organizations struggling to eradicate poverty and the causes of poverty, to ensure an equitable distribution of wealth and the realization of human rights.
- Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) An African initiative to strengthen Africa's capacity to take a more effective part in the emerging global trading system and to better manage the process of Globalization.
- Third World Network (TWN) Third World Network (TWN) is an independent non-profit international network of organisations and individuals involved in issues relating to development, developing countries and North-South affairs.
- Third World Network (TWN) Africa TWN-Africa co-ordinates the Africa Trade Network which was established in 1998 by TWN-Africa, and has over 25 members from 15 countries in Africa. National Organizations and Individuals 24 Fórum das Organizações Não Governamentais Angolanas (FONGA) Angola 25 Gilbert Agricultural and Rural Development Centre (GARDC) Antigua and Barbuda
- Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET) Australia
- Kannan Srinivasan Adjunct Research Fellow School of Political and Social Inquiry, Monash University Australia
- The International Grail Network for Justice in Trade Agreements Australia
- Information Group on Latin America (IGLA) Austria
- Civil Society Bahamas Bahamas
- Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) Bangladesh
- Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations (BANGO) Barbados
- 11.11.11 Belgium
- Africa Europa Faith and Justice Network Belgium
- CNCD-11.11.11 Belgium
- SOS Faim – Belgique Belgium
- Belize Enterprise for Sustainable Technology Belize
- René M. SEGBENOU Benin
- Groupe de Recherche et d'Action pour la Promotion de l'Agriculture et du Développement (GRAPAD) Benin Republic
- Grupo de Trabajo de Cambio Climático y Justicia (GTCCJ) Bolivia
- Botswana Council of Non Governmental Organisations (BOCONGO) Botswana
- Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras na Agricultura Familiar (FETRAF) Brazil
- Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT) Brazil
- 5 Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura (CONTAG) Brazil
- Instituto EQUIT Brazil
- Rede Brasileira Pela Integração dos Povos (REBRIP) Brazil
- Network of Civil Society Organizations for Sustainable Food Security (ROSSAD) Burkina Faso
- Cadre de concertation des OSC pour le suivi du CSLP (CdC/CSLP) Burkina Faso
- Civil Society Organization Network for Development (RESOCIDE) Burkina Faso
- Action Développement et Intégration Régionale (ADIR) Burundi
- Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN) Cameroon
- Collectif des ONG pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et le développement Rural en abrégé (COSADER) Cameroon
- Conseil des ONG Agrees du Cameroun (CONGAC ) Cameroon
- Cambodian Human Right Actions Committee Cambodia
- Canadian Foodgrains Bank Canada
- Kari Polanyi Levitt, Canada Canada
- Association Commerciale, Agricole, Industriel et du Service (ACAISA) Cape Verde
- Conseil Inter ONG En Centrafrique (CIONGCA) Central African Rep.
- Centre d’Information et de Liaison des ONG (CILONG) Chad
- Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Colombia (CUT) Colombia
- Fabio Arias Giraldo, General Secretary, CUT Colombia
- Instituto Latinoamericano Para Una Sociedad Y Un Derecho Alternativos, ILSA, Colombia
- Conseil de Concertation des ONGs de Développement (CCOD) Congo
- Cook Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (CIANGO) Cook Islands
- Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País Cuba
- Conseil National des ONG de Développement (CNONGD) D.R. Congo
- Kalingo Carib Council Dominica
- Alianza ONG Dominican Republic
- Fernando Rosero, Centro Andino para la Formación de Líderes Sociales Ecuador
- Red De Accion Ciudadana Frente Al Libre Comercio E Inversion, Sinti Techan El Salvador
- Forum des ONG pour le Développement Durable (FONGDD) Eq. Guinea
- Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) Ethiopia
- Ethiopian Consumer Society (ECS) Ethiopia 75 Institute for Sustainable Development Ethiopia
- Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action (MELCA) Ethiopia
- Sue Edwards Ethiopia
- Cotonou Task Force Ethiopia
- Poverty Action Network in Ethiopia (PANE) Ethiopia
- Europe Écologie Greens France
- Francoise Alamartine, d'Europe Ecologie les Verts France
- Solidarité France
- Concertation Nationale Des Organisations paysannes et des Producteurs (CNOP) Gabon
- Worldview Gambia
- Agricultural Workers Union of TUC Ghana
- Inter Agency Group of Development Organizations (IAGDO) Grenada
- Confederación De Unidad Sindical De Guatemala (CUSG) GUATEMALA
- Federation de Femmes Enterpreneurs et Affairs de la CEDEAO (FEFA) Guinea
- Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa (INEI) Guinea-Bissau
- Women Across Differences (WAD) Guyana
- Plateforme haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif (PAPDA) Haïti
- Programme de Plaidoyer Pour une Intégration Alternative (PPIA) Haïti
- Federacion de Sindicatos de Trabajadores de la Agroindustria (FESTAGRO) Honduras
- Fundación Cosecha Sostenible de Honduras (FUCOHSO) Honduras
- All India Drug Action Network India
- Alliance for Democratization of Agricultural Research in South Asia [ADARSA] India
- Alliance for Food Sovereignty in South Asia [AFSSA] India
- Amitava Guha, Confederation of Indian Trade Unions India
- Annakili, Unorganised Workers Union, Vellore India
- Aruna Rodriguez, Sunray Harvesters India
- Asha Kisan Swaraj India
- Bhagirath Lal Das, Former Ambassador to the WTO India
- Bharatiya Krishak Samaj India
- Centre for Organisation Research & Education India
- Chandra, Women's Education and Economic Development Trust India
- Commission on Justice, Peace and Creation, National Council of Churches in India India
- Community Media Trust India
- Confederation of Indian Traders (CAIT) India
- Centre of Science and Technology for Rural Development (COSTFORD) India
- Deccan Development Society India
- Delhi Network of Positive People India
- Dr. K. Prabhakar, Professor, SRM University, SRM Nagar, Chennai, India
- Dr. Ms Mahtab S. Bamji, INSA Honorary Scientist, Dangoria Charitable Trust, Hyderabad India
- Focus on the Global South-India India
- Forum for Biotechnology & Food Security India
- Green Souls India
- Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) India
- India FDI Watch India
- India Resource Center India
- Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF) India
- Initiative for Health & Equity in Society India 122 Inter Cultural Resources India
- IT for Change India
- Jan Swasthya Abhiyan India
- Jayati Ghosh, Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University India
- Kavita Srivastava, on behalf of the Steering Committee of the Right to Food Campaign India
- K. Pandu Dora, Convenor, Adivasi Aikya Vedika India
- LOCOST India
- Madhusudhan, Yakshi India
- Madhyam India
- Madras Christian Council of Social Service India
- Malini Chakravarty, Senior Economist, Economic Research Foundation India
- Millet Network of India [MINI] India
- Mira Shiva, Health and Women’s Rights Activist India
- National Hawker Federation India
- New Trade Union Initiative (NTUI) India
- Omkar Bhaskar, India India
- Oxfam India India
- Ponnuthai, Kalanjium Women farmers Association India
- Prof. J. George [Phd. Economics, Delhi School of Economics] India
- Regional Centre for Development Cooperation (RCDC) India
- Reji K. Joseph, Assistant Professor, Central University of Gujarat India
- Research Foundation for Science Technology & Ecology India
- Rythu Swarajya Vedika India
- Sheelu, Women's Collective India
- Smitha Francis, Economist India
- Southern Action on Genetic Engineering [SAGE) India
- Sundari, Tamilnadu Resource Team India
- Udhayam Capuchin Franciscan Peace Centre India
- Uma Shankari , Rashtriya Raithu Seva Samithi, India
- Utsa Patnaik, Professor Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru University India
- Vikas Rawal, Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University India
- Diverse Women for Diversity, India
- Sagari Ramdas, Anthra-Hyderabad India
- Cinta Alam Pertanian - Adonara East Flores Indonesia
- Farmer's Initiative for Ecological Livelihoods and Democracy (FIELD Indonesia) Indonesia
- Institut Perempuan (Women'Institute) Indonesia
- KePPAK Perempuan (Kelompok Peduli Penghapusan Tindak Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan dan Anak) Indonesia
- Komite Pemantau Legislatif (KOPEL) Indonesia
- Sarekat Hijau Indonesia
- VIVAT Indonesia Indonesia
- Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia
- Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL) Italy
- Fairwatch Italy
- Sergio Cesaratto, Full professor of Economics, University of Siena Italy
- Alliance Pour la Reconstruction et le Developpement Post-Conflit (ARDPC) Ivory Coast
- Campaign for Social and Economic Justice (CSEJ) Jamaica 168 Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC) Japan
- Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) Kenya
- Wote Youth Development Project Kenya
- National Council of NGOs Kenya
- Kiribati Association of Non-Governmental Organisation (KANGO) Kiribati
- Policy Analysis and Research Institute of Lesotho (PARIL) Lesotho
- Lesotho Council of NGOs (LCN) Lesotho
- West African Women Association (WAWA) Liberia
- Plate-Forme Nationale des Organisations de la Societe Civile de Madagascar Madagascar
- Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN) Malawi
- Malawi Economic Justice Network Malawi
- Consumer Association of Penang Malaysia
- Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth) Malaysia
- Foundation pour le Developpment au Sahel (FDS) Mali
- Marshall Islands Council of NGOs (MICNGOS) Marshall Islands
- Association for Developement and Promotion of Human Rights (ADPDH) Mauritania
- Federation of Democratic Labour Unions Mauritius
- Mauritius Trade Union Congress Mauritius
- Migration and Sustainable Development Alliance Mauritius
- Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS) Mauritius
- Alicia puyana Mutis, FLACSO-MÉXICO Mexico
- Ignacio Perrotini, Professor, UNAM Mexico
- Mujeres Para El Sialogo A.C. (MpD) Mexico
- Red Nacional Género Y Economía (REDGE) Mexico
- SIEMBRA A.C., Mexico Mexico
- FSM Alliance of NGOs (FANGO) Micronesia
- National Forum for Mozambiquan NGOs and CBOs (TEIA) Mozambique
- Episcopal Commission for Education, Catholic Bishop Conference of Myanmar Myanmar
- Myanmar Partnership for Development for Human Resources in Rural Areas (MyanDHRRA) Myanmar
- Namibia Non-Governmental Organisations Forum Trust Namibia
- Nauru Island Association of NGOs (NIANGO) Nauru
- Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) Nepal
- Both ENDS Netherlands
- Jacques van Nederpelt, Wijk bij Duurstede Netherlands
- Working Group Food justice Netherlands
- Devinder Sharma, Chair, Forum for Biotechnology & Food Security New Delhi
- Action, Research and Education Network of Aotearoa (ARENA-NZ) New Zealand
- Edward Miller, chairperson of the Aotearoa Human Rights Lawyers Association New Zealand
- Reseau des Organisations de Developpement et Associations de la Defense des Droits de L'homme Et de La Democratie (Rodaddhd) Niger
- National du Réseau des Ong de Développement et Associations de Défense des Droits de l'Homme et de la Démocratie (RODADDHD) Niger
- African Heritage Institution (AfriHeritage), Enugu Nigeria
- African Heritage Institution Nigeria
- Alliance pour la Reconstruction et le Developpement Post-Conflit (ARDPC) Nigeria
- Chiwuike Newington Uba Nigeria
- Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) Nigeria
- Labour, Health and human Rights Development Centre Nigeria
- The Knowledge and Policy Management Initiative Ltd Nigeria
- National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS) Nigeria
- Niue Island (Umbrella) Association of NGOs (NIUANGO) Niue
- Social Alternatives for Community Empowerment Pakistsan
- Melanesian NGO Centre for Leadership (MNCL) Papua New Guinea
- BASE Investigaciones Sociales Paraguay
- Federación Nacional De Trabajadores Del Agua Potable Y Alcantarillado Del Perú (FENTAP) Peru
- Red Peruana de Comercio Justo y Consumo Ético Peru
- Campaign for a Life of Dignity for All (KAMP) Philippines
- Knights for Peace, Int’l Philippines 224 Marie Sol Villalon-National In Mission for Victims of Human Trafficking, Overseas Filipino Workers and their Families, The United Methodist Church in the Philippines
- The Centre for Development Programs in the Cordilera (CDPC) Philippines
- WomanHealth Philippines
- Rwanda Civil Society Platform Rwanda
- Samoa Umbrella for Non Governmental Organisation (SUNGO) Samoa
- Forum das Ong de São Tomé e Principe (FONG-STP) Sao Tomé and Principe
- Caritas Sénégal Senegal
- Plate-forme des acteurs non étatiques pour le suivi de l'Accord de Cotonou au Sénégal Senegal
- Liaison Unit of the non-governmental organisations of Seychelles -(LUNGOS) Seychelles
- Civil Society Movement of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
- Development Service Exchange (DSE) Solomon Islands
- Somali Organisation for Community Development Activities (SOCDA) Somalia
- African Centre for Biosafety South Africa
- South Durban Community Environmental Alliance South Africa
- Southern and East African Trade Institute (SEATINI) South Africa
- Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute in Johannesburg South Africa
- South African NGO Council (SANGOCO) South Africa
- Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice South Korea
- Community Empowerment for Progress Organization-CEPO, South Sudan-Juba South Sudan
- South Sudan Human Rigfhts Defender Network South Sudan
- Iyanola (St.Lucia) Council for the Advancement of Rastafari Incorperated (ICAR) St. LuciavWindward Islands Farmers’ Association (WINFA) St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Stichting Projekta Suriname
- Council for NGOs (CANGO) Swaziland
- Church of Sweden Sweden
- Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Switzerland
- Alliance Sud Switzerland
- Chad Acting For The Environment (TCHAPE) Switzerland 252 International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) Switzerland
- International-Lawyers.Org Switzerland
- Berne Declaration Switzerland
- Tanzania Association of NGOs Tanzania
- Tourism Investigation & Monitoring Team Thailand
- The Asia Foundation Timor-Leste
- Groupe d'Action et de Reflexion sur l'Environnement et le Développement (GARED) Togo
- Civil Society Forum of Tonga (CSFT) Tonga
- Grassroots Organisations of Trinidad & Tobago (GOTT) Trinidad & Tobago
- Korkut Boratav, Professor (retired), Ankara University Turkey
- Mustafa Ozer, Professor, Anadolu University Turkey
- Tuvalu Association of NGOs (TANGO) Tuvalu
- Consumer Education Trust Uganda
- Farms Not Factories UK
- Harry Shutt, economist, UK
- The Landworkers Alliance UK
- William Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for UK/USA
- Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate USA
- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL–CIO) USA
- Arthur MacEwan, Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Massachusetts Boston USA
- Center for Women's Global Leadership USA
- Community Alliance for Global Justice USA
- Global Exchange USA
- Haider A. Khan, Global Deep Democracy Network and Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, USA
- International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation USA
- New Rules for Global Finance USA
- Peace and Justice Resource Center USA
- Public Citizen, USA USA
- The Oakland Institute, CA USA
- Vanuatu Association of NGOs (VANGO) Vanuatu
- Center for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) Vietnam
- Aljawf Women Organization For Development Yemen
- Zambia Council for Social Development Zambia
- National Association of NGOs (NANGO) Zimbabwe
______________________________ Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes is a Bangladeshi journalist, human rights activist. As an investigative journalist has written widely for leading European and Asian media outlets. William Gomes concentrates on humanity; his advocacy of human beings in dangerous, preventable circumstances does in fact lead to some of our most vital reports, because they give a voice to the voiceless.
William Gomes said, "I am against any form of intolerance alongside xenophobia and antisemitism. I am and will always stand strong in combating all forms of racial discrimination and intolerance any where." Read his letters and reports to see what the new generation of world journalists are doing to preserve human rights worldwide.
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