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Priest Asks Pakistan Government to Return Saint Francis High School

...we protest and demand that the Punjab Government return Saint Francis High School, Anarkali, Lahore, to the Church.

(LAHORE) - Saint Francis High School, Anarkali, Lahore Saint Francis High School, Anarkali, Lahore was established in 1842. It served the people of the subcontinent and after the foundation of Pakistan in 1947.

This School served our beloved nation and many students received good standard education and discipline of life and are serving the nation. It was a renowned School. The Christians were running the school with commitment and zeal to up lift the nation.

Read Full Article (Jan-07-2014 17:48)

Help Prod the ICC Into Action Over Israel`s Illegal `Settlements`

It is imperative that these crimes and abominations are not only halted but reversed.

(LONDON) - Israeli settlements The Palestinian leadership won't do it – will you?

Unbelievably, President Mahmoud Abbas and his hapless crew in Ramallah promised the US not to file charges against Israel in the International Criminal Court. Meanwhile the Israeli regime is accelerating its squatter programme on Palestinian territory even in the middle of so­ called peace talks, increasing its air strikes and generally upping its aggression.

Read Full Article (Jan-07-2014 14:49)

Arrest of Rwanda`s Director General of National Security Service

Investigations continue and news will be updated as information is obtained.

(WASHINGTON, DC) -  Emmanuel Karenzi Karake The Director General of the National Security Service in Rwanda, Emmanuel Karenzi Karake has been placed under arrest in an undisclosed facility in Rwanda.

Sources held in Rwanda state he was arrested due to frequent and high volume of unexplained phone traffic between him the slain Patrick Karegeya.

Read Full Article (Jan-07-2014 12:31)

UN Has Failed to Bring Israel to Justice for 65 Years

It is today a bit of a stretch to point to what should be done with the reality that the seizure of virtually all of the Palestinian land has made so impossible.

(TEHRAN FNA) - writers, Professor Bill Cook and Kourosh Ziabari We are used to hearing every day that a Palestinian citizen is killed by the Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip, or that Israel has begun constructing new settlements on the lands it has stolen from the Palestinians.

Although the illegal actions of Israel against the people of Palestine and its continued occupation of the Palestinian lands predates some 60 years back, the future of Israeli-Palestinian conflict needs precise and in-depth investigation and study.

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2014 12:30)

EXCLUSIVE: India 2014: Emerging Political Scenario

For the time being India’s enemies have partially succeeded. But a rapid reorganization and consolidation of all the evil forces are gathering. It is up to the leadership of Modi and Modi alone that can take on these forces.

(CHENNAI) - Flag of India The year began with an undignified and completely unnecessary attacks on Narendra Modi by lame duck octogenarian Manmohan Singh with a vile statement that the future Prime Minister will cause problems for India.

As usual, he avoided expanding his one liner. UPA-II under stewardship of Manmohan has exposed his hollow economic knowledge and zero political sense.

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2014 12:17)

Patrick Karegeya`s Last Letter

Rwanda's political system marginalizes the majority of the population from political participation.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Kayumba Nyamwasa I am writing to inform you that the current situation in Rwanda is one of those that ought to be of the greatest and urgent concern to those in the international community who have genuine concern about international peace and security in general and in the Great Lakes region of Central Africa in particular.

The majority of the people of Rwanda, we believe, share a common perception that policies of the international community have not reflected principled support for the development of democratic and inclusive institutions...

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2014 09:21)

PRESS TV: US, UK Guilty of Complicity in Sri Lanka Genocide

This is one of the biggest recent stories that U.S. media let lay by the wayside.... top western nations helped aid Sri Lanka's Genocide of minority Tamil people.

(SALEM) - Sri Lankan Tamils The United States and United Kingdom have both been found guilty of complicity in Sri Lanka's Genocide of minority Tamil people.

Joining the ranks of countries that have been convicted of such crimes, the U.S. and Great Britain politicians in office during the final years of Sri Lanka's decades-old civil war can add their countries names to Cambodia, Rwanda, Germany and Bosnia.

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2014 09:09)

Erekat Wakes up to the Peace Swindle - Abbas Still in Cloud Cuckoo Land

None of this is new or surprising; it's standard stuff and should be unobjectionable, supported as it is by UN resolutions (unimplemented) and international law (unenforced).

(LONDON) - Saeb Erekat The Times of Israel reports that Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat, who recently resigned (again) but mysteriously remains in post, said in an interview that the Palestinians will not agree to extending latest talks with Israel one minute beyond the allotted nine months, ending in April.

Proper talks, which started last July, have not been held for two month owing to stalemate and unofficial meetings had been fruitless.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2014 20:44)

No Brain Transplant for Ariel Sharon, Rest in Agony

As it was the truth in '06, it's just as true today. The crook Ariel Sharon was assassinated by a gang run by today's Israeli President, Shimon Peres.

(ST AUGUSTINE) - Ariel Sharon and George Bush As Ariel Sharon loses his battle for a brain transplant, writers of my acquaintance like Rachel Neuwirth, Susan Rosenbluth, Prof. Paul Eidelberg et al, are distributing a research piece more than hinting that Sharon was executed by fellow gangster, Pres. Shimon Peres.

Ms. Neuwirth said, “The apparent reality is that Israel’s government is a cesspool of corruption and treason. Its prime minister appears willing to place his people in mortal peril by destroying their national security, unity, and morale...”

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2014 20:18)

Has the Idea of a Jewish State Become Obsolete?

As we express our hope that Arab countries (and even the U.S. itself) evolve toward a more inclusive and tolerant politics, it is worth asking if the maintenance of Israel as a Jewish state become counter-productive to its own long-term security?

(PORTLAND, OR) - Israel Palestine map While John Kerry admirably shuttles around like the Energizer Bunny in search of Middle East peace, is there anything new to say about the intractable tension between Israelis on the one hand and predominantly Muslim peoples, especially the Palestinians, on the other?

One layer of the unspoken is Israel’s implicit status as a nuclear power.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley